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Beatle you are “too emotionally attached to your RED shares”.

I agree that I continually “harp on” about how under-valued I consider RED share price is. I have decided to undertake a very objective analysis of RED share price, which considers the current state of play with the commissioning at Siana. We know that first gold was poured on Feb 3 2012. We can assume that:
1. Commissioning continues with gradual ramp up in production over the coming weeks/months towards the end of financial year, and possibly way beyond that into the next financial year;
2. Siana is probably being affected somewhat by the tail end of the wet season at present, with it possibly lasting another month or so (ie end of March).
I have assumed that those factors combined will impact negatively on production, grade of ROM ore into the plant, and gold recovery rate in the coming months. This will therefore result on a discount to ideal model gold production and Siana profitability compared to the feasibility study model.

The following summary assumes:
1. Gradual increase in plant productivity (or plant utilisation), gradual pickup in gold and silver grades in ROM ore and metal recovery factors, towards but NOT attaining feasibility study ideals in the following 18 month analysis;
2. Current gold price and exchange rate;
3. No outside influences eg further Eurozone destabilisation, USA quantitative easing stance etc.

OF COURSE I can be WRONG with any of my assumptions and expectations for ramp up, but I have used a lot of discount factors in the analysis to cover for unseen circumstances.

Summary of Analysis

Gold (Au)/silver (Ag) production (Ounces)

Feb 1,850 Au, 6,010 Ag

Feb-June 2012 15,540 Au, 53,950 Ag

2012/2013 FY 54,260 Au, 136,000 Ag

Net Profit – I assume an overall operating cost of US$550/oz for initial production:

Feb-June 2012 Net profit of A$18.2 million

2012/2013 Net profit of A$62.1 million

Annualised PE

Feb-June 2012 14.8

2012/2013 4.3

If we ASSUME the long term PE is 8, then that FORCES RED share price towards a price of:

Feb-June 2012 production $2.73

2012/2013 production $3.88

IF RED achieves better than those heavily discounted production figures THEN that should FORCE the RED share price higher than $3.88!!!

IF you IGNORE that analysis then you are not considering the fact that RED remains highly under-valued compared to its peer gold producing group. And yes of course there WILL be uncertainties associated with both that analysis and the influences of outside factors, those contribute to why ALL shares suffer pullbacks and short term corrections. But what I believe is most important, for even those trading RED is that over the longer term the share price is more likely to go UP than down! From a chartist/traders perspective, and if you are going “long” on a stock trade its better to bias your chances of the share price to go up than to go down. Based on this fundamental reasoning RED should continue to trend up, thus it is one of the better reasons to trade RED than a stock that has nothing going for it to outperform the market.

BUT in my mind RED is now a good investment gold stock, at least until it moves much closer to its underlying fundamental value, rather than a short term trade where you can lose much value that is yet to be derived with its share price if you interpret the ups and downs wrong!

Be aware that RED is primarily an insto stock, more than 60% of the shares are held in insto’s. And with the consolidation It has been prepared now for the larger investor market:
1. It is NOT a penny dreadful in the eyes of the larger North American investment funds, and it has an undervalued but still significant market cap approaching $300 million;
2. RED is likely to be included in the top 100 ASX listed stocks based on liquidity, profitability and growth in market cap in the next 6 months or so, that in itself will force more general funds groups to invest in RED;
3. Marketing has been very limited in the recent months due to getting the plant up and running, once marketing begins in earnest then RED should be more widely considered than presently;
4. The larger investment community looks at profitability and growth, as determined by EPS and PE values, and valuations, rather than other considerations such as pure technical analysis;
5. RED policy is to provide dividends (that funds group seek) – even if you don’t personally seek a dividend its policy should be positive for capital appreciation due to dividends to bigger funds groups.

In conclusion, IF RED were to announce that its gold production for Feb were around the estimated 1,850 ozs, then its likely production path should follow a route somewhat to what I ‘m forecasting, and you can assume a short term share price movement towards $2.73 and beyond that towards $3.88. IF RED were to exceed that Feb target of 1,850 ozs gold THEN those short and medium term price targets are probably very conservative! Of course there are likely to be bumps along the way, but share prices REALLY trade up in a straight line.

“too emotionally attached to your RED shares”? Nah, I don’t think so!
I agree with every word Beatle. Of course we are all waiting to see if that high production rate is sustainable in which case your figures are very conservative.
Provided we can extract dividends the sp is immaterial to me. I look forward to living off Red for the next 15 years. I believe that Mpawa (sp?) has the potential to be bigger than Siana. The danger is that management pursues exploration (and thus their employment security) at the cost of low dividends. That is why I wanted any management pay rises to be related to dividends.
a big cross trade of around 550k shares just went through for RED. cant figure out if that is a good thing or a bad thing?
Thanks Fwpike, seems we are both seeking to live off RED for the next years as it steadily increases production and share price (I'd prefer a few more than 15 years!). I agree with you that future salaries should be linked to performance outcomes that have rewarded us long standing shareholders along the way (but not sure any management team do that regardless of what they say).

Actually I meant to say that "stocks RARELY trade up in a straight line" (not REALLY) and I forgot to mention that IF Siana doesn't produce 1,850 ozs in Feb then it just means we have to wait a bit longer! That's the real positive of the analyis in my mind, ie the only way is UP (even if there are bumps along the way!). Let's hope the A$ gold price behaves itself.

That big cross trade could be anything but most importantly its found a "home", wherever and whatever that "home" is really isn't an issue now.
Good to read that Tech/a. IF you decided to hold RED rather than trade it you might make a few more bob over the coming weeks IMO - the news re Feb production and forecast production for the following 16 months is due out later next week. Now is the time to get set IMO!!!
stocks RARELY trade up in a straight line....hmmm..beatle check out goldie RRL 2 year chart - its the strongest i've seen that doesn't have spikes or parabolas......
stocks RARELY trade up in a straight line....hmmm..beatle check out goldie RRL 2 year chart - its the strongest i've seen that doesn't have spikes or parabolas......

mgm1a, why didn`t I twig to that and let beatle know. RRL has been one of the best investments I`ve made and yes it is upwards and onwards. I just wonder when the ride will stop. Any clues will be gratefully appreciated, especially amongst the more learned Tech analysts.
Hi Mgm1a, yes the chart of RRL fits the bill and clearly looking at its track record deserves such a strong share performance. It is many many steps ahead of RED in terms of gold production and resources/reserves, and that probably enthuses me more with the potential for RED once it gets on track with gold production, noting that RRL had a market cap comparable with RED some couple of years ago and since then has risen to $1.8 billion - RED is in its infancy with a market cap less than a 1/6h of RRL, but as I say it proves to me ONCE Siana starts pulling serious gold and Mapawa exploration begins again in earnest of where RED could possibly go to - but on its current resource base I can't see $1.8 billion, but certainly closer to $0.75 billion, ie still 1/3 of its potential without knowing all we need to know about the full Siana resource base - Siana has a lot of potential to add to its current resource base particularly since its grade at depth appears to be good with long intercepts.

I see RED buying time for the next few days until some anticipation what might lie ahead with its next announcement about how the ramp up in production is proceeding, and forecast for the next year.
buckfont -wow with RRL- i'm gonna keep a closer eye on you!

tech/a - in my simple ways i often use other goldie charts to compare to RED - I found a curious one yesterday plotting RED against CAY, a pretty small west african EXPLORER - using 2yr, 1 yr down to 3 months its curious how "close" (sort of?) RED has tracked - then it struck me that RED is still being priced /bounced around as if it was an explorer rather than producer.! Surely a chart of a producer should pick itself up and make a name for itself?...any that too "predictive" for T/A?
Guys, seriously, comparing the current state of RED with RRL at the moment is drawing a long bow.
Sure, there may come a time when it may copy RRL and when it starts to then the charts will tell the story as they always do.

Below is a weekly chart of RRL and I have highlighted where my SMSF invested in it.
Have a look at the weekly chart of RRL vs RED and tell me what is similiar, nothing, RED is currently behaving as a 20c speccy should with the interest that is generated by its potential, at the moment though there is just no comparison on any level.

RED is a hit and run trading stock at the moment and until it gets some stability and settles into a pattern such as RRL it will be remain nothing more.

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Still sharing the load with your twin eh Boggo - perhaps you need to put me on Ignore too, lol!

Just remember Tech/a er Boggo, that RED has a market cap now of close to $300 million, not bad for a 20 cents speccy as you term it, with around 30 insto's as shareholders on the books!

RED had a pretty good day for a speccy, up another 5 cents with trading turnover for the day of more than $2 million and now its just a matter of counting down the days for production guidance - and its a "speccy" - REALLY? Why is it a speccy Boggo? You lose credibility as soon as you try to ridicule RED as such IMO!
No offence but is the tit for tat comments really needed? Some people are in it for the long run, others are looking for a quick profit. The more views and trading strategies presented the better if you ask me. Always something you can learn from a different perspective.
No offence but is the tit for tat comments really needed?

Hi Dave. Are you suggesting that my charting comparison of RRL vs RED is a "tit for tat" comment.

My intention is to state the reality of both and then support that statement with a chart comparison example and a suggestion what anyone can do to see what I mean.

If it wasn't directed at me then disregard this post.

Was just in general mate. I think people should be able to present their views without having to take a swipe or use of the ignore function.

In any case, RED finished the day well.
boggo, beatle - i wasn't comparing RED to RRL. where did that come from?

I was merely pointing out their graph is so strong - its nice to know that at least one stock in the ASX universe go straight up at 45 degree angle.

But it is instructive to see that once a miner is actually mining that it changes the SP!
Hey tech. What do you make of red atm? I ask as the fundamentalists are claiming it will rise once report is released, yet look at the number of people lined up to sell and you have to wonder why?
Hi All RED followers. Great to see RED up today, I hope you haven't sold out MrLister if you are in it at the moment!

Mgm1a, I didn't have any problem at all with your question and replied accordingly, that I saw RED being many steps behind RRL, both in share price but more importantly also behind in terms of gold production. But as I stated I saw RRL's share price performance as being something that RED could move towards as it went through the ramp up phase with Siana.

I believe that Boggo's calling RED as a 20cents speccy were totally unfounded and sought his reasons for calling it such. He didn't reply!

I understand that the board are on site to discuss future production forecasts etc, thus this move up in price today is a good guide that things must be progressing well. But IMO this move up is only the START of what is going to happen in coming weeks!!!
Let's see how it looks at that 2.30 mark. If it can show strength above that, I may buy.

I miss the times when it moved 6 - 7% a day and actually did something. Now I look on with interest when it manages to move more than 1%. You are right that things are looking good today and I hope that continues.

Good luck in this strength, or top or whatever it is. 2.29 as we speak and not too much volume. May clear that level over the next trading days, certainly with POG action helping.

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