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Useless Labor Party

Luck the Libs are in and increased the immigration rate to 400,000 a year then, hey noco?

Yes I noticed that, how ridiculous when unemployment is rising, keep feeding it. When we have an unsustainable welfare system, keep loading it up.
With the expected blow out in the aged population, I hope the 400,000 new arrivals, were aged 15 or under.
I'm not anti immigration we need and must have it. ...but I also don't think high immigration with no real plan is the answer to all our woes.
Martin Ferguson is one of the last true Labor men who are becoming few and far between.

The Labor Party has shifted too far to the left and have slowly come under the influence of the Fabian Society....Democratic Socialism (communism ) seeking central control.

Martin Ferguson was critical of the NSW Labor party for their dirty tactics and it obvious he was not very well received, so now the Labor Party want to expel him...Where is Bill Shorten in all this?

What is it about Andrew Bolt that I can't take seriously .... I know .... it's the drivel that he writes.
What is it about Andrew Bolt that I can't take seriously .... I know .... it's the drivel that he writes.

If you were more astute you would have noticed Bolt is only the messenger.

Janet Albrechtsen wrote the article.......Janet is on the ABC committee who selects ABC employees.
Saw a useless labor senator on the news, asking why isn't Google, Apple etc, paying tax?

Funny he didn't ask the question, a year or so ago when Labor were in office, jeez they really are dumb.

Also on the same note, Labor and the media were paying out on Hockey, for not naming and shaming the mining companies involved in tax avoidance.

I'm sure they heard the tax commissioner, the same as the rest of us, "they can't be named at this point in time".

Wow obviously reporting the facts, is the furthest thing from the media's mind, Hockey bashing is so much better.
It's a shame the media, can't do an investigation into how much the resource rent tax, was going to make this year.
Also how much of a budget shortfall we would have had, as Labor had already spent the the proceeds, of the resource rent tax.

Absolutely useless, the media and Labor.

They are a protected species...The biased media are fearing the Labor Party may become extinct .
As I have said before, Tisme, we align to journalists that we relate to, and I have to say -

Thank God for Andrew Bolt of late, and am glad that he speaks out.

Miranda Devine is another.

With Dan Andrews - Labor, and the Greens in Melbourne, they are slowly destroying our state.
Who would want to invest here?

Everyday I could be in here writing disasters to their list

- Peter Mac Cancer Centre being one

Let's all throw our private health cover in the wind.

Now the Water Board, being his latest

Yes but Bolt and his stable mates have been so blinkered to anything other than the LNP that even when they state the bleeding obvious, there is a niggling feeling the story is not really a story, but propaganda in favour of the LNP.
Yes but Bolt and his stable mates have been so blinkered to anything other than the LNP that even when they state the bleeding obvious, there is a niggling feeling the story is not really a story, but propaganda in favour of the LNP.

This may be true but this is truer (can there be grades of truth??):-

Yes but the ABC,SBS, Fairfax and their stable mates have been so blinkered to anything other than the LP that even when they state the bleeding obvious, there is a niggling feeling the story is not really a story, but propaganda in favour of the LP.

That could also be true, but Noco doesn't use them as example to support his argument. Personally I don't like any blatant party loyalty by supposed professional journalists, be it Greens, LNP or LP. But then I don't hold any party in high regard, preferring individuals' performance over political unions (which is what the LNP, LP and Greens essentially are).
Agree, dutchie, and it's taxpayer funded on their (Labor/Greens) part with their ABC.

Yes, I know, Tisme, you don't lean on either side, but we have had a lot going on in Melbourne the last few weeks which has been pretty disappointing, and am glad that Andrew Bolt, being a Melbournian, was bringing things up that should have been said.
Nothing worse than not having a voice, and being shut out.

Freedom of speech, is my issue.

Now back to Victorian Labor --

Labor does the time warp again

Similar things are happening in Queensland.

Welcome to the communist state of Queensland...

And here we have Palaszczuk closely associated with this union criminal thug Hanna.

It was the same Hanna, president of the notorious CFMEU, who last year was adversely named at the Royal Commission into Union Governance and Corruption.

Hanna was accused not only of workplace breaches but of engaging in criminal activity by threatening Hindmarsh Constructions from going about its lawful business during the building of an apartment tower, Brooklyn on Brookes, in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley last year.

“Mr Hanna engaged in criminal activity, committing offences under s359 of the Criminal Code (Qld),” the royal commission heard.

Threatening to cause detriment to another is an offence carrying a five-year jail term, the commission noted.

Hanna is well known in Labor circles and was boss of the Labor Unity faction and is a member of the Queensland Central Executive of the Council of Unions which dictates Labor policy.

He was secretary of the Builders Labourers Federation before it merged with the CFMEU.

I believe the Premier is an honourable woman and I am not for a moment suggesting she was involved in any impropriety with Hanna or other CFMEU officials facing charges.

However the cosy selfie confirms the deep links between her party and the union described in Parliament as a criminal organisation renowned for its “extortion, thuggery and lawlessness”.

Palaszczuk is, like many in her Cabinet, close to the unions. She “paid tribute” to the unions in State Parliament in 2013.

She lavished praise on the CFMEU, the BLF, the AWU and the AMWU “for standing up for workers’ rights in this state”.
Talk about hypocrisy.....Shorten accuses the Liberal Government of broken promises....This man Shorten is a two timer.....His initials says it all......he is dictated to by the CFMEU.

From Facebook

Bill Shorten used to support the East West Link. Now he’s betrayed Victorians, who have been hit with a huge “Bill” and no road or jobs.
SHARE if you think Labor should apologies for worsening traffic gridlock.
Liberal Party of Australia's photo.

I can't talk for Vic, but I think the LNP will have a hard time coming back into governance in QLD after the arrogance of their last stint. I'm quite enjoying the absence of a weekly legislation taking away our freedoms of association, freedom to make mistakes, freedom to have an alternative view to LNP and ALP policies.

You ain't seen nothing in Queensland yet.....Things will go from bad to worse mark my words.

Palaszczuk still has not told Queensland how she intends to reduce the $80 billion racked up by the Beattie/Bligh left wing socialist Government over 10 years....They racked it up in a mining boom and still had to sell $18 billion of our assets.

Palaszczuk will also be a one term government.
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