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Useless Labor Party

What a sad day for Labor supporters, one of their icons, the foul-mouthed and bigotted Mike Carlton has lost his job at Fairfax. I guess Crikey will look after him.****ed-mike-carlton-explains-why-he-quit/
He called someone "jewish" and they took offence.

The word "jewish" now replaces "anti-semitic" as the ultimate insult.
Oh my goodness, what a complete misrepresentation. Carlton has been a serial offender with many abusive incidents in his career. He was not sacked for calling someone 'jewish'. He apparently told many people who found his article biased and offensive to "**** off" and other similarly crude language.

His boss, fairly reasonably I'd have thought, decided that - especially in these days of falling newspaper circulation, treating their remaining readers in such an unpleasant fashion was unacceptable.
Nice to see the right wing support Carlton for his right of freedom of speech........

The Sydney Morning Herald has said it supports Carlton's right to express his views in his article. They stand by that. Even Andrew Bolt said that he supports Carlton's right to his views...........what he was suspended for, was abusive and offensive behaviour and language. Totally inappropriate for a supposedly respected veteran journalist and commentator.

Say what you like about Bolt, but he has ALWAYS supported the right of free speech, a lot of people he just has a problem with the term "%$#& off" when used in a in a public debate.

As Julia as indicated, comments like that of Macquack and Ifocus have completely misrepresented the situation. Have you even taken a passing interest in what actually happened?



I cannot believe that Macquack is so ill-informed of what took place that he thinks he was sacked for calling people "Jewish". Carlton was over the top with his foul mouthed replies to those who disagreed with him and from what I have read his sacking was due in a large part to his fellow journalists informing management of his utterly inappropriate behaviour on social media. Though Carlton and Crikey may try to lay the blame at the Jewish lobby or even the Murdoch Press, it was his unprofessional behaviour that was his downfall.

Duckman you are absolutely right except the bit about misrepresentation certainly wasn't my aim but my sarcastic remark was poorly delivered.

If I had more time and a higher level of literacy I would have pointed out the political right media blind sight over Israel's military action in Gazza and aggressive attacks on any commentator thats pointed out the obvious that killing kids is bad.

As for Bolt he was asserting the ABC's bias because they referred to the Israel action as a ground offensive.
The one thing that Hamas is not short of, is Palestinian kids; 45% of the children in Gaza are under 14, and Palestinians outbreed Israelis at the rate of nearly two to one. To the Hamas these kids are just cannon fodder and the more of them that they can put in harms way, the more sympathy they get from well-meaning journalists as well as Labor supporters, Al Jazeera and the ABC. It also gives fuel to Jew haters all over the world to harass them.

The Hamas know perfectly well that firing rockets into Israel kills very few people and does little damage, but their strategy to get the Israelis to retaliate, and get world condemnation, is working perfectly. The deaths of children is a great propaganda weapon.

What you are pointing out in effect is the stupidity of Israel retaliating if Hamas rockets do so little damage. If Netanayhu wasn't such an extremist then Hamas would have little effect.

Yep totally agree and you can thank Israel and Fatah for creating the conditions for the rise of Hamas
Oh my dear Cassandra Wilkinson, You have not been ready the results of what is happening in the Royal Commission into union corruption.

Is it any wonder the cost of building has been increased when one notes how these union thugs have extorted millions of dollars from builders and the builders have paid these thugs for peace on the site.

And Cassandra if that is not enough the Green/Labor coalition had introduced so much red and green tape into the building industry from 2007 /2013 that more cost has been added to the price of a home.....So how can you say the cost of living has not kept up with cost of building?

Go back to school Cassandra and learn some simple arithmetic.

Homelessness Australia identifies several causes of homelessness, including family violence and poverty, but making the whole problem more acute is the growing cost of accommodation. While incomes have grown by 57 per cent in the past 10 years, the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling’s income and wealth report shows housing prices have grown by 147 per cent. This means all forms of housing — welfare, market and community — are becoming less affordable.
Another disaster by the Gillard Labor Government and her Fabian comrades Kate Lundy and Jason Clare....trying to cover up their mistakes on sports drugs. ...Labor just cannot get things right and is it any wonder with talent they have.

AN independent inquiry will examine evidence of high-level political interference in the *Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority’s investigation into *Essendon, after the Federal Court hands down its finding on whether ASADA’s pursuit of the club was conducted outside the law.

Government sources last night expressed concern at the persistent involvement of Kate Lundy, Labor’s sports minister at the time, along with her advisers and senior departmental figures in discussions between ASADA and the AFL about how the investigation would run and the outcomes it could deliver.

It is understood a judicial or Senate inquiry will be established to examine whether ASADA failed to maintain its statutory independence from government after government ministers and sports chiefs were late year called to Canberra on the so-called blackest day in Australian sport
That's pretty weak noco, who really cares whether a few footballers took vitamins they shouldn't have.

Try harder next time.


No Rumpy, it was not just a few vitamins for footballers, but a Labor Party diversion from the mess they had found themselves in.....TG/LFU....but they only made it worse for themselves as has been revealed.

Blackest day in sport’ exposed as overcooked stunt

Dennis Shanahan, COMMENT
The Australian
August 14, 2014 12:00AM

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THE “blackest day” in Australian sport was always an overcooked stunt, designed to provide a distraction for the struggling leadership of Julia Gillard but which turned ugly for the then Labor government.

We now know, through evidence to the Federal Court, that it turned so ugly and was so overcooked that the government was prepared to throw taxpayers’ money towards a quick political fix before last year’s election. Of course, at the time, ministers denied any political motivation in the ramping up of the Australian Crime Commission and ASADA investigations into drug use in sport into a grand vision of organised crime infiltrating all sport.

Also, at the time, Labor MPs were reporting a furious public reaction to the overkill from then sports minister Kate Lundy and justice minister Jason Clare on sport’s darkest hour. It was angering football fans, tarnishing all sports and threatening local clubs.

Bill Shorten, then the workplace relations minister, stretched credulity when he tried to deflect the backlash by accusing the media of “casting a cloud” over Australian sport.

When challenged on the spurious claim, Shorten responded: “What I think we now need to do is let the regulatory agencies and the sporting codes get on with their business.”

We also now know that is not what happened. The Labor government made its political wishes clear, wanted the whole process “expedited” and offered financial assistance to ASADA to nail Essendon and get the whole scandal solved before the finals.

This was all to clean up a political mess Labor created, denied and finally tried to short circuit. In the scheme of things it was a lesser political folly of the Gillard government but typical of the media manipulation, denials and political distraction of the ti
No Rumpy, it was not just a few vitamins for footballers, but a Labor Party diversion from the mess they had found themselves in.....TG/LFU....but they only made it worse for themselves as has been revealed.

I find it hard to believe that Labor were concerned about how this looked coming into an election. The fact that I can't recall you or Andrew Bolt (possibly the same person) blaming Labor for the ASADA mess indicates that even Labors largest critics didn't see this as Labors issue. Everyone in the football world was sick of hearing about it and it was certainly a dark cloud hanging over the AFL leading into the finals but everyone seemed to be blaming the AFL and ASADA rather than directly pointing the finger at the Rudd government.
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