If you are going to quote from subscriber only publications would you at least say who wrote the article.
As reported today, the Australian Council for Educational Research is the latest organisation to point out why spending more is not the answer to better educational outcomes. The challenge, identified by ACER chief executive Geoff Masters in a new report, Five Challenges in Australian School Education, is better application of existing government funding based on evidence-based strategies. Three-quarters of Australia’s fastest growing industries need graduates with strong science, technology, engineering and maths skills. Secondary students’ participation in physics and advanced maths, however, has declined steadily for 20 years. Fewer than 10 per cent of Year 12 students study advanced maths. Fewer than 15 per cent take physics.
Perhaps if you had been astute enough and read the complete article you would have read the report was by Geoff Masters...
Are you OK with that now?