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Ukraine War

None of us know whether if it was deliberate or not or even if it was Russia the assumption being it was given the number of missiles launched at the time. So it's all speculation at this stage.

I have read elsewhere, Russia was been informed ages ago what the consequences would be for any deliberate act against NATO. It doesn't involve nuclear weapons. NATO has sufficient conventional weapons available to result in the Black Sea Fleet being sunk within 48 hours and all Russian assets outside of Russia itself being fair game.
Poland's minister of foreign affairs September 28, 2022 -


The US have had two carrier strike groups bobbing around in Europe for some time now. Black Sea Fleet might not last 6 hours.

And people think Russia will idle their nukes by while their entire fleet is demolished by NATO by conventional weapons?

The only way that could happen is if the US hands over control of their carrier strike groups to Ukraine. And they won't do that.

Also enough of the predictable bloviations now that Russia's reportly accidentally (or not) flew a missile into Poland. We should aim to achieve peace. Not perpetual war which I am sure is the ultimate aim of the American military industrial complex & propaganda industry.

Even if you think this is part of Russia's imperialistic ambitions, no one can deny who "else" this benefits...
The US have had two carrier strike groups bobbing around in Europe for some time now. Black Sea Fleet might not last 6 hours.
The anti-nuke anti-air tech in the US is good, world leading. But unfortunatelly not good enough to prevent destruction from Russia launching her entire ICBM arsenal at them + dummy missiles. Which 100% will happen if the US Navy decides to destroy their black sea fleet.
I believe I mentioned a few times before, aegis launch sites in Poland and Romania which are both tomahawk/nuke capable at a moments notice. Russia wants them gone.

Or could be just Russian incompetence lol..

Alternatively could be self inflicted bombs made to look like Russians so nato could join in the war

Who knows Wtf is happening there, time will tell...
Biden already confirmed it is unlikely from Russia. Could be some Ukrainian commander's brilliant tactic to try to draw NATO into direct conflict with Russia. Fly a made-in-Russia rocket a few blocks down the road into Poland
Well it seems more and more probable the polish hit was launched by Ukraine.
what a mess up.
I somehow suspect the US here was not even involved,
the green tshirt model/actor maybe afraid of loosing support after the crypto exchange collapse?
I hope Poland was warned and no real Polish person died for that.

Yeah, last I read was that it was a Ukraine air defence missile trying to take down a Russian missile. I'm not sure why Russia are sending missiles into the west of Ukraine when the battle is in the east. Maybe part of their most recent strategy to take out the power and water systems to cripple them. Well, who knows.
Russia denying it was firing in the area. I'd want hard hard proof before any escalation.
If Russia had not attacked Ukraine then no missiles would have been fired at all. So in every way it is Russia's fault. They are totally responsible. Over and out.
Biden already confirmed it is unlikely from Russia. Could be some Ukrainian commander's brilliant tactic to try to draw NATO into direct conflict with Russia. Fly a made-in-Russia rocket a few blocks down the road into Poland
Yep I suspected the Ukrainians did some self sabotage. Dont make sense as Russians are now consolidating in eastern ukrainian regions, not pushing forward at all. Ukrainians were positioning artillery before next to schools/hospitals before, so that they could claim russian were purposefully aiming at civilian buildings.

Well what a mess lol...
One has to question false flag motives here.
Almost immediately after the missile attack was announced, Zelensky went on TV and announced
that Russia had attacked a NATO ally, and that NATO needed a severe response.
Compliant media went along with it but are now backtracking (see AAP via Washington Post ).
It may of course been a complete coincidence that at the time Biden was pushing Congress to add another 37.5 Billon to the Ukraine war effort.
As Glen Greenwald has pointed out, the amont of money spent in Ukraine is now of gigantic proportions.

Zelensky has "Elon Musk" syndrome. Drowning in his own self-perceived brilliance and thinking himself a messiah like figure in history. But in the end a scumbag who forced young unwilling men to fight in the front lines.
Good afternoon,
Published New Corp Media today (17/11/22):

Andrew and Nicola Forrest, have invested a headline-grabbing US$500m ($746.3m) as seed funding of a multi billion dollar fund to rebuild Ukraine in just one generation with green digital technology.

Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky hailed the Ukraine Green Growth Initiative on Thursday at the New Economy Forum in Singapore, saying “Andrew and I have agreed we will not replace communist-era rubbish Russian infrastructure, instead we will leapfrog to the latest technology. We will take advantage of the fact that what the Russians have destroyed can readily be replaced with the latest, most modern green and digital infrastructure.”

Dr Forrest, who chairs Fortescue Mining Group and the green hydrogen company, Fortescue Future Industries, will invest the half billion dollars through his and his wife’s private investment company, Tattarang, and predicts that rebuilding Ukraine will be the “ fastest growth economy for a decade or so at least in Europe and for several years in the world”.

Earlier this year Dr Forrest famously described investment in Russia as “blood money’’ and since then he has privately helped fund the first humanitarian grain shipment out of Ukraine in August, and helped Ukrainian farmers with grain storage facilities through his philanthropic organisation Minderoo Foundation.

He has been quietly driving in and out of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv throughout the eight months of the war meeting with Ukraine’s leadership and intensifying those visits in recent months. Around June he also met with Blackrock’s Larry Fink in New York City which helped consolidate the fund’s idea.

Dr Forrest told The Australian the Ukraine green growth initiative is expected to swell to at least US$100 billion and that it will be ready to go from the moment Ukraine is able to begin rebuilding after Russia’s war ends.

“I feel really confident that there'll be a bunch of various institutions and people who have had any appreciation of the economic miracles after World War Two in Germany, or in South Korea. They know that they do not have a downtrodden population here, they have not suffered for years, nor have had a dreadful world war and tyranny up to that point. They've had a free economy, they have suffered an invasion. They're proud, intelligent, highly energised, patriotic people who are very well educated. If there is a scenario where the Marshall Plan could massively accelerate economic growth, it is this.

“But this will not lock in for years after the cessation of hostilities, as happened in World War Two, this will lock in on the first day of the cessation of hostilities and seek immediately to rebuild the primary infrastructure which the Russians are hell bent on destroying. Our discussions with the president's office is that yes, you can do this.’’

Mr Zelensky said the project was particularly timely because of Russia’s terror on Ukraine civil infrastructure.
They must have routed billions to ukraine as war funds which then get rerouted back to offshore accounts under rich politicians. There was this scandal thing about bidens son was doing some business in ukraine or something..also Look at the Ukrainian involvement with the recent FTX debacle. It just gets more interesting day by day
Stop it you Putin troll ?
This is a battle of good vs evil. The Russians launched an un.provoked attack against a peaceful regime acting for the betterment of the Ukrainian people, all of them
The US democrats , the west and the whole Biden family are helping this bastion of democracy... and crypto management.
You should watch the ABC,or read that thread more often:
do not listen to these Conspi-racists....
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