Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

URA - Uran Limited

Totally agree with you Fool. I lost a lot of $ on false statements by the MD.:mad:
Why has the sp fallin so far - look below

In late 2006 Uran's MD annouced to the asx that Uran would be " producing uranium in 2007 ".
Almost immediately after this annoucement the share price lept to over $1.60 and at the same time the Chairmans son off loaded another 2+ million shares.
Jnr sold over 8 million shares all up over period of 5 -6 months which coinsided with very bullish annoucements by his father.
Since this annoucement Uran has spun of it's only tangible asset ( a nickel deposit ) and now owns absolutely diddly squat ( nothing ).
It's share registry now shows 51 mill - 6 months ago it was 35 mill.
It attempted to buy part of the Rozna uranium mine in the Czech Republic but failed miserably sending the sp plummiting down to it's current levels.
The chairman Micheal Kiernan today jumped this sinking ship and he's not the type to jump if there is any good news on the horizon.
Management no longer keep the shareholders up to date on their negotiations or reply to emails or text messages.
Unless Uran secures a deal soon the sp is going to colapse.
Please research all of what i have posted with the company annoucements.
Allmost all Uran shareholders are sitting on very large losses.:mad::banghead:
Just got this today. Sydney Morning Herald

He ran from Uran

Two weeks after resigning as chairman of eastern European uranium hopeful Uran, Perth mining boss Michael Kiernan has quit the board.

It seems Kiernan has his hands full putting together a rival proposal to buy his old employer, Consolidated Minerals.

When Kiernan joined Uran last year, he put a rocket under the former nickel explorer's share price and promised big acquisitions which would make it a uranium producer this year.

Unfortunately, a deal with the Czech Government to buy an old uranium mine has been placed on hold and another deal with Ukraine has faced long delays.

Still, Kiernan's son, Laurence James, did just fine from dad's uranium company. He sold down $2.5 million in shares to buy property around the time the share price began its downward spiral.

But don't feel too bad for daddy. Kiernan, who subscribed for a $600,000 placement last year, would still be able to flog off the shares for nearly twice his entry price. He also holds 10 million options which are in the money, if not by a lot.
There will be an inquiry into this blantant rip off! :mad:
URA on a very very bad downtrend.

dont know where this one may turn around, could be support at 30 cents, but with current market sentiment may break that.

very slowly and steadily dropping. two main downtrend channels, the recent one has tightened into a tighter trading range although still dropping.

any thoughts on this one guys?


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URA on a very very bad downtrend.

dont know where this one may turn around, could be support at 30 cents, but with current market sentiment may break that.

very slowly and steadily dropping. two main downtrend channels, the recent one has tightened into a tighter trading range although still dropping.

any thoughts on this one guys?

I first picked this stock back in June/July 06 so about 1 year ago,

I bought the opies at 13c and after a few months sold at 65c-70c

After that the options ran as high as $1.35c so I left nearly 100% on the table,

Since then however I have been watching what's been going on and its been a complete mess to say the least,

I am standing wayy back for now and waiting, IMO CTS is a far better bet

New Uranium focused company,

Previously GWE, recently changed name to URA

Definately a case of back the man as Michael Kiernan has jumped on board, also Kate Hobbs who was on the board of HMR and through her contacts established the relationship with Mega Uranium who evetually did the takeover,

Only 35m shares and 25m options on issue,

@ 25c = a mkt cap of $15m very undemanding for a company lead by Mr Mick K.

I think its worth a spec punt purely on those two execs make up your own mind,


I'm out this morning, bought the opies at 13c about 2 months ago, out at 70c-65.5c what a nice profit!

You'd be brave to be buying at these prices short term given mkts overbought status
I bought in at 38.5 cents recently, thinking it would turn. Part of me says hold for a positive announcement. I'm prepared to give this stock until the end of july, if nothing happens im out:(
Looks like this old dog might be on the move up 23% today not big volume through but enough to get some interest I think... I hope an ann is out soon would be nice to pull this one out of the draw and dust it off.....
Hi guys!

New on the board, english is not my native language so forgive my spelling!

28% up, possible information leak? News ahead? Wont look good for the company if they release news tomorrow... :confused:
Response to ASX query re sudden share price increase on no news:
"We know nuuuuuuthhhiiiiiinng!"

No new info on URAN website either.
This is sure one dodgy and frustrating stock to hold. :mad:
And the quarterly report appears..............
doesn't look all that bad.
Result for sp?? :flush:
Well might be ready to pull this old dog out of the draw, seems it's up 17% at the moment with some interesting volume going through.... it's not big volume but big enough for URA....

Lets hope it keeps moving up.... time to get this one off my books

Hi folks,

URA ... from a techie's view, URA has been working it's way
through a transition from a downtrend to uptrend, since the
August 2007 lows.

Now that we have a right-hand bias on the chart, the pullbacks
may be quite sharp, but they should be short-lived. Recovery
should be marked by a slow, steady climb, like URA has experienced,
since Jan/Feb 2008 lows.

Figure, that we should see start of positive moves from URA,
tomorrow - 20062008:

20062008 ..... minor and positive cycle ... finance-related???

23062008 ..... minor and positive light on URA

03-04072008 ..... aggressive and positive cycle = short rally???

11072008 ..... positive news expected here

14072008 ..... significant and negative cycle here

24072008 ..... negative spotlight on URA

25-28072008 ..... negative news expected.

07082008 ..... significant and positive aspect - finances???

11082008 ..... significant and positive news expected here.

20-21082008 ..... difficult cycle = flat-to-down trading ???

22-25082008 ..... positive spotlight on URA ... :)

2908-01092008 ..... 3 difficult time cycles here may bring negative news ???

..... September/October/early November 2008 look negative for URA, with first
signs of recovery starting around 13112008, then from 12-15122008, URA
should be in the next round of positive cycles.

have a great day



Beware of Uran :mad:

Shocking management that announced in Dec 2006 that it would be producing uranium from 2 and possibly 3 sites in the Ukraine and has yet to secure a definite project.

Not one drill hole ever for uranium and has burnt millions of share holders $$$$ on ??????? :banghead:

Raised over 6 mil in early 2007 at the height of the U market.

Now has less than 3 mil in the bank (quite possibly down to 2.5 by now ) and is cash burning at a rate of 7 to 800k a quarter.:eek::eek::eek:

The MD has never delivered a successful project either with Uran or Hindmarsh were she worked before.

The MD is the major share holder of Discovery Minerals and Uran cannot do any deal without Discovery's approval.

Her daughter is also a major share holder of Discovery.

My guess is this company will fail within 12 mths and you don't want to be holding when it goes into administration.
surprised no one is talking about this one on this forum..

Its the talk of the town on all other forums! :D:confused: