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beatle it can't be sticky ore or any other short term problem - there is cash there and they haven't touched DEBT - short term funding must surely be available for anything of that nature - besides they have said so, so many times.

my bet is taht it relates to the mysterious share consolidation and attraction to instos who may want it to expand/acquire/diversify - they have plans that aren't yet apparent
Mgm1a, I believe your reasoning is very sound, and if that is the reason then we are talking a very positive outcome indeed!
An attempt to stop hemorrhaging.
Ever get the feeling your being manipulated?
Brain washed?
Led to believe?
Walked down the garden path.

And some of you have $1000s invested.---OOOOOh

But hey
All clouds have a silver---err---Gold Lining.

All you need do is BELIEVE.
Well there is not much to say for RED except that this is what has happened

to a lot of people.

POG not looking stimulated and RED surprising to the down side. And not much info yet about what is happening with the funds...perhaps they are looking at getting a computer hooked up to the internet so they can release information to shareholders ?

Would expect 2.00 - 2.10 level for raising (unless it is insto only for some reason, could be a positive surprise but no great indication yet) and the price to show 1.80 ish after open unless gold turns strong or other event.

Not much fun.
How could they possibly consider further diluting of the shareholding when they have a very positive cash flow and money in the bank. Yes Beatle I did say that pay rises should be tied to dividends and yes here I am saying it again. And I did also vote against allowing management to make further issues without our consent !
Well that's quite good! Guess I was too much hoping for a lower entry for myself :

Of course it still could go to $2 as a result, let's wait and see.
Well that's quite good! Guess I was too much hoping for a lower entry for myself :

Of course it still could go to $2 as a result, let's wait and see.

Nah wait
First support at around $2

If that fails the next at Around $1.45

If that fails then $1.20 ish.

Maybe I should look into CFD shorts!
Nah wait
First support at around $2

If that fails the next at Around $1.45

If that fails then $1.20 ish.

Maybe I should look into CFD shorts!

If the sky should fall..If If.... Your such a pessimist Tech lol
Hi Beatle, Its from elsewhere. Standby facility with Sprott has a number of caveats attached. Direct equity route is considered best way to circumvent any strains on balance sheet and cash flow. Optimisation of the plant requires completion of outstanding automatic controls over next two months so gold production can be maximised and costs minimised. Cash is starting to run down so capital raising to ensure no problems.
Other news is that RED is in final negotiations of 5 year tax holiday with Philippine government. AB
Thanks AB, I guess its not so bad if they bed it down at $2.12, although it may well have been handled better! (I spoke to them a couple of months ago and asked the very question about their cash position noting the earthworks continuing at the same rate despite the commissioning slowed down and they didn't seem too fussed at that time!). Subsequent to my question of you I understand its likely to be over-subscribed, so I hope it won't be added to, esp as its being done now as much as a prudent measure and not an absolute necessity (ie conservatism on a "prudent CR" would really suck IMO).

Yes that 5 year tax holiday is what most analysts have not considered, most had assumed 4 years due to that conservative approach by management at the time of completing the BFS. Its a bonus for valuation although of course in the fifth year you are well discounting the cash flows on an NPV basis. It adds a bit to the model valuation price for RED.
Hey Boggo, can I ask a favour of you please?

Can you wake your brother up and ask him if he wants a bet about RED moving down to $1.20 after this TH is removed. In fact I'm happy to take a bet with him that it won't even move below 10% from that placement price within 5 days of the TH being announced (eg if the placement price is say $2.12 then that it won't hit below $1.91 within 5 trading days after the TH).

I know I am being very generous, esp since the gold price has karked it for the past 2 days, and Tech/a has suggested $1.20 again, but you know i'm a caring sort of a guy.
Well, things can go extremely pear shaped (see NST capital raising) or go extremely well (MAD).

I'm leaning towards a NST type capital raising.. going to really screw up the prices with sp price diluted around $2.10 imo.

Would be surprised to see RED hold steady as it is already at it's all time highs..

Could very well be wrong, but RED might see sub $2 in a few weeks.
Hi Beatle I hope you haven't put me on your ignor list lol. Do you know who in Australia RED have a J/V with?
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