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TV/Films - What ASF members are watching

Conan the Barbarian 2011 - dont waste your time with this.
Another Earth 2011
The Thing 2011 - finishing tonight..
Not sure if this is the right place to put it, but we watched 'Red Dog" the other night (with a box of tissues close by)

Was a good movie.
Not sure if this is the right place to put it, but we watched 'Red Dog" the other night (with a box of tissues close by)

Was a good movie.

I watched this a few days ago also.

Really really enjoyed it. Funny, happy and sad. Set in the unique landscape of the Pilbara region.
All my favorites are on telly tonight, starting with Time Team on the ABC at 6:00 PM
We dont watch tv mon-fri, house rules so kids not allow to watch we dont watch it either.
they are now used to it and dont watch much TV and read instead...

I virtually dont watch tv show I watch movies here and there
Most of the time I read business sites or Investment, business, psychology books.

I play computer games with my kids to engage them at that level and see what they up to....
I don't really watch any TV, but I stumbled across this series a month or so ago online and watched the whole series in a week - it is was on TV late last year, Season 2 begins shortly on TV. The show is called Homeland, was anyone else a fan? I thought it was very clever and scripted beautifully keeping you guessing and building suspense all the way till the season finale. It won best TV drama of 2011.

TV Series - Breaking Bad
Movie seen recently - The Cabin in the Woods - something different.
Just watched the latest installment of the Bourne franchise, plenty of action.

reading David Irving on Churchill shows hes not quite the great leader as history portrays
Game of Thrones
Seinfeld (a constant in my life)
Curb your Enthusiasm
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

replace Inbetweeners with Dexter, US office and Breaking Bad and thats my list...

Curb > Seifneld
Mrs Brown's Boys I think it is on channel 7, meanwhile look it up on Utube.
I liked the Revenge TV series, Season 1.

Season 2 probably wont come out until next year.
TV Series - Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad season 5 (final) airing in the US now... reminds me that episode 6 aired on Sunday nite and is now available.

I also recently viewed The walking dead series 1 and 2 on DVD and thought it was a bit of thought provoking, zombie killing good fun...its a what if and character driven show that's quite addictive.
Avoid watching anything on channel 9. You never know what time it will be on, what day it will be on next week, whether or not they'll throw in a repeat insted of a new episode and so on. Not hard to see why ratings are down...

Don't get me started on Channel 9... Three times they advertised a programme I have been watching for ten years - THREE TIMES I TELL YA! - and it never materialised until the final episode was shown in the US. I bit the bullet and downloaded the thing as it went to the US, and enjoyed it ad free.
The show? Survivor (I know, I know.. ) - the only show I have made the effort to watch the past decade and they can't work it out over three channels... FWIW there were 75 repeats of the Big Bang Theory that same week (over 3 channels)...

For this reason I just download any TV shows I want to see, end enjoy them at my leisure ad free. Just can't rely on the networks to stick to their own schedules anymore, and add to that an ever increasing number of commercials..
Here are some great TV series for anyone with some spare time:

Boardwalk Empire
Almost up there with the Sopranos, Buscemi is excellent. Must have a glass of scotch in hand whilst watching this.

Best series of 2011. Claire Danes awesome.

Featuring the dark humour of Louis CK. Watch some of his stand up on youtube, if you like that, you'll like the show.

Breaking Bad
I'm jealous of anyone who hasn't watched this yet, you have 4 and a half seasons to catch up on.

The League
If you are into fantasy football and/or giving your mates a hard time, you will like this one.

The Newsroom
A brand new show, currently airing season 1 in the US.
I think a lot of people on this forum will like this. Starring Jeff Daniels (dumb and dumber!) as TV's most watched news anchor. He decides to do news the way it should be done, free of bias, no gossip, and no pandering to the audience, sponsors or stakeholders. A simple reporting of the facts and asking the tough questions. This creates waves with the network execs as ratings suffer. In various episodes they cover stories such as BHPs oil disaster in the gulf and the debt ceiling in the US. maybe I should do something productive with my day.
American Pickers ... I'm hooked!!

And I can't put a finger on what does it for me ... cos I don't like the Canadian version?!

I hear you. Long time Survivor fan myself & was sick of delays & the fact that they didn't show a couple seasons here as well.

That was years ago & I do what you do now.
I have just watched two brilliant documentaries relating to the GFC.

The Inside Job

Meltdown: The men who crashed the world

Both very interesting and shows the abhorrent effects of human greed. No wonder the American people feel such contempt and disdain for Wall Street and the big investment banks. Billions of their tax payer dollars have gone into saving these banks who were the sole cause of the crash and what do the tax payers get in return? Meanwhile the executives keep their million dollar paychecks!

Another crazy point - they actually passed a bill to STOP any regulation of the derivatives market - it was a free for all for the bankers!

Yup, and yet the numpty politicians still haven't got the message:dimbulb:. To distract the public they've manage to nab a few overseas banks for money laundering and doing business with Iran:hammer:. Never-mind that the American banks have bankrupted counties:nono:, laundered money for drug cartels:kiffer:, and walked away without a charge being laidirate:.

The US is the most 'acceptably' corrupt nation on earth i reckon. :321:

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