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Useless Labor Party

Paul Kelly sums up the Green/Labor party to a tee.

Kelly talks about OPPOSITION-ISM when he should really talk about COMMUNISM in the Green/Labor party.

They are lying through their teeth to the public about the state of our finances and the naive are swallowing it.

The Green/Labor left wing socialist wrecked the economy in 2007/2013 and have no national interest in trying help fix the mess they left.

I thought the GFC did that.

I think that in times of trouble like it was (still is?), gov't must spend and invest to stimulate the economy. Else that Great Recession would've become the Second Great Depression.
I thought the GFC did that.

I think that in times of trouble like it was (still is?), gov't must spend and invest to stimulate the economy. Else that Great Recession would've become the Second Great Depression.

In the case of Australia, in the era under discussion:

How much?

On What?

For how long?
Poor Obama spent the US out of trouble by handing lifelines and govt securities to industry and now things are humming he's a no good Liberal who is loathed by many.

My pals in Texas are having wonderful time spreading the gospel of Jesus' love and the hate for the Barack.
One has to wonder why John Faulkner has pulled the pin?

If it's not ill health or family reasons, one would assume he isn't happy the way the Labor Party is going.

I hope Fairfax pursue it, as much as they would, if a senior coalition member jumped ship mid term?

As if Fairfax would do

Much better to scare the general public, with the Abbott specter.

Well maybe you can get them here, to spend us out of trouble.

What you have to remember noco, a lot of Labor voters are on welfare.
The rest are wealthy people that want a badge of honour, to be able to say they care for little people.
Bob Brown, even in retirement, has destined the Broome area to poverty and a future without hope.

I just can't see where these goons, have the audacity to claim a taxpayer funded lifetime pension, while leaving us in a worse position.
It's outrageous, take the bloody pension off them and put them on the same pension as everyone else.
If they can't show that they are contributing to the betterment of Australia, they should not qualify for the perks of office.

Why should the taxpayer, be responsible for stupid policy, if it can be proven to have been negligent?
It's outrageous, take the bloody pension off them and put them on the same pension as everyone else.

Which pension we are talking about? I don't get any money and recall ever getting any govt handouts .. I didn't even get the $900 television bonus ...dammit.

How do you feel about our dollars going to dust bowl farmers and govt intervention into the banks who finance the mortgages?

So Noco, how do you explain the below graphs then? Seems the current Govt has some major spending issues don't you think. Can't blame that on Labor.

So the above shows the Abbott Govt is doing quite nicely compared to Labor in terms of revenue. There worst year is still better than Labor's best year of revenue. Surely with that much revenue flowing in they can balance the budget. It was so easy peasy when they were in opposition.

but they're spending like there's no tomorrow. Where's the money going? I don't see cranes over cities like Abbott claimed there would be. Got to love Abbott's unconditional support for the Melbourne $1M / meter tunnel. How does an economically responsible federal Govt offer $3B in funding to a project that was originally expected to provide a 40c in the $ economic return. All that debt that will need taxes to pay it off because the infrastructure is not self liquidation. Factor in the lost opportunities for economically positive infrastructure that was developed, and then ask yourself how long we can continue this kind of waste and mismanagement?

You are very naive or just plain dumb not understand what is going on or perhaps you do know but you don't want to criticize your beloved Green/Labor left wing socialist party....So long as you endeavor to make the Liberal Party look bad.

Firstly, the Government have to find $1 billion a month to pay back the money the Green/Labor borrowed from the know the money they wasted on hare brain schemes during the "FINANCIAL CRISIS".

They have on going costs of Labor commitments made before the 2013 election...things like the NBN, the Gonski scheme, the the disability insurance scheme and many others that Labor came up with which was to be paid for by money they THOUGHT they were going to get.
Then you have Shorten blocking $28 billion in savings including some $6 billion which Labor had said they would cut if in government was elected and are now reneging on..
On top of the Labor stupidity, the government is faced with declining commodity prices and don't forget the ever increasing cost of maintaining Medicare.
I hope you have read Rowan Dean's thoughts I posted on this thread today.

But sydboy, you are really kidding you don't understand.....right?
Waste and mates: What Labor looks like when put back in charge

Daniel Andrews abolishes Victoria's building industry watchdog
Abolishing the watchdog will give open season to thuggery and lawlessness in the Victorian building industry and add millions of dollars to the cost of taxpayer funded building projects.
The Construction Code Compliance Unit and the building industry code were introduced to prevent and protect against lawlessness on building sites.
Now Daniel Andrews' CFMEU mates know the watchdog is gone.

Before the election, Daniel Andrews promised voters he could tear up the East West Link contract without having to pay compensation, because the contract “isn’t worth the paper it was written on”.
The contract is valid even though they still refuse to let voters see it.

Vic's upper house carries motion to compel Govt to release East West contracts by noon TODAY.

And now the unions have started for a pay rise.

Time to fatten up the public sector.

Tink this is unreasonable to put this blame on the Andrews Government when the former government signed the contract right before the caretaker period knowing full well that Labor were not going complete the project if they formed government. To top things of the Napthine Government signed an unprecedented letter of guarantee to the builder that if courts ruled the contract invalid they would still be guaranteed compensation by the state government, this letter was signed only days before we entered care taker mode. Tink given your strong position on economic wastage then surely you would see this as completely reckless by the former Napthine Government.

On the union matters I feared this would happen if Labor won the election, I noticed the CFEMU donated to the Labor party too.
Overhang, I can only give you my view, but then you may have another.

No, I don't think I am being unreasonable.
The Andrews Government walked away from a deal because of the Greens and their protests, but before that, he went along with it, through all the soil tests etc, until it was ready to be built.
Now as a business man, is that what you do?
What does it do for Victoria's reputation?

I thought Andrews was all for employment, instead he is spending his time and money on court cases and lawyers rather than people working or in areas that are needed.

Now I can understand what you are saying about Napthine, and why did he sign that agreement, when there were protests, well, the Victorians wanted and needed that road, and we still do.
He has done what he was voted in to do, and Labor were all for it.

As I said at the start, we need both, road and rail, don't waste our money.
I have spoken to both, Labor and Liberal voters, and they were disappointed, saying, they need to do something.
We went through all this when CityLink, Eastern Freeway, Eastlink, were being built, now tell me, is there cars on that road?
Do they get used?
The latest, Eastlink has been a winner, I don't know how many times I have heard, it only takes me 20 minutes.

As for his letter, I don't know why he has done that, but maybe he knew the first thing Labor would do is scrap the Code, and we know what happened with the desal plant.
Drug deals on the premises, cost blow out etc.

Now talking about this desal plant, what exactly does it give to Victoria, apart from costing us millions on our water bill, at least this road would be used daily.
Protesters keep going on about this 45 cents, if only the desal plant would give us 45 cents, its costing us more than that, forever being maintained with no return.

From the Libs in parliament --

I rise today to again highlight the community's anger in my home state of Victoria due to Labor's attempted destruction of the East West Link project.

This is a major problem entirely of the Labor Party's making, reversing its previously long-standing support of the East West Link project just to appease some inner city Greens voters.

I am watching what he does with his back peddling and costing Victoria millions.
We all knew that would happen.
The unions are back in control of Queensland and will dictate to Palaszczuk who has which ministry.
We are back to the bad old days of Beattie and Bligh. Palszczuk will be the unions puppet on a string.
Her hidden agenda is revealed in the link below and is something she should have gone to the election with.....The only policy she had at the election was "We will not sell Queensland's assets".

I am pleased Labor are back in Queensland for they, together with the Victorian Labor party in control, they will be Tony Abbott's greatest asset come the federal election next year.

The letter points to profound changes in everything from health, transport and local government, to planning and education.

It also outlines Labor’s blinkered approach to accountability and integrity. And it shows plans to welcome back unions by inviting them to dominate the public service.

I’m afraid it means the speedy surgeries promised by the outgoing LNP government will almost certainly end. In a bid to appease unions, Labor will stop the outsourcing of surgeries to private hospitals.

Contestability will also be banned across government, so expect public service numbers to soar to take up the slack. If that happens, the state wages bill will skyrocket.

I think this will be their last chance for a while if they go down the path of government intrusion into everything they shouldn't. I reckon they should start talking about "Campbell's Mess" and do nothing, just like Tony Abbott.
On the union matters I feared this would happen if Labor won the election, I noticed the CFEMU donated to the Labor party too.

The CEPU (ETU arm) donated to the Liberal Party in VIC a few years back as I recall.

As opposed to the Liberals that did what their mining and financial services backers had asked.

First business was kill the resource tax and winding back of FOFA by the Govt. Killing off the carbon tax too was a priority. All that revenue lost and they're complaining the GP and UNI taxes being blocked is the cause of the budget blow out.

Oh, I forgot about their energy mates too who wanted the RET killed or neutered, even though the Govt's own hand picked review panel found the RET saves electricity consumers like you and me, along with the remaining manufacturers money, while helping to transition us away from fossil fuels. Most would view that as a win win but still the Govt wants to wind back the clock to Abbott's mid 50s golden age.

Do you think Abbott will finally prove he's legally the PM and show us his Form RN renouncing his UK citizenship?
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