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TV/Films - What ASF members are watching

Have been getting through a show called Cardinal on SBS on demand (app or website) after seeing an episode.
A Canadian police murder mystery series.

4 seasons available so might be of interest to lockdown nuts.
Website link.

Also, who doesn't like a decent zombie movie?
Train to Busan is a South Korean zombie movie production and is worth a watch if you don't mind a decent zombie apocalypse.
It's always interesting getting a snapshot into other cultures also.

Just saw Team America World Police.
A bit late I know.
Saw Hidden Figures and was blown away by the story behind the early US space program. Essentially the intellectual power behind the successful rocket launches were a group of black female mathematicians. And this US circa 1960.

I just found a short featurette of the making of the movie which pulled together the history of the main characters and the commitment of the film makers to portray them honestly. Good value.

Been watching The Trial of Christine Keeler on ABC Iview.

Most people will know/remember that the biggest scandal of the early 60's in the UK was the exposure of an affair between a Cabinet Minister and a hot 19 year old girl. The 6 part series is brilliant in exploring the stories around the events and the way the political establishment attempted to cover and control the event and then find some convenient scapegoat.

Historically accurate. Fascinating and painful .

The Trial Of Christine Keeler - ABC iview​ › show › trial-of-christine-keeler

The true story of 19-year-old Christine Keeler who found herself at the center of a scandal that brought down the British government and created a political ...

Watched Tracks on Netflix.

A 27 year old girl decides to walk from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean across the desert with 4 camels and her dog. 2700 klms, 9 months.
Just wanted to do it.
Amazing story. Film shows the Australian outback and the people at the time. No showy tricks. Just Robyn, her camels, the outback and the people she met. Priceless.

Watched Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski on Netflix

Had never heard of him previously but the story was an eye opener. What made it even more interesting IMV was the way it explored the history of the early 1920's-40s in Europe and the US. His work was breathtaking. The trailer gives a taste of the story.

I had not heard of this guy before - the only Polish artist I know is Beksinski, but this man's art looks incredible. I will watch this!
Just finished the third episode of Des on the ABC..

Horrific. Terrifying. Des Nilson was a quiet public servant who in 1983 confessed to killing about 15 young men. He took them home gave them drinks and company. Then strangled and drowned them.

He then carefully washed the bodies and sat them on the lounge suite while he watched TV and chatted with them. After a time he buried them under the floor boards of his house. When they started to get a bit smelly he dug them up, carefully dissected them, flushed the soft parts down the drain and burnt the rest of the bodies in a on ongoing backyard bonfire.

Bizarre. Chilling. An outstanding depiction of Des Nilson and mind that was behind these killings

Check it out on ABC Iview.

Watched Knives Out on Netflix tonight. What a hoot! A 21st Century Murder Mystery that nods to all the classics of the genre and then goes totally over the top.

How brilliant ? Netflix bought the rights to two more sequels of Knives out for $400million

Great nights fun. Don't peek.
I took out an AppleTV+ subscription to check it out (first week free). I am really impressed with The Morning Show with Reese Witherspoon and Jenifer Aniston. I expected it to be some glitzy vacuous show about equally vacuous celebrities and their goings on, but it really is excellent, dealing with serious issues such as sexual exploitation in a work environment. I can see why it won many awards.
I really love the Breaking Bad and spin-off series. Better call Saul, there is everything I need - interesting characters, a cool twisted script and a great acting, of course. I always recommend these masterpieces to my friends, knowing that they will not be disappointed after watching.
Just watched the latest James Bond movie, very enjoyable if you like the James Bond movies, very current subject. ?
By the way it is a long movie, 3hrs.
Has anyone else found "Letters Live" ?

Essentially it is actors reading letters on stage. Sound boring ? Check out this show. Don't miss the correspondence between Sultan Mehmed IV and Zaporozucla at the 39 min mark. Very special

Welcome to this special archive film of some of our favourite ever performances of incredible letters, taken from the beautiful Union Chapel in London - including Benedict Cumberbatch, Claire Foy, Zawe Ashton, Nick Cave and more. This video is available for free but, if you can, please head over to our friends Choose Love to check them out and make a donation. Since 2017, Letters Live has produced 11 shows at the Union Chapel, with no two shows being the same. Here is just a small selection of some of our favourite ever performances of letters from those shows. Through these shows and this video, we have chosen to support Choose Love (previously known as Help Refugees) whose vital work provides aid to people fleeing war, persecution and climate change.

Dopesick on Disney.

Very good miniseries based on the the true story of the opioid addiction epidemic in the US with events around the turn of the century.

The evil big pharma company at the centre of the story has some interesting parallels to our covid times.
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