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Useless Labor Party

I think you need to study Economics 000 and Business 000.

Economics 000 is written by economists and Business 000 is written by businessmen for their own purposes and benefit.

Real people don't have to live by their rules.
Economics 000 is written by economists and Business 000 is written by businessmen for their own purposes and benefit.

Real people don't have to live by their rules.

And Science 000 is written by scientists, Math 000 by Mathematicians and Medicine 000 by Doctors for their own purposes too.

Real people don't have to live by their rules.

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And Science 000 is written by scientists, Math 000 by Mathematicians and Medicine 000 by Doctors for their own purposes too.

Real people don't have to live by their rules.

I wouldn't be equating business or economics with science.

There is no E=mc squared in business or economics, they are what people want them to be, and although there are economic "laws" such as supply and demand these are variable and subject to the whims of the consumer and other factors and cannot be considered absolute.
Economics 000 is written by economists and Business 000 is written by businessmen for their own purposes and benefit.

Real people don't have to live by their rules.

the 3001 subjects are just entry level, moving through 3002, onwards the rules and laws become very subjective and tend to quash the concrete rules inferred in 3001. I certainly wouldn't put my house on orientation and first year core axioms and theorems in an analogue environment.

My point exactly !


Ah, obfuscation at its best.
Ah, obfuscation at its best.

Well I think it's only fair that if you use some of the put down cards to denigrate another player, the rest of the pack should be available for use too.

Wouldn't the world be a wonderful place if we could predict economics and the markets
Same old Labor Party...The same old back door dirty deals.....when will they ever change?

Angry ALP members in Wills are calling on Bill Shorten to intervene to block a deal between leaders of several ethnic blocs and his old union, the Australian Workers Union, designed to help secure the seat for former Rudd government security adviser and ex-SBS executive Peter Khalil at the expense of his policy director, Anna-Maria Arabia.

Along with hurting Ms Arabia’s chances, the deal leaves venture capitalist and think tank founder Josh Funder high and dry by allocating about 180 Lebanese Christian and Kurdish votes, as well as a bloc loyal to MP David Feeney, to Mr Khalil.

The pact boosts Mr Khalil’s chances of finishing first in the local ballot, creating leeway for the party’s public office selection committee to endorse him as the preferred Right candidate to contest the seat once held by Bob Hawke.

Grassroots members in the seat, which has one of the more *active Labor membership bases in the country, are desperately trying to unpick the deal by appealing to the Opposition Leader to intervene and send the contest to the party’s national executive.

Opponents of Mr Khalil, a sec*urity specialist who spent nine months in Iraq helping to establish the post-war defence ministry, are using his relatively hawkish and pro-Israel views to dent his standing among those sections of the 800-strong membership that hail from the Middle East. That line of reasoning has not been enough to unpick the deal and he has secured the support of a large bloc of Maronite Lebanese and Kurdish votes in the seat.

Under the deal, these votes and the Feeney bloc will boost Mr Khalil’s tally by about 180 votes. His victory would effectively put another AWU-aligned MP in parliament and prevent the Stephen Conroy-aligned Mehmet Tillem winning the ballot.

In exchange, the union has had to give someone from within these three blocs one of its seats in preselections for the 2018 or 2022 state elections.

The deal has sparked a grassroots revolt with members, and candidates, complaining that a backroom carve-up of seats is anathema to the kind of democratic ALP Mr Shorten says he supports. “It’s the adjoining seat and it’s his union that’s signed the deal,’’ one longstanding branch member said, calling for intervention from the federal leader.

He said the seat was highly vulnerable to the Greens and a demoralised membership that had a candidate foisted on them was not a recipe for defending it.

Another said: “People are absolutely appalled and some federal MPs want Bill to stand up and make a call here.

“There is only so long he can stand around and do nothing.”

However, sending the pre*selection to the national executive hardly represents a more democratic outcome, although supporters of this option say it would be preferable to the “charade” the preselection now resembled.

I rarely do this but I am going to give a bouquet to the Queensland Government for introducing new lock out laws and closing times for night clubs and pubs.....I cannot understand why the LNP want to oppose it.....Alcohol fueled violence must be stopped.


Last drinks at 2am state-wide

Nightclub precincts can apply to have a 3am last drinks extension, but then must impose 1am lockout

All venues able to stay open beyond 2am to serve food, non-alcoholic drinks and provide entertainment

Strong and "rapid consumption" drinks, like shots, banned after midnight

If passed, will come into effect on July 1.

Yes, good on the Qld government.

Not so useless after all ?
Yes, good on the Qld government.

Not so useless after all ?

Not so....The Queensland Government is a useless as t*t$ on a bull.

They have stagnated the growth of Queensland.....Construction work is down 30 %...Business confidence is at an all time low....Growth rates of all the states, Queensland is second on the bottom of the ladder...The Government is run by the CFMEU ...nuff said....The Queensland Labor Government have no plan as to how they will pay back the Beattie/Bligh bad debt of $80 billion without selling or leasing the assets....They are quite content to ramble along paying $11 Billion a year in interest alone.......They won the election 12 months ago with Green preferences.....They did not expect to win and now they have it, they don't know what to do with it.
I would think the main reason LNP would not introduce such regulation is they are generally against regluation and prefer people to make the choices themselves.
The Labor Party are really clutching at straws now in conjunction with the CFMEU with their campaign against bringing back the ABCC to curb the unions rorting, intimidation, threats, bullying and extortion as proven from the TURP......100 officials charged????????......the unions have sent the cost of building up by 30% and Albo says no no no you must not bring these bad boys into line.

If the CFMEU is so bad, why doesn't the government just de-register them ?
Same old Labor Party.....same old 2007/2013 Rudd/Glillard/Rudd socialist policies..... tax big and spend big...borrow more....don't worry about tomorrow.....Fabian central control of the media, banks, mining, agriculture and manufacturing what is left of it thanks to the unions.

Shorten’s credibility deficit masks a bigger problem for Labor, a party that has yet to address the reasons for its 2013 defeat and consequently fails to recognise the magnitude of the deficit challenge.

Shorten’s assertion that big spending-led economic growth will get us out of this mess assumes Australia will buck the low-growth trend apparent across the developed world. It also assumes that Labor’s decision to go to war with the wealth-creators will not damage the economy. Cutting personal and corporate tax would be one of the best ways to stimulate growth yet Labor pledges to do the opposite.

The paradox of the current Labor leadership is that it presents itself as a forward-facing party in touch with the modern world while its policy settings reflect the delusions of the early 1970s. A Whitlamesque fixation on social spending ignores the challenge of where the money to pay for it might come from.

The cost of the demand-driven higher education system Labor had a big hand in creating is running out of control, yet the party seems oblivious to the problem and is devoid of plans to fix it. In schools we spend 60 per cent more per child than we did 20 years ago, yet education standards have fallen. Labor’s solution is to spend more money still.

The incentive to rationalise the health sector — a reform long overdue — would be deadened by Labor’s plans to pour in yet more money. Ditto the welfare system, where it is not just money that gets wasted but lives.

Read more.
Labor pumped in funds to schools and kids performed worse when tested.
This whole idea that big spending makes it better is a farce without real reform. You want bang for your buck- not for your bucks to go bang.
Promising big spending and more tax seems to be labors catch cry.
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