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TV/Films - What ASF members are watching

Half way through the first half of season 5 of Breaking Bad. Still a cracking show that hooks you in, will be a shame when it is finished as this is the final season and one of the best TV series ever made
the 6 month break in season 5 is very annoying...also annoying in season 5 is the hurry sickness the show seems to have, it really feels like there wrapping it up.


The season 2 opener for Homeland was pretty good..and i anxiously await the season 3 opener for The Walking Dead.
currently watching season 2 Persons of Interest..

Recently been into more Series lately, Movies have just lost its appeal not too much focus on storylines these days...

Recommendations include for those interested are;

Person of Interest - Season 1
Game of Thrones - Season 1 and 2
Revenge - forced watch with missus
Once upon a time - forced watch with missus
Fringe - Season 4,still watching
Walking Dead - Season 1 and 2
Rake on ABC. Best written Australian show in a long time. The writing snaps, crackles and pops.

Thursday nights on ABC, or you can catch up on iView

Underbelly Badness, despite the shocking name, was actually really good this year. It actually got back to being a crime drama, rather than soft pr0n.
Just finished watcing Jack Irish on ABC2. Unfortunately it was the last episode but you can catch it on iView if you are interested. I'm not a big fan of much of the recent Aussie drama but this was great; good writing, great acting by Guy Pearce (who'd have thunk it when he was in Neighbours all those years ago and a fantastic setting in Melbourne (OK, I'm biased on that score ). Anyone else watch it?

Yes loved it. Wish there were more than 2!!!

Loved the Melbourne and AFL connection also.
TV channels that don't stick to their official times irk me!

Tonight my TiVo finished as the papers were put back into the bag.
Was this the ending? Help
Well 50% of the time I am watching commercials.
Are there some programs mixed up in the "bloody" commercials?

This is where TiVo comes into its own -- as long as you record an extension in case the station starts it late. FF out the ads.

My nephew, Jason Andrews, has his ALL 4 ADVENTURE show on 7TWO at 5pm Saturdays.
The third episode of this new series just aired. Helicopter down to fish! They are larrikins. Lovem.

He and Simon are in the Kimberlies to catch Barra and Jase stars in most of the ads so they are like an extension of the show. Or they are AWD/camping related.

Derren's an extremely talented and powerful mentalist. Strangely, some people think the show is faked. And yet over the years he has been working, not one person has ever come forward and claimed to have been a paid extra or fall guy.

All his shows are brilliant. The best part (and I think this is lost on a lot of his fans) is that he shows us how our whole perception of life is nothing but illusion. Even in our most sane and lucid moments, we are mistaking our beliefs and perceptions as some sort of truth or reality. And we do this continuously, 24 hours a day!

Another guy who is equally talented (imo) is a guy called Dynamo. His show airs tonight in Melbourne. Dynamo is more of a magician, performing close up tricks. That's pretty fun, but when he starts messing with people's minds, it gets very interesting.

I agree. I have watched a few of his shows but I think the Heist really took it to the next level. Being able to persuade a group of normal, middle management types to commit (and carry through) with an armed robbery is amazing. The look on the face of the last guy when he gets stopped by the crowd is too real to be fake, it's almost like "W.T.F. have I just done!"
I was so fascinated by last week's "The Heist" that I watched most of this evening's episode "The Messiah".

Now perhaps I'm just missing something, but in the first segment where he had the woman go into another room and draw various images while he decided in the other room what she was drawing, how did he do this? He came up with exactly the images she drew.
Similarly, when he deduced the health problems of another women in a different segment.

Maybe at the conclusion of the program he explained this?

Or have I just missed something terribly obvious?
Walking dead season 3 and Homeland season 2 have me totally hooked...amazing that no commercial network here has picked up the walking dead.

No he didn't explain anything at the end.

The drawing one was obvious in parts. He would have used covert trance techniques (mainly with gaze). This makes the woman more suggestible. Then he implanted key words as he spoke to her. eg. just before she drew a boat, Brown said something like "ok let things SAIL through your mind, and don't go OVERBOARD on the detail". This in itself is quite enough if the person has first been made suggestible.

His real skill is the gaze induction, which goes unnoticed.

The one with the health issues. I was also wondering how he did this. There's always subtle signs, like for eg. if a woman has had a thyroidectomy (which she'd had), there will be a horizontal scar along the throat. He also said she'd had trouble sleeping - well who wouldn't if you feared being abducted. And so on..
Thanks, GB. I'd not noticed the references to 'sail' and 'overboard'. So interesting.
We must be immensely more vulnerable to subtle suggestion from various sources than we'd like to believe.
Thanks, GB. I'd not noticed the references to 'sail' and 'overboard'. So interesting.
We must be immensely more vulnerable to subtle suggestion from various sources than we'd like to believe.

Does anyone have any idea how he managed to tell the woman in this episode about what she had been dreaming ?
Especially when he said she'd been having dreams in black and white and the reference to a pair of binoculars.
He certainly does have some very thought provoking shows.
Hi Everyone,

If you work in the consulting biz, or have clients in general, you will get a kick out of 'House of Lies'. Only the first season out so far, but it just kicks ass - hilarious and with brilliant writing and acting.

Anyone else feel that the last couple of years have really seen a huge improvement in TV shows - in particular those coming out of the US?

Other stuff I am watching religiously is:

- Revenge: Bit tacky, but decent entertainment
- Madmen: Great stuff all round, but a little slow in some seasons. Makes up for it in the strong episodes.
- 666 Park Avenue: A bit like revenge, tacky, yet entertaining!
- Suits: I enjoy it quite a bit. Think Wall street in a TV series
- Arrow: probably the tackiest of all three I mentioned, but still not too shabby!

Also second the notion on the latest Bourne movie - in my view much better than the latest Bond.

Walking dead season 3 and Homeland season 2 have me totally hooked...amazing that no commercial network here has picked up the walking dead.

Agreed re Homeland, I have to download and watch within 12 hours of it screening in the US, and then devastated at the end having to wait a week. Such a great show, so many twists and turns!

I have yet to watch Walking Dead.
A most captivating half hour of "Kitchen Cabinet" where Annabel Crabb goes to Amanda Vanstone's home where Christopher Pyne (apparently a long term friend of Amanda) is also present.

Remarkably candid in the political comments, and a natural, great fun rapport between the three.

Some laugh out loud moments for me which is pretty unusual.
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