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I don't agree that $2.12 is a crap price for this capital raising for precisely the reasons i referred to before, and whilst its a shame its being done at least it provides more working capital for RED going forward with production and exploration.

Whilst that estimate of opening next Monday will of course depend who is prepared to Bid at the front on open, not related to any dodgy Bids that are there now. BUT I think it does signify that someone has got the financial wherewithall to place that Bid! You couldn't do that, even as a pose if you didn't have the cash up front! That's another reason for it great to be a placement by insto's who can put support the after placement market!

IMO whilst the opening price is uncertain, the likelihood is that the price will move UP soon after, of course how far is subject to there being no huge fall off in the gold price.
Why did a trade go through today?

Price ($)
Value ($)
4:56:36 PM 2.269 10,337 23,453.619 SX XT
BUT I think it does signify that someone has got the financial wherewithall to place that Bid! You couldn't do that, even as a pose if you didn't have the cash up front! .
I don't understand this Beatle. Who would know whether or not I have the cash to buy an order that will be cancelled before it is executed? I quite often have to move money into my account to cover a trade.
Are you telling me that your financial standing with your broker, regardless of it being a retail broker or internet broker, is so strong that they would allow you to put on a single Bid worth around $9 million?
Interesting stat: 92% of IG Markets clients with a CFD position on RED believe it will rise.
100% of the people taking a long position on anything in 2008 thought it will rise.

No, 'open positions'. 92% of those with open positions have LONG positions (feel a bit foolish now?) Obviously this would have been prior to halt but thought it was interesting anyway.
IF the Bid of 3.8 million shares at $2.38 remains till even the last few minutes prior to opening after the Trading Halt I'm sure it will give traders something to think about. I would say it does send an alarm bell for anyone who has got used to the range trading in RED, ie Buy at anything below $2.30-2.35 and sell once in that range, then do it ad infinitum! I would say that we might be testing new highs if that Bid remains till just before the TH is lifted, but my belief remains that until we get some confirmatory information about production to date that the range trading will continue - I'm happy to be wrong though......
Traders only look at bids after the price has opened.

NST opened at ~98c and closed around 98c, look at it's price now 86 cents.

Capital raisings send a very foul and bitter message to the markets as people get trapped long or shares float around the C/R price for a few months (depending on the stock)

A lot of traders will be exiting trades on Monday. Testing new highs? Interesting, but I don't see it. I don't think RED is on the same level as MAD unfortunately...

Realistically, as long as it does not break $2 then RED is good to go. If it breaks $2, look out below

A lot of traders will be exiting trades on Monday. Testing new highs? Interesting, but I don't see it. I don't think RED is on the same level as MAD unfortunately...

An interesting view Chasero, and of course it does depend upon what that opening price is (and is it going to be temporarily suspended first or open on monday morning!).

In fact I'm hoping that it opens on Monday, at a reduction to last price traded cos I do believe we are on the cusp of an entirely new trading price move altogether, so I think its going to be the last chance to get some discount shares!. And yes, I have cried wolf a few (hundred, lol) times so far, but realistically we are not far off with full scale production being underway due 1 April (I really wish they had said 2 April, lol).

Oh, you can quote me later if I'm wrong, but then I've got a thick hide.
can you dumb down what exactly this means?

cos i thought that 1.75 was just a conditional order that is visible now that the market has closed.

Thought Id have some fun with beatle.
Its gone now!!
Strange really.
No, 'open positions'. 92% of those with open positions have LONG positions (feel a bit foolish now?) Obviously this would have been prior to halt but thought it was interesting anyway.

Not as foolish as the 92% of IG Markets clients who had a long position just before a capital raising.
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