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Turning 5,000 dollars into 50,000 dollars

I think I'm preparing for the market winter and i'll be in for the long term now without a doubt if it keeps falling... Failure to act is another lesson learned... I just don't want to follow the masses
insider said:
No I haven't sold the stocks... I'm talking about you sold the idea of risk management... I'm still in pain.

Surely it'll bounce after falling so much in one day! That's what I'm waiting for... then I'll sell.

Good luck, we've been waiting for CDU to do that for the last two months!
HEY! Don't give up. Look at what you have achieved so far! Great stuff, they will come back...see if you can find the latest Dines Report and read what it sats re : Uranium.Best of Luck
Purd2 said:
HEY! Don't give up. Look at what you have achieved so far! Great stuff, they will come back...see if you can find the latest Dines Report and read what it sats re : Uranium.Best of Luck

Hi Purd2,

Is this the site of the report you are referring to

Quote from above site choice of wording is right on the money :"If you think the fight between China and the West for the world’s oil is big, this will be more like a nuclear bomb. And it’s fueling an historic uranium stock-price explosion that will dwarf oil’s surge."
Yes it is. Thank you for that. I hope Insider never expects to see a stock just go up without a hiccough along the way and his stock is a good one and he should show faith in it and hang on in there now. Crikey he is way ahead of schedule LOL Love it
That report should restore some confidence, (I love it as I hold WMT and Dine has tipped it.) Probably why the volume was so big today.
I think we should change this thread title.

"Turning 50,000 dollars into 5,000 dollars"
Kimosabi said:
I think we should change this thread title.

"Turning 50,000 dollars into 5,000 dollars"

I almost said that but a little to close to the heart for some ASF'ers
surfingman said:
I almost said that but a little to close to the heart for some ASF'ers

Yes I know what you mean, whenever I close my eyes, all I can see is RED
insider said:
I think I'm preparing for the market winter and i'll be in for the long term now without a doubt if it keeps falling... Failure to act is another lesson learned... I just don't want to follow the masses

Hey Insider, You have to try and keep it all in perspective .............. you have achieved a great result, even if you decide to sell into the last couple of days losses ......... Dont know whether you read my story on CDU, but I did about 60-70 grand (so long ago I've nearly forgot ....not!!!!) in a week or so, simply by being uneducated/green/stupid/no money management/etc etc etc. , so the fact that you are WELL in front is a feather in your cap ............ you have had the wonderful experience of learning a very valuable lesson while still ending up WAY in front ............ I would give almost anything to be in that position right now ................ AND I'm losing a lot atm as well in this downturn .......... bugga ................. M8, Take the positives out of the situation because, apart from being obviously pretty smart, you are both very fortunate, and very lucky .................. what if this downturn had hit just after you put your 5 grand into something that tanked and you lost half of it ......... Atm you are about 25 grand up (???) .................. be happy with your effort/result ............... and start sleeping at night ............. the markets will be here for as long as you and I are, and you are in front ............. CONGRATULATIONS ............. (Dont get down on yourself cause you've had to give a little bit back for experience .... that is money well spent .............. trust me ; I speak from experience)

All the best, Barney.
insider said:
I just don't want to follow the masses
In fact you are doing exactly that by not having a set in concrete exit plan covering all contingencies before entering this trade.

Do you know what the price of MTN will be tomorrow? Do I know what the price of MTN will be tomorrow? Will it bounce back? Will it tank?

What about next week? Next month? Next year?

I don't know. Nobody knows.

Barney has learned much in his journey to date and his words are wise. Give them consideration.

To paraphrase his comments - you are in the extremely fortuitous position of bagging two big winners in a row. Skill? Luck? Both? But now what do you do...?
barney said:
you have had the wonderful experience of learning a very valuable lesson while still ending up WAY in front ............ I would give almost anything to be in that position right now

If you accept that you are only dealing with luck ( and I believe you are BIG TIME) then you would be much better off going to the TAB and putting all of your money on the nose of a 10:1 bet. You are more likely going to get the result you want, you wont have to wait around to see what happens, and if it does payoff there are no fees or capital gains tax. You sound more like a gambler than an investor.
Anyway I hope it pays off for you, fortune favours the brave.
Hey...Insider!!! Have you still got your 9000 shares. You are miles in front of your time line. Good luck. Doing well considering the market retrace.
Thanks heaps.... I still got the 9000 shares... it was hard not to give into the pressure of selling but I managed to mind wrestle myself and remind myself that my strategy is long term... I figured out that my greatest pain was missing out on growth because once upon a time I owned AGS shares and sold at 43 cents and watched it hit $2.00 .... If I had sold MTN at the opportunities I had I would've lost a lot of money. I reminded myself how much hard research I do... Research and knowing what you're buying is the most important thing in investing... to me anyway...

With MTN's recent developments I don't see it falling below $3.50... but anything can happen

insider said:
I reminded myself how much hard research I do... Research and knowing what you're buying is the most important thing in investing... to me anyway...

Thats what separates you from the gamblers; research gave you knowledge, knowledge gave you the confidence to make and stick with a decision, and the pay off has been huge.

Its not luck.

We all know that some stocks will prove to be 10 baggers and more; the stock market consistently delivers such performance. The big trick is to identify and buy them *before* the fact so as to profit from them, which you seem to be doing quite nicely. Well done.
I reminded myself how much hard research I do... Research and knowing what you're buying is the most important thing in investing... to me anyway...

There WILL come a time when you'll realise that its a minor aspect of trading.

Thats probably a long while off as you learn very little when profiting.
But then again may not be as far off as you would hope.

Thats what separates you from the gamblers; research gave you knowledge, knowledge gave you the confidence to make and stick with a decision, and the pay off has been huge.

Moses while IT has done very well so far with this trade.
None of the above in your quote ensures your NOT in the areana of gambling.Ive met many gamblers who have researched their brains out.

And MANY Successful people who have very little knowledge (They employ those who have!!)--who is the smarter?
Hello... today is very exciting as I have broken the $40,000 dollar mark for the first time

I'm still holding 9000 MTN shares

my current position is $200 + (9000X$4.43) = $200 + $39870 = $40070 = Very happy
hey insider what do plan on doing once you reach 50 k, sell or hold?

and are you re-investing into shares or have something in mind with some of that nice earned cash?

just curious, well done mate, you held on a lot longer than i did. i sold my MTN at just under $2

I'm planning to sell a year after settlement (November 11) and depending on how much money I have will dictate how I spend it... There's two things on my mind... Buy a motorbike and move out of my parents place (they Frustrate me )... It's very exciting... I'm so glad I found the share market...
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