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Well thank you Nasser, I guess I missed a few (tens of millions, lol), of trading in RED over that time period! And I agree that the market for RED should continue to be reasonably buoyant knowing what is ahead, so that they can get out without too much of a hassle.

Fwpike I think we (or someone else and myself) had a similar conversation in posts maybe about 18 months ago, and again we take a slightly different stand on this. The reason I am concerned is that there is a lot of overlap of tasks because the MD isn't fully focused on corporate matters due to him being located in Manila or on site. Thus the co-ordination of various corporate matters then falls to others who manage to scalp a pretty good salary/consulting fee out of it as a result. I don't disagree that the gold is produced onsite, but you do pay good salaries to professionals to do that job. Actually whilst GE is a very good project focused person and has a fantastic relationship with the local stakeholders, he might not be the right person tending to some of the corporate tasks that normally are the responsibility of the MD. Just my view.

Ohh this ASX glitch is a real pain!
Despite the 4 hour delay to trading, I'm really impressed with how RED is holding up despite some lumpy 250,000 sell orders hitting the market at 18.5 cents.

Now, if those sell orders start to dry up, just imagine . . .
Up she goes

Huge relief today, EU leaders pulled through! (or appear to be) Could've been catastrophic!
Chasero it may have been catastrophic for the general market. I believe RED is a situation stock that has the benefits of an expectation of first gold around the corner, and its mining the world currency (just imagine being able to print money, that's what RED will be doing via its CIL plant, sort of the gold version of a money tree)!

AND since gold is also trending up again RED is even more attractive.

Perhaps the price is doing well as there is an announcement due in the next couple of days (at the latest).

Hi all RED club members. Hi Beatle. So what announcement do you think might be over the horizon?? Hopefully something to do with wet commissioning. Oh, how close are we.. I must thank you to mate. Your like the god Father to us RED investors and your wealth of knowledge is invaluable to us. Without you, im sure many of us wouldn't even bother posting. Thank you.

So you had a laugh earlier, i was waiting for someone to respond. Your memory isn't that bad, lol.

Anyhow back to RED. Not a bad days trading considering we only had two hours to do it in. Good volume and a good finish. Lets hope this is the start of some great times ahead.

Cheers Moit.
Hi Moit, agreed a great trading day for RED under the circumstances, and probably from a general market point of view sounds like good news coming out of Europe. They even work till late at night, lol!

About announcements, well you may recall I did predict a couple of announcements out this week. None has materialised, thus I presume there will be only 1 unless they want to be swamped putting out the quarterly on Monday. And since the announcements I anticipated are market sensitive and certainly worth being put out on their own separate days I presume the information and news about those 2 announcements is still not finished.

Those outstanding announcements, which clearly won't be put out this week are:
1. Wet commissioning commencing at Siana. I assume they are still testing out individual circuits such as power station (naturally), crusher, SAG mill (needs the experts back onsite). Once these look good then they will ramp up to a wet commissioning with the sludge at the base of the pit plus low grade ore, according to past reports. This might still be a week away or thereabouts.
2. The reserve upgrade and revised mining/processing schedule. This will give us an indication of gold production in the coming months, etc, but noting they have mentioned a slot has been devised to be first ROM grade ore through the plant after the low grade commissioning. That means they will probably be in a 2 phase mining operation, taking out the slot of ore to carry the project along, and a cutback soon thereafter to take back pit limits to reserve outlines, depending if they go for an entire 0.9 g/t cutoff grade in the cutback or if they have a preliminary cutback to accomodate mining capacity.

Whatever, RED is about ready to rock and roll!!!

Anyone who wants to dump their stock, particularly from a trading point of view with an aim to get a lower price, does so with a risk of losing out at this penultimate stage! IMO of course!!!
The ASX jumps 100 points and we jump a half cent. The ASX tanks 50 points and we go down like 2-3 cents.

The main investors in thie company are giving me nightmares....
Hi Beatle, sorry i completely forgot about the quarterly. I hope they don't put out all these Ann's in one big bag. Thats something we don't want. We want to be able to benefit of each one.

And Shirtless, lol, we went up 1c buddy.

Cheers Moit.
Hi Beatle, sorry i completely forgot about the quarterly. I hope they don't put out all these Ann's in one big bag. Thats something we don't want. We want to be able to benefit of each one.

And Shirtless, lol, we went up 1c buddy.

Cheers Moit.

Yeah I know I'm exagurating.... Lol
I'm out and moving the cash eslewhere...small profit taken. Good luck with the consilidation of the shares everyone and hope you prosper out of it
Hi All

Thanks to everyone for sharing their opinions/views on Red in particular Beetle. While I don't necessarily share or agree with all comments/opinions it does make interesting debate and good reading.

In regard to Matthews selling, the Oct 4 announcement stated that Matthews current holding (at Oct 4) was 6.6 % or 84,722,499 shares. This would suggest an offloading of 19,559,380 shares since Aug 31 (Notice). Since the volumes have been quite low of late I would think Matthews still have a good 65-75m shares on hand. I anticipate an updated holding % on the quarterly due any time now.

And as mentioned above, even though there is heavy selling pressure the price has held at .18, well for now, hopefully the few anticipated announcements give it a bit of a boost in the next week or so. Well the European markets are up 4% and gold broke through resistance at $1,700. (This time last week Gold was testing resistance at $1,600)

Good luck to all holders and and may we see a new high soon.

But why would anyone be that stupid

Today was a hell of a crazy day, I waited and waited but the market didn't open, then went to have lunch only to have several conditional orders execute in my absence :

Then for the rest of the day, Bell Direct was not propertly showing all the order positions for stocks, so I was rather blind in my orders, but nevertheless no losses nor missed opportunities today - I consider myself quite lucky.

Damn ASX.

Today's rally was a foregone conclusion. We'll see what the market really thinks of Europe's plan tomorrow.

Quarterly report is tomorrow as well.

Gold has tested support at $1700 twice in the last 24 hours, but refused to go down. If there's a time to be optimistic, now might be it.
Hi All, great to see new posters appearing on the read thread, welcome Karky003 and thanks for the comments and observations. And yes lets hope that RED continues to inform us of substantial shareholdings, its a good point you make re the latest holdings on the bottom of each announcement. Let's hope they keep up the practice!

And wow, how have things changed from a broader perspective in the past day or so! All of a sudden we have Europe feeling all lovey dovey, with a seemingly positive outcome planned that could also assist in gold being re-rated in the process as a safer less risky haven. And the US all of a sudden displaying signs of increased economic growth prospects of its own, and a seemingly more likely need to print more money in the medium term.

All these factors point to positive factors in general sharetrading, and moves back into gold, and surely back into gold equities. The only reason I am pointing this out, as I tend to spend more commentary on RED's own situation, is that MAYBE Matthews selling might abate with this change in risk factors changing their investment/divestment strategy. But of course, as Fwpike quite rightly points out though, everyone has their own reason to sell a share, whilst there is a common reason to buy a share! So maybe the divestment strategy will remain intact for Matthews, if it doesn't then if that selling dries up who knows what it could do to RED share price.

At the open RED of course is likely to be bought up in line with the euphoria of the markets and the gold price, but the test to see if Matthews has all of a sudden stopped the selling may well be to see how RED fares towards the end of trading today. If it retraces from its high of today, then maybe Matthews is still selling and maintaining his sell down strategy, if RED stays closer to its highs hopefully its a sign of a change of that strategy.

We still await some news, probably today for the quarterly, and the one thing I am convinced about, is that we are now getting very close to some real progress towards commissioning and that first bar of gold, the first of many bars of gold!

With regard to the gold price, unfortunately the Aussie has also increased appreciably in the past few days, so in real terms for RED the latest gold price move is somewhat reduced, but strangely a lot of gold equity traders and investors don't seem to notice that point when they buy shares!

Ok RED, now its up to you ...
Hi all RED club members.

Beatle a good point you make, RE, if we finish close to todays high, maybe Mathews will change their strategy. Maybe yesterdays close is a good sign of a break-out from that 18 to 18.5 cent level. If however we do finish on a higher note than yesterdays close, maybe that will in-turn give us a good run up for the start of November.

As for the quarterly. I'm under the impression that it wont be out until Monday the 31st. If it does come out today, they certainly haven't giving us shareholders/traders much time to digest the announcement before open.

Either way great news coming out of Europe and a good lead from the U.S. Gold up despite Aussie dollar. Should make for an interesting day.

Good luck to all holders. Cheers Moit.
Hi Moit, actually I'm a bit surprised (and disappointed) with the RED open, seems like no one wants to test whether Matthews is going to change the strategy. Although its up 0.5 cents, I think we can thank the BOTS for that rise rather than someone with a human brain!

I would be surprised if RED left the announcement to Monday as it then competes with a whole raft of quarterlies, and historically RED has reported before that date. Maybe because the Chairman and MD have been overseas until early this week they have been late in preparing the Quarterly.
Yeah your not the only one disappointed Beatle. These are the type of shenanigans i was referring to a couple of days back. By the look of it the bots are working a couple of trades every 5 mins or so. I realize people can sell what they want, when they want. Its just these guys have impeccable timing. What a waste of a potentially great day. Its certainly going to be a long one.
A lot of trading is actually done by computers nowadays.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's just some supercomputer from a random investment bank doing these trades.

Moit, I think at exactly 11.13.36am EST we got our answer whether Matthews has changed his strategy!

Doesn't matter, he is a million shares less threatening now, lol (I assume its Matthews, of course it might not be!).
Yeah Beatle it certainly was a major dumping. I was going to ad it up. But was rather annoyed. He has definitely got us by the kahunas at the moment.

Beatle you don't want to lash out on a couple of million shares to help us out, and get us back there, lol.

Well lets wait to see how far and how desperate he is to take this down! When he was dumping down to 16 cents last time, and I wasn't sure that he was the one responsible at that time but it was clear someone was dumping then, I got quite a few at 16.5 cents. Who knows what his situation is, it probably caused by events completely out of RED's control.

But what I really can't work out, is why he doesn't just simply talk to RED about finding a home for his position! Absolutely crazy IMO
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