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Ukraine War

There have been other morale-boosters, too. Ukrainian warplanes are active over Donbas, including Izyum itself, despite the proximity to Russian air-defence systems over the border to the east. In the past two weeks, Ukrainian drones and jets have also repeatedly struck Russian helicopters, landing craft and surface-to-air missiles on and around Snake Island, a tiny outcrop in the north-western corner of the Black Sea, near Odessa. And while Russia is struggling to replenish its forces, Western arms—including heavy artillery—are now flowing into Ukraine.
“Overall, the battle is finely balanced,” says the official. “Ukrainian personnel are highly motivated and highly experienced, and [deployed] in sufficient numbers to hold a defensive line—but perhaps don’t have the capabilities they might need.” Western weaponry has been abundant, but not decisive, so far at least. Russian forces, despite their heavy losses and tactical shortcomings, still “significantly overmatch the Ukrainians in terms of their overall capability”. That assessment was echoed on May 10th by Lieutenant-General Scott Berrier, the head of America’s Defence Intelligence Agency. “The Russians aren’t winning and the Ukrainians aren’t winning,” he said. “We’re at a bit of a stalemate here.” Ukrainians receive such pronouncements with scepticism. They have been underestimated before.

So in essence @JohnDe it would seem Russia's WWII strategy isn't working against modern military tactics.
He's just excellent, trying to get at the truth as far as it is possible in that forum. She's running interference.
What a wonderful thing it will be if the Ukrainians do defeat Russia. It's incredible to me that they seem to be doing this. Another dream is Putin possibly being mortally ill - he's not riding a horse with his shirt off these days..

'Don't bother to come,' Turkey says No to Sweden and Finland NATO bids​

Read the headline and was ready to be all down on Turkey, but then saw the demands of Turkey and they seemed fairly reasonable.
Read the headline and was ready to be all down on Turkey, but then saw the demands of Turkey and they seemed fairly reasonable.
Ankara first raised objections to Finnish and Swedish membership on Friday, citing their history of hosting members of Kurdish militant groups.

The justice ministry said on Monday that over the past five years the two countries had failed to respond positively to extradition requests for 33 people Turkey says are linked to groups it deems terrorist, namely the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK) and followers of Fethullah Gülen. Nato would become “a hatchery” for terrorists if the two countries joined, Erdoğan told a news conference on Monday.

Turkey says the 33 are terrorists and Sweden and Finland have always maintained they are not and have strongly refused to ever send them to Turkey. It will be interesting to see how that plays out as I doubt the 2 countries will be willing to accede to what they would likely see as blackmail.
I regard Mariupol as a defining moment in the impotence of the west.
I'd say that impotence was evident in the 2014 annexation of Crimea. Speaking of which, Russia has probably harboured deep seated resentment for the humiliating defeat way back in the Crimean war of the mid 1800's.
That war was certainly a major contributor and a catalyst for subsequent conflicts, that shaped and is still shaping the world as we know it today.

The cynic in me reckons this is all still part of the Great Game, albeit a revised version/strategy.
If the day ever comes that China seeks to integrate Taiwan we will no doubt be as bold as we have been with Ukraine.
On the other hand we might be surprised and find that there is a lot more solidarity as evidenced in Europe.
Food for thought, according to Peter Zeihan, sanctions placed on China like the ones placed on Russia isn't going to bode well for Xi Jinping's people. Even now China is in crisis so a Taiwan play seems a long way off.

I agree that the West in spite of the excellent intel was caught on the hop because of the wait and see stance, possibly thinking that a conflict was just posturing and thus believed Putin's lies in the lead up to the incursion. We know now of course, what type of "special military operation" was being planned.

Moreover though, Russia's refusal to declare war, even though it is, was and is meant to stymie any incentive to put the West's "boots on the ground". Further, if the West did place those boots into play, then of course Russia could/would say it's an act of aggression and defend with the nukes the Kremlin threatens with.
Surely as a priority all parties would be very keen to avoid the nuclear option?

Yes, it's possible that Russia will say whatever it wants to escalate to whatever level of warmongering it wishes. A tough ask on Ukraine for sure but they've been "at war" with Russia (this time) since 2014. They know the dirty tactics the Kremlin uses including sending in troops with no markings.
For now though and I think prudently, the West has persuaded the best way forward to avoid all out war whilst supporting Ukraine as much as possible.

President Zelensky's words stir up a whole swag of emotions inside me to the point that I'd fight for him!

Most likely propaganda but even if there's an ounce of truth to this disturbing report, well it's not surprising thanks to the decades of the Kremlin inciting Ukrainophobia and playing the long game.

Image is a screen grab from Live Map.

from ISW (footnotes are in original languages)

Unknown Russian perpetrators conducted a series of Molotov cocktail attacks on Russian military commissariats throughout the country in May, likely in protest of covert mobilization.

Russian media and local Telegram channels reported deliberate acts of arson against military commissariats in three Moscow Oblast settlements—Omsk, Volgograd, Ryazan Oblast, and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District—between May 4 and May 18.[5] Ukrainian General Staff Main Operations Deputy Chief Oleksiy Gromov said that there were at least 12 cases of deliberate arson against military commissariats in total and five last week.[6] Russian officials caught two 16-year-olds in the act in one Moscow Oblast settlement, which suggests that Russian citizens are likely responsible for the attacks on military commissariats.[7]
What will be the fate of Ukraine's Avoz soldiers from Mariupol?

If anyone wanted to bring russia down, russia itself brought the opportunity.
President Zelensky's words stir up a whole swag of emotions inside me to the point that I'd fight for him!

Great bit of identity politics/ theatre. (I mean that in a positive way)

Thanks for posting it.

reply written on Day 86 of a rather stupid invasion.
What will be the fate of Ukraine's Avoz soldiers from Mariupol?

Weird how leftists in the west have been calling everyone who doesn't align with them facists and Nazis when they clearly are not and when there are real facists and Nazis on the loose the same people are real careful not to call them that.
I suspect Putin was partly motivated to invade Ukraine knowing the Economic harm it would cause the West.
Now that Finland and Sweden are seeking NATO inclusion I'm wondering what strategic move he will make next and when - this weekend I wonder.
I suspect Putin was partly motivated to invade Ukraine knowing the Economic harm it would cause the West.
Now that Finland and Sweden are seeking NATO inclusion I'm wondering what strategic move he will make next and when - this weekend I wonder.
I am getting anxiety that we are moving toward WWIII.
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