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Useless Labor Party

Not when you throw in Medicare and Super........
Yep the last time that labor was about the worker, not about cringe worthy, attention seeking intellectuals.
Albo is the best chance they have had, in a long time IMO.
What did Rudd and Gillard do for the worker, other than lift the retirement age to 67 and make it impossible for a worn out worker to get a disability pension.
Albo is a breath of fresh air IMO, they may at last have found their mojo.
McGowan has shown, you don't have to be a left wing loony or cowtow to the green elites or union factions, to be a good Labor leader.
Giving back the Bell Resources payout to the taxpayers, shows he hasn't lost his roots, many pollies would have put that into consolidated revenue.
It is about getting companies and workers to work together, for a common goal, which betters everyone's lot and McGowan appears to be achieving that.
When asked why he is so popular, he said he is middle of the road, I would agree with that and if Albo follows suite he will be just as popular that is what the majority want.
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Labor policy dumped by Abbott
Let them figures sink in
Something for the worker SP?
Useless indeed
View attachment 122161
Labor policy dumped by Abbott
Let them figures sink in
Something for the worker SP?
Useless indeed
I have always said there should be a volumetric tax on our resources, what Labor was suggesting was a "tax" on "super profits", like that was smart ? They have enough trouble getting the correct amount of tax out them already, offshoring profits has been going on for years and still is, it was typical Labor dumb arse implementation.

From the Labor treasurer of the day, even he knew they weren't paying the correct tax, so they were going to implement another one on top of the one that they weren't paying? Jeez.
Brendan Grylls was smart enough to realise a tax was required on the volume, not the excess profit, 'super profits tax' just another past Labor brain fart to get media attention.IMO

Labor was hijacked by university trained political intellectuals, I'm not saying they weren't smart, just that they weren't there for the working man, you may think differently that's your prerogative.
But I didn't see them do anything other than grandstand and increase the pension age, ask a 65 year old brickie what he thinks about Labor.
Like I said, with Albo at the front they may get the grass roots back, they lost all of them last election.
Again as I have said before, it is only my opinion and I'm sure there are just as many people with opposing opinions which is a good thing IMO.
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Labor was hijacked by university trained political intellectuals, I'm not saying they weren't smart, just that they weren't there for the working man
That's it basically.

The working man and woman have been done over a few too many times now to have much faith in these people.
That's it basically.

The working man and woman have been done over a few too many times now to have much faith in these people.
Well the older ones have, the younger ones are still star struck and soak up the rhetoric.
We were all the same when we were young, idealistic and believed that someone was there batting for you. ?
We were all the same when we were young, idealistic and believed that someone was there batting for you
A difference though is that at least in the past if someone representing a university was quoted in the media, they generally were an actual expert on the subject and commenting strictly from that perspective.

Sadly these days universities are just another institution that has lost much of the integrity they once had. Whatever someone says, it'll be a polished message which aligns with a preferred political outcome.

As a case in point, for non-political purposes I searched for and found online an old photo of a major piece of energy infrastructure. It's a CSIRO photo and filed under "science photos". It's not dated but based on the detail of what's shown would have been taken sometime between 1981 and 1986.

If that was taken today by just about any organisation it would be filed under "politics", "climate change" or a more specific politically motivated term. Such is the extent to which pretty much everything has been politicised.

The ability to simply stick to facts has been lost even by those who really should know better.
As I said Labor doesn't have to be a party that panders to the inner city elite's, greens and union hacks, just be there for everyone, as McGowan has shown.
Politics doesn't have to be about demonising sector of the community, to put one group against another, which has been the norm in the recent past, ably supported by a disruptive media. IMO
Here is an article in todays W.A paper, an absolute breath of fresh air, McGowan coming from a navy background isn't carrying the baggage that a lot of politicians do.IMO
Albo could do well to read the article.
From the article:
Labor premiers fresh off election victories have delivered a message to the party to go mainstream and represent the broadest possible slice of the electorate as Anthony Albanese’s team tweaked its platform to recognise coal jobs.

WA Premier Mark McGowan, who almost wiped out the state Liberal Party in the March election, said his government had achieved its successes by appealing to everyone from Labor’s traditional base of workers and tradespeople through to small business owners and professionals.
“We should talk to the whole community, we must be mainstream,” Mr McGowan said. “A party that understands the pressures that families face right across our suburbs and our regions.”
I totally agree, but I don't think it was the Labor party what dun it.
Agreed but it has fed back into the party to the extent it attracts members with that background who then carry that approach into politics.
I totally agree, but I don't think it was the Labor party what dun it.
I think all parties are to blame, the disgraceful state of our education system can be laid at the feet of both parties, one for underfunding and the other for dismantling the standard. IMO
One just has to check how many pollies come from a teaching or law background.

Yes I agree. The looney Left have got into schools and Universities and sent them woke because Maths and Science are too hard and the province of white males so they must be bad.
Yes I agree. The looney Left have got into schools and Universities and sent them woke because Maths and Science are too hard and the province of white males so they must be bad.
There is a push now from some sectors, to drop testing that benchmark students, to a standard format. When will this madness end?
Aldi stores around my area sell out of maths books when they are on special.
I've just bought three great books on ebay (they are no longer in print), to continue helping the grandson when he goes to high school, I used them 40 years ago but have since lost them. Ebay magic online junk shop.?

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The looney Left have got into schools and Universities and sent them woke because Maths and Science are too hard and the province of white males so they must be bad.
And yet the sad thing is, it ought to be the opposite.

Math is one of those things that doesn't depend on your background or upbringing, it doesn't depend on genetics and it's not subject to opinion. It's wrong or right, simple as that and it's the perfect opportunity for an individual to prove themselves.

If the black woman gets it right, and the white man gets it wrong, well there's no argument. Math is math, it's factual not a matter of someone's opinion and it's one of the few things where individual performance can be assessed in a truly objective manner. It's as good as it gets in terms of busting through discrimination and prejudice.

Unlike rather a lot of other school subjects where any assessment is at least somewhat subjective. Art, sports, music, cooking, even a lot of language-related things it's difficult to perform a purely objective assessment whereas with math it's dead simple to do so.

Those seeking equality ought to outright love it for that reason. That they seemingly don't is quite bizarre really.

If I may ask, you are in a technical profession, what is the proportion of females in it ?

Of the ones that you have encountered, what is your assessment of their competence ?
The problem is that maths is a difficult subject for some and isn't a pre requisite for teaching as far as I know, so it becomes a negative feedback loop, the basics aren't taught eg multiplication tables which are a basic building block.
Therefore the next step up becomes difficult, the next step up after that becomes impossible to comprehend and so on it goes.
The teachers union has a lot of clout in the Labor party and the media left wing, the only way this will be sorted is when teaching again becomes a calling, not just a high paid job with three months holidays a year.

That will probably accelerate as more parents send their kids to private schools, as the public school outcomes both academically and socially fall further and further behind.
By the way, the public schools get more taxpayers money than the private schools, when it comes to funding, it is the way the article is written to confuse the plebs. Just to put it in context.
It is a bit like using a suppressed zero graph, to exaggerate a greater outcome, or give a misleading representation .

From the article:
All levels of government now spend a total of $16,748 per student per year on average. Public school students receive a higher level of government funding, $19,328 if capital costs are included or $16,399 if excluded, compared with $11,813 for non-government schools.
Between 2017-18 and 2018-19 the federal government spent $116 more per student per year for those in the public system, but $336 more for those in the non-government system.

The states and territories, the primary funders of the public system, boosted government schools by $412 per student per year, compared with just $33 more tipped in to non-government schools
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If I may ask, you are in a technical profession, what is the proportion of females in it ?

Of the ones that you have encountered, what is your assessment of their competence ?
I've never tallied up numbers but in my working life I've always been in a predominantly but not totally male environment.

As for competency, well sheer numbers of people will skew it somewhat but I'll say that the only truly incompetent people I've ever worked with, who are not doing that sort of work now by the way, were all male.

I think there's a bit of a natural barrier there. Someone won't succeed if they're female / male in a predominantly male / female occupation and if they know they're no good probably won't even try. The "boys club" approach has no chance of working in that situation, it can't possibly, so it keeps the duds out who might otherwise get somewhere through aggression and so on if they were the majority gender in that environment.

There seems to be a move by the looney Left to get the numbers of women increased in certain disciplines like Maths and Science.

While I think that women in general have the aptitude to do anything that men can do I question whether equal numbers of boys and girls are interested in particular areas.

No barriers should be put in the way of anyone with aptitude following their chosen career path, but to expect equal outcomes in particular areas discounts that men and women have different thought processes and aren't necessarily interested in the same things.

If there is a "glass ceiling" then it should be removed, but the numbers should be allowed to settle at their natural levels on merit rather than trying to enforce gender equality because some gender warriors don't like the numbers.
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