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TV/Films - What ASF members are watching

For those still watching television advertising, can recommend kickasstorrents - all the shows discussed in this thread are available ad free - thanks for some ideas - just downloading all seasons of Breaking Bad and looking forward to checking it out

How does that work ? I clicked on the download link and get a page of jumbled writing ?
How does that work ? I clicked on the download link and get a page of jumbled writing ?

You need to have a torrent client (I think that's the correct term), installed on your computer. I use a Mac, and the one I have is called 'Transmission' - this basically allows you to download torrent files. There are PC versions as well (one called uTorrent).

After you've installed that, you can then go to the websites like I mentioned - Kickasstorrents and search what you want, then click the 'download torrent' button. Open the file and it should load straight into the torrent client you have installed.

Then depending on how many people are seeding and your internet speed, you can download the program. I have been doing this for years and it is a fantastic was to watch TV shows and movies - since I live in China, it is basically a necessity for me!

More info here:

I think he makes high probabilty guesses. Similar to how a "psychic" can read you.

Did you catch the one this week with the seance? Crazy stuff!
I think he makes high probabilty guesses. Similar to how a "psychic" can read you.

Did you catch the one this week with the seance? Crazy stuff!
Would it be too cynical to wonder if some of the subjects are plants?
I think he makes high probabilty guesses. Similar to how a "psychic" can read you.

Did you catch the one this week with the seance? Crazy stuff!

'Seance' was pretty good. The guy who was thrown behind the "spirit curtain" was out of his gourd for a second!

Makes one wonder about this whole idea of believing the things we think and taking them for real.

I'd love to see Derren take a group of traders and entrance some amazing ability to make heaps of money. And then when they're raking it in, suddenly give the suggestion of failure and watch as all the trades suddenly and inexplicably lose.
Sounds like the Storm Financial Thread.
The 60 minutes story on the placebo effect was disappointing. They quoted a whole bunch of old studies and they really are just scraping the surface of this "breakthrough". Until they understand that what we commonly call "reality" is just a projection of the mind, and hence infinitely maleable, they will be severely limited. Plato's Republic should be mandatory reading for those Harvard "researchers", or perhaps some of the better Zen Buddhist sutras.

Regarding Derren Brown. He has stripped away some part of the illusion (described above), which is what gives him such relative power. Nothing is faked. Watch him in these two clips as he influences with touch, gaze and minimal verbal cues.
I remembered the 1976 Australian film, Storm Boy as a terrific production. See this film if you can.

NITV Ch34 screened it last night - just brilliant. David Gulpilil is a such star in this.

Based on a story by Colin Thiele, the South Australian Coorong and the Southern Ocean are equal characters, as the NZ countryside is an equal character in the Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit.
Just spent a couple of very enjoyable hours on Iview - the ABCs on line repeats of its shows.

Just love Call the Midwife. Based on reality, very well produced and credible. Can see why it has become a monster hit in UK.

Also picked up a biography on Joan Baez. Hadn't fully appreciated the practical depth of her convictions to desegregation, ending the Vietnam war and fighting for justice in many world arenas over 50 years.

And she is a great singer who seems to be getting better with age.

Goes off Iview in 5 days and well worth a look.
Celebrity Splash looks like it might be a bit of fun. Denise Drysdale's belly whacker features in the highlight reel. Lucky she has frontal airbags. From 3m, that would really smart.
Loved Last Tango in Halifax on ABC1. Really good script writing and cast.

Should have been on a Sunday night though, why was it wasted on Saturday nights.

Good news is, it's just been picked up for a second season by the BBC.
Currently watching The Walking Dead while waiting for the latest seasons of Breaking Bad and Game Of Thrones to finish so i can watch them in one block

plus 10.

Just a fantastic story. Only heard about it recently and watched the final 2 episodes on Iview.
Based on a true story (with a little TV license..)

Theres hope for old codgers yet ...
I really enjoyed 'Cliffy' on ABC1 last night. It was the story of Cliff Young who won the first Ultra Marathon from Sydney to Melbourne in 1983 when he was 62 years old. I thought it was well made and had lots of gentle Australian humour. Maybe a of stereotyping of country people/lifestyle but then again, having living in a rural area for a number of years I thought it was fairly accurate. Was a nice enjoyable Sunday night's entertainment, more of this please
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