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Useless Labor Party

Did Fabian have a ducktail...I can't remember?

I don't know about the duck's tail but I think his left wing was pretty strong

I was more interested in Olivia Newton John or Judith Durham in those days
I loved the way the girl friends would get agitated whenever the subject of how attractive Olivia was . Jealousy has a wonderful way of making a date more fulfilling
Holy that where the Fabian Society originated....well I'll be damned and all this time I thought it was an off shoot of Communism.

Rumpy, you learn something new every day...

Don't mention it old chap, glad to oblige

Holy that where the Fabian Society originated....well I'll be damned and all this time I thought it was an off shoot of Communism.

Rumpy, you learn something new every day...

See what asking the right people can achieve.
I listened to that rat bag Shorten on ABC 2 this morning raving on about that bad boy Abbott taxing superannuation contributions...ripping it out of peoples savings......he will say anything in a desperate attempt to discredit Abbott who is trying to clean up Labors economic mess.......he is also attempting to divert the attention from the popularity that Abbott has gained in his international leadership....Shorten just can't take it so he sets out to discredit Abbott.

The taxation of superannuation is a complex arrangement with concessional and non concessional considerations.

It was designed by the Labor Party in an attempt to disallow large self contributions in excess to avoid taxation.....It was a shame Shorten did not explain the details instead of making people believe Abbott was is ripping them off.

Tax on contributions

Superannuation contributions are split into two classes - Concessional and Non-Concessional.[1] Concessional contributions (sometimes referred to as 'before-tax' contributions) are contributions for which someone (such as an employer) has received a tax deduction.[2] Concessional contributions include Superannuation Guarantee contributions, Salary Sacrifice contributions, other employer contributions and contributions claimed as a personal tax deduction. Concessional contributions are taxed in the fund. While Taxable Components do not change the tax payable by the super fund, they are a factor in calculating the tax payable on withdrawals from a super fund. Non-Concessional Contributions (sometime referred to as 'undeducted' or 'after-tax' contributions) are contributions for which no-one has received a tax deduction. Non-Concessional Contributions are, generally, not taxed in the fund.[3]

Concessional Contributions, provided they are under the Concessional Contributions Cap, are taxed at 15% in the fund.[4] The Concessional Contributions Cap for the 2013/14 Financial Year is $ 25,000, except for people who were over the age of 59 as at 30 June 2013 - for whom the cap is $ 35,000.[5] Exceeding this cap will trigger Excess Contributions Tax of an additional 31.5% on the amount above the cap, on top of the 15% already applying to Concessional Contributions.[6]

Non-Concessional Contributions, provided they are under the Non-Concessional Contributions Cap, are not taxed in the fund.[7] However if the Non-Concessional cap of $150,000 (or $450,000 in a three-year period under the Bring-Forward Rule[8]) is exceeded a tax rate of 46.5% applies to the excess.[9]

And this what Shorten is raving on about.

the only ones who believe the drivel of a predetermined outcome are the tragics who have permanent LNP hook in their mouths.

How long do we have to wait until the elected govt gets on and governs, instead of playing opposition benchers? The tragedy is the callous use of cronies and rusted ons under the veneer of commissions of inquiry who continue the agony of the relatives who lost their loved ones, under the guise there is some singular or plural minister on the wrong side of the political track to blame.

It is a tactic being used broad spectrum by the LNP to deflect attention way from the lazy ineptitude we are all witnessing and half of us are trying to blinker. It embarrassing to ponder how we managed to drag ourselves down to a level where the ministers act like the B group at primary school whining about the do something A listers.... and it only took about 18 years and two whiney girlyboys in Abbott and Costello to do it.

Think of those poor LNP believers who actually thought they could enter politics and do good by Australians, but instead they are become hollowed out defeated shells like Malcolm. At least with the ALP the candidates are blooded in rite of passage rituals that ensures you see what you are going to get .... not necessarily tasty either.

Its OK if four men die and 1000 people drown

"Tragedies happen, accidents happen"
Its OK if four men die and 1000 people drown

"Tragedies happen, accidents happen"

They shouldn't have happened if the contractors had carried out the specific safety instructions issued regularly by the Electrical Safety office in Queensland and the workers had adhered to the general safety induction procedures.

The procedural reminders were clearly outlined at the time by regular email "e-alerts" from the Attorney General's dept ... I have copies of them still, but I bet none of that was allowed into the inquiry as evidence.

Let's have one on Howard rushing into war when our own experts said there were no WMDs.

Here's one of the alerts:

Fatality of ceiling insulation installer - 4 February 2010

The Electrical Safety Office (ESO) and Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) are investigating the fatality of a ceiling insulation installer which occurred on 4 February 2010 at Millaa Millaa, in far north Queensland.

An investigation is currently underway. Initial findings suggest that a metal staple used to fix foil insulation to the ceiling structure may have pierced a live electrical cable causing the insulation to become energised. This is the third electrocution death of an installation installer in the last four months.

Insulation installers have previously been warned of the dangers associated with installing ceiling insulation. The information contained in the Department’s fact-sheet,, should be followed in all cases. In particular, the information on turning off electricity and wearing adequate personal protection, including footwear and clothing, are fundamental in providing safe working arrangements.

Installers have also been advised of the additional safety requirements introduced by the Electrical Safety (Installation of Ceiling Insulation) Notice 2009 which came into effect from 1 November 2009. This Ministerial Notice requires that metal or other conductive fastenings are not used; that onsite risk assessments are undertaken and documented; and that installers comply with the Wiring Rules requirements for clearances of insulation material around recessed downlights.

WHSQ and ESO Inspectors are undertaking audits of insulation installers as part of an ongoing operation to ensure compliance with the requirements of both occupational health and safety and electrical safety legislation and in particular with the safety conditions contained in the Ministerial Notice. To date more than 500 such audits have been completed.

Any insulation installer entering a roof space must conduct a risk assessment to determine possible hazards prior to starting work. Information on risk assessments is available at: A risk assessment template required under the Federal Government Home Insulation Program can be found at

For further information on electrical safety information visit: or telephone 1300 650 662.

Peter Lamont
Executive Director
Electrical Safety Office

5 February 2010
If you can't be civil about your anti hero, please don't complain about others denigrating Abbott & co personally.

As far as I am concerned it is OK to talk about Shorten or the Labor Party so long as it is not in any way personal about you or other ASF members......I know I have been called some names at times but it is like pouring water on a duck's back with me....I have been called some names at times because of my strong views and when some ASF members don't like my views, they then attack my personality in an attempt to discredit my character....Go right ahead....I am too old in the tooth to be worried about it.
How long will Shorten be able to hold his position a Opposition leader?

He has received so much criticism over his Blah Blah on the back of the open truck at the Adelaide ship yards...Even that left wing socialist Barrie Cassidy had a few words to say about his stupidity.

He is living in the past and should get over it....anyway he was not even born then....I must admit, I was quite biased against the Japanese for several years having lived through WW11 and saw how barbaric they were at the time.....I lost a cousin to them and an uncle who was a Japanese POW.......but they are a different race now....I have forgiven them but not forgotten and Shorten should do the same in the National interest.
How long will Shorten be able to hold his position a Opposition leader?

It's almost like he's all spent and treading water until the body mends and the hubris returns. It was rather 1930's that yelling from a flat top.
It's almost like he's all spent and treading water until the body mends and the hubris returns. It was rather 1930's that yelling from a flat top.

Yes it brings back memories of politicians speaking on a soap box on street corners.

Paul Kelly sums up Shortens hysterical rhetoric from the back of an open flat top truck......he told the union audience several porkies which did not hold water and in particular the security risk.

Next thing he will be telling the unions, Abbott wants to put port holes in the subs to let the air in or Shortens hot air out........ya just gotta see the funny side of his argument

The upshot is another Liberal-Labor policy and philosophical clash. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten’s near hysterical reaction is his latest manifestation of over-reach. It is becoming a Shorten characteristic.

Shorten says Abbott’s decision is “dangerous” for national security. He told workers in Adelaide that Abbott was going after “every one of you”, that he was “contracting out the defence of Australia”, that he had allowed the bookkeepers to take over and that he led a “despicable, cynical lying mob” on this issue. This is more than a touch mad.

He said of Abbott when you put “all our eggs in a foreign country’s basket, create jobs in Japanese dockyards” then you are undermining Australian national security. This pitch is one of the oldest and most infamous invocations of protectionism. The xenophobia was scarcely below the surface.

The more Shorten’s claim is scrutinised, the more ludicrous it looks.
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