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Ukraine War

The old attitude of "ours is not to reason why, ours is just to do or die" seems to be on the wane.

Perhaps we pawns are starting to think "phuk this”
Ahh.typical. Leave the little guy out and all the bigwigs cleanup on the side ; through cutouts and a web of front companies. Makes you sick.

See how Shell was caught buying oil and now will cough it up for the Ukraine refugees? One rule for the guys at the top , and one rule for the common people.

Thanks for answering.
Meanwhile in SA

I'm not sure it's worse than actual war but I've heard more than enough to know that things aren't too good there and that what would be seen as a crisis in Australia is considered perfectly normal there.
Is the Ukraine war about to come to a sudden and unexpected end.
I certainly hope so but I fear it's the eye of the storm.

There's also the problem that judging by photos in the media etc, the place is already heavily damaged and will take serious effort to fix. Even just things like bridges don't get put back up in week, it's a major task for that alone.
However that rebuilding will be good for their economy which has been stuck with increasing unemployment for the last decade or more...
This is the e-real WW3 as far as I'm concerned..

I have all my non discretionary bills paid in advance in case our banking system was ever attacked by terrorist nations such as Chi-ussr... No need to chuck notes under the bed if everything's already paid up front
FYI only and in no way should anyone impute what my thoughts are.

Uploaded yesterday and already over 586k views on YT. Asking young Russians their view of the big (little) guy, receiving essentially, utterly, negative opinions of him. Some put it rather neutrally, as you'd expect of people living under a brutal regime.

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Posted this in another thread. From 6 years ago. Some spot on predictions and interesting perspectives.
We're getting close to the end of this invasion, IMO. Once Kiev is surrounded, it will be a siege and Russia can wait it out with their logistic trail back to Russia kicking in and Kiev locked out of international support. Unless the West create a corridor to the SW for aid and equipment resupply. But, that will take air and ground support to get it through, so maybe unlikely.

Russia have completely miscalculated on this misadventure, including the value of hand held anti-tank missiles and the resolve of the Ukrainian people. The statements of the Russian representative at the UN today is laughable.

My initial assessment of this was that Russia just wants the eastern side of Ukraine from Kharkiv down to Odessa and have total control of the north Black Sea coast line. Once they negotiate that as part of a cease fire, it might stop. I just doubt Ukraine will give it up.


If Kiev falls then all of Ukraine will fall. It's hard to imagine them keep reserves in other less important parts of the country than the capital.

Not too sure what people expected out of Russia.
This is modern warfare against a modernised military with the logistics of the entire Western advanced militarised behind them. The last time there was a war at this level was literally WW2 Germany v. Britain.

If the country falls in less than a month then that's a major success for the Russians.
Who are the soldiers behind the ICBM.s that represent the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) policies of the US/Russia.

Very sobering insight into the people who will effectively end life on earth if WW3 breaks out in earnest.


Most probably.

There's no significant enough justification for Russia to invade a sovereign nation and kill innocent civilians and destroy billions in infrastructure. These are war crimes.

The Ukraine leader speaks like he's not going to give in at all. So, they might become a 'government in exile'. I can't believe the western side of 'ethic Ukrainians' is going to give in. They significantly voted against pro-Russia at the last election.

The turning point in WW2 was the USA being forced into it, in both Europe and the Pacific. Let's hope there's no tipping point here.
There is a chance it could evolve into a long term Partisan / insurgency, not that I hope for that, I think Russian would begin targeting innocent civilians even more then.

But I can’t see the Ukrainian people accepting occupation by Russia, and if a Rebel group armed with modern weapons can continue a fight, it will be very expensive for Russia the longer they stay.

I think Putin needs to save face, so eventually it has to get to a point where he can claim some sort of victory politically and then he will probably back off, but only time will tell.
.... What there isn't here in Kharkiv, is any surprise at the Russian attack. "Since 2014 we knew they would come, maybe in a year, 10 years, or 1,000 years, but we knew they would come"....


Yes, that will most likely be the case, but will result in Ukraine just keeping the left hand side of their county. Vlad has gone all in on this one. Anything less than taking the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine will be failure, IMO.
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