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Useless Labor Party

Where was you national interest when Abbott was being a belligerent prick to the Gillard govt? Back then it was good sport and we behaved like this fella

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Where was you national interest when Abbott was being a belligerent prick to the Gillard govt? Back then it was good sport and we behaved like this fella

No No No Tisme, once again you have got the bull by the tail instead of the horns.

Aboott tried to stop Rudd/Gillard/Rudd from wasting and overspending on taxpayers money where as Shorten is putting up all the blockers to stop the government saving money in an endeavour to balance the books.

You see the difference or don't you quite understand?

Labor was spending like drunken sailors........Pink batts.....overpriced school halls......$900 Rudd cheques to the living and the dead.....fuel for junkers....illegal boat people.....etc...etc...etc...That is what Abbott tried to stop.

And may I remind you and all the other socialists on this forum how we are now all suffering the after affects....It is like a tsunami after the Labor Earth quake......Do you get my drift?
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Yeah you are making the mistake of confusing common decency (as taught to you by your mother) with socialism. Don't get me wrong Noco, I'm quite proud that you consider me a socialist because it means my peers think I have a wide character set, rather than the narrow minded bigot I think I am.

What the hell has me and my late mother got to do with the Socialist Labor Party who are hell bent on wrecking Australia.

I think you are talking rote because you just don't have the right answers to my post.
What the hell has me and my late mother got to do with the Socialist Labor Party who are hell bent on wrecking Australia.

I think you are talking rote because you just don't have the right answers to my post.

I was just reminding you that once upon a time courtesy and common decency among the civilised was generally engendered by mothers. Of course that is a generalisation and perhaps not an imperative in some backblocks and boonies.

My answers could never coalesce with many common folk, because, being a hedonistic as well as a bigot I am not driven by hate, spite, vitriol and anger.

And at times you just do not make any sense.:topic
Young Samuel might have to do a ring around of charities to see if any are willing to accept. Attempt one has been a fail.
, I'm quite proud that you consider me a socialist because it means my peers think I have a wide character set, rather than the narrow minded bigot I think I am.

Shame the Labor Party don't think you have a wide character set, or they would allow you to have a say in the same sex marriage debate.

Rather than the typical socialist mantra of, trust me, I know what's best for you.
Shame the Labor Party don't think you have a wide character set, or they would allow you to have a say in the same sex marriage debate.

Rather than the typical socialist mantra of, trust me, I know what's best for you.

I sent Billy a correspondence stating my view that the Labor Party is a traitor to its anglophile working class roots and that it's preoccupation of grubbing for votes by pandering to the fringes of society is destroying the rights of the very workers it was setup to defend.

Of course, I haven't been too pleasant to the Libs either, also far too quick to legislate away our right of misery and also it's shift from also being an anglophile, do buggerall party to whatever the hell it is today.

I wonder if Labor would vote for a plebiscite about whether Australian politicians should accept Chinese money?
Traitors should not be given second chances.

Dastyari is finished. Shorten should have sacked him in the first place.
Traitors should not be given second chances.

Dastyari is finished. Shorten should have sacked him in the first place.

I think he was finished the night he appeared on QANDA and Pauline hooked into him about being a closet Muslim.
Are you on any other forums noco ? I just found one where there was someone called juliar ranting on about Fabians just like you.

So pleased you enjoyed the ride....Thought I would remind you of the past and why we are still in deep $hit today.
With the Labor Party resource rent tax, wasn't it all about making the miners paying a tax, on a resource that will eventually be depleted?
Well what the W.A Nationals are suggesting makes sense.

The last paragraph sums it up:

But that is subject to change based on production volumes. The companies argue higher costs would result in less mining activity, and the amount of money raised by the tax depends entirely on how much ore is being produced.

Well duh wasn't that what everyone was saying, pay on removal of the resource, unlike dumb Labor 'pay on what you sell it for'.

That leads to selling it offshore to a parent company, wow, who would have guessed that?

Why not charge them for what they extract, rather than for what they sell it for?

If the resource is easily extracted (which it is) why wouldn't you charge them on how much they extract?
When it is gone, do you think the mining companies will be hanging around, I think not.

The naysayers say the miners will source their ore from Brazil, so what, it is better to deplete their reserves than give away ours for nothing.IMO
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