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Turning 5,000 dollars into 50,000 dollars

damn if you were to cash out around now, 30000 x 0.3 = 9000 dollars tax???

Insider why not consider holding it for a year?

They seem like they have the fundamentals to increase steadliy
Hey guys. That's funny because I got this months issue of Money... nah i'm not the author... yeah I made that thread called BEATING THE TAXMAN so I didn't have to pay as much tax... I think i'm gonna hold MTN for a year from the settlement date which was around the 20th of November and get Capital Gains Tax... I'm really confident about MTN, their results are excellent and i'm pretty sure they'll hit similar market capitalistion to dyl and ags in the near future which is about 500 million dollars.

For MTN to hit that it'll be close to 10 bucks...

9000shares X $3.25 + $200 = $29,250 + $200 =


I think anyone would be lying if they said that this forum didn't influence their decisions... I thank Joe Blow for investing his time into this forum so that people with like minded thinking can congrigate quickly and easily and share VALUABLE opinions... I guess any success a member has is a testament to ASF

I can say that the two deciding yet common factors that came when I chose DYL and MTN were:

Firstly Location, and Second Market Capitalistion

When I invested in DYL they were cheap at 15cents and they had a lot of anticipation in NT... My only problem was that I sold too early which was about 27.5 cents... I was too eager to cash in and I missed out at 45 cents or so...

MTN has a similar story to be told,but their market capital was much less than DYL's and they have their tenements are in SA which I regard as the best state for Uranium mining.

For those who like charting If you grab any three companies charts and compared them they all go up at ROUGHLY the same time... interesting they nearly have the same peaks and troughs

I've watched companies like SMM, AGS, DYL all bolt off and now I think it's MTN's turn... I've seen people brag that MTN has the 4th largest deposit in Australia. I certainly hope so
insider said:

Hmm...I just went back and read through this entire thread. It makes fascinating reading.

Some quotes...

"Your chances of doing this are essentially zero. It's probably pointless telling you why since you won't believe the naysayers"

"Give me all your money. I'll go and blow it on concaine and prostitutes. It shouldn't matter to you, as your going to lose it all anyway"

"You are making the following fatal trading errors;
1. Buying only one stock at a time.
2. Not using a stop loss."

"To go from 5grand to 50grand in 1 year (which was wat insider stated in the original post of this thread) is not only unrealistic, its impossible."


Yet all he has done since starting the thread (at $9k) is hold onto one single stock. I'm looking forward to Insider announcing a result of $5K to $100K in a year. But I think he has already made his point.
But I think he has already made his point.

And what point would that be moses? I didn't think this thread really had a serious point, it was more of an announcement by an amateur investor that he was moving over to the gambling side of things.

The only point I took out of this thread was that the silly part of this bullmarket was well and truly in full swing.

insider said:
However I do a different type of diversification where I research a list of companies and then string them together in what seems to be the correct order of gains. Almost like playing the price is right!

Maybe when insider gets to his target he can write a book- "punting on small caps - insider's guide to diversification in a bullmarket"

To go from $5k to $50k in a year is impossible????

Well thanks to the following purchases
CDU at 3.50 +110%
CQTO at 6.4c +300%
CQT at 20c +110%%
THX at 18c + 150%
THXO at 6.1c + 350%
ERNO at .17c + 180%
GSEO at 1.1c and 2.7c +1000% on most of it
BLTO at 2.1c +300%
JMSO at 2c +1000%

Plus many smaller profits...smaller means below 100% since last July when I started speculating.....with starting float of AU$10k I have made a multiple of 12 in 8 months.

Perhaps you means turning $5k into $50k is impossible for "me"

Of course it is possible - and at the beginning I made the "classic mistake" of only investing in one stock as well

Currently hold decent positions in HLXO and OVR (up 70% since I bought on 2 days ago)


I bet you're not looking forward to your first loss..

Thinking exactly the same thing.

Yeh I pulled About the same on my account.
Bet your impressed.
I have made lots of losses but I usually sell if I gt a loss early on....even if I had to buy back higher...

Only one complete wipeout though on JPRO

I have put about 2,500 posts on HC under this nic since last it's all there for the reading...

I am only trying to point out that $5k to $50k is not impossible.....if I had bought $5k of JMSO (and not the $3k worth I bought at 2c) then I would have made $50k in 4 days last december with just one trade....

Nothing is impossible

tech/a said:

Thinking exactly the same thing.

Yeh I pulled About the same on my account.
Bet your impressed.

I am, because I saw you calling it live on the forum.... trading that is. The blank right hand side of the screen sorts out the traders from the pretenders..
Kauri said:
I am, because I saw you calling it live on the forum.... trading that is. The blank right hand side of the screen sorts out the traders from the pretenders..

Well actually no I didnt---not the same ratio!

I was joshing. Waiting to see if Yogi came along to tell me I have a big ego and Excal is a saint!

Cant see the Company options listed on my database but will check on my live feed at work.
Have you liquidated your profit Excal?
Just wondered why your trading $3K parcels when youve obviously got enough capital to be trading 5x that?

By the way Hotcopper's not known for credible rampers---errr--posters.
Tech/a I bought $3k of JMSO at 2c because that was all that was available at that price....upside looked good but there was only 7 weeks to maturity of the other words if I had bought more at 2.5c and 3c as well and before any ann. I risked being locked in an out of the money oppie as maturity approached...this would mean having to buy 150k JMS at 20c to exercise the oppies.

So although I only bought $3k worth to me it was more like $33k worth as given the short maturity date I had to factor in the possibility that I would have to exercise the oppies in mid January.

I sold at 16c.....bought back at 13c then sold out at 20 and 20.5c....

But that's enough here.....I was just annoyed with an earlier poster claiming that $5k to $50k short term is impossible

I also have an acquaintance who bought CQTO at 0.007c and sold at 15.5c ....that's 20 times profit in a few months......good research and the huge gains are there.

As I said earlier I do not usually entertain losses....if a holding starts going down I sell.....even if I have to buy it back higher later so my usual losses are are tiny.....and when the profits are there I let it run and often buy more.

My main plan is to get a free held holding and it is from the 9 free of charge holdings I currently have that my 12 times gain has come....short term spikes are of little consequence if the holding sits in the portfolio at no cost.

Hopefully OVR will continue going up next week (see my posts on the OVR thread) at around 90c - $1 I will sell some go free held and add it to mylong term portfolio at no cost.

A bizarre strategy I know but it has worked for me so far.

exberliner1 said:
My main plan is to get a free held holding and it is from the 9 free of charge holdings

Not so bizarre,infact if your doing what your doing damned right BRILLIANT.

I heard of the strategy many years ago and your the first I know applying it.

In fact with outliers (if you can get on them) it certainly has the potential for massive profit as initially you take a risk (albeit small) then distinguish the risk and follow the age old---- let your profits run.

Bugga me that would just work!
Looking back on pretty well all my shorter term discretionary trades I would be multiple times better off holding the profit with risk only on open profits.
Ever thought of a trailing stop on profits?


Dont tell anyone!
Trailing stops and conditional orders do not interest me.....I usually have only one or two "hot stocks" on the go at any one I can look after them my self...

The free held stuff doesn't really matter as I can hold long term...

So in effect I run 2 longer term with only free held in it and a smaller - usually one or two stocks only- where I think I will get the 100% or so profit short term so I can sell half and get my money back and dump the balance into my free of charge long term portfolio.

My current 2 "hot stocks" are OVR and HLXO - again if necessary I will convert the oppies in HLXO if I have to in March although I think it unlikely I will need to as the profit will be there for the taking.

The stock though I am most excited about right now is OVR....

Would have been excited at 30 mins in had I bought them----but now.

I'm personally not excited.
I can understand yours if you got on early enough.
I do my research and alot of it, nearly every company I've picked except for EXT and TAM(which was suggested to me) in the past year have gone up at least 500%... I never get into anything I don't understand and my choices ranged from Solar Cells to Biotechs to Resources. If I weren't so easily influenced by people's beliefs when I started in the stock exchange I would've now turned $5,000 into $250,000 since this time last year. No kidding. That is why I trade the way I do. It takes full advatage of a Bullmarket...

And for the last time it is not Gambling... I chringe every time I hear that phrase. That's what losers say. I'll tell you what gambling really is... It is an activity you engage where the odds of you winning are slimmer than that of losing. Gambling is designed for you to lose, so if the odds of you losing are 50% or more that is gambling... Gambling also means you lose and take nothing. That's not reality here. If I sold during a bear market I still take something...

What I'm doing is no different to what Warren Buffet did when he made it... and he is only the second richest guy in the world.

Am I learning? yes... Do I have alot to learn? yes... I see alot of negative crticism coming from people that haven't even contributed a single constructive comment... Here's some constructive crticism for you, Get a life, you know who you are...

That's cool dude, I really like your strategy, it make sense. The only thing I don't understand is how the long term portfolio thing is free of charge. How does that work?
Insider what I mean is that my long term portfolio only consists of free carried positions....

For example I bought 400k CVIO at an average of 1.8c last year....sold 200k at me my money back and a small cash profit plus 200k CVIO which are now free....that then went into my long term portfolio....admittedly I sold the remaining 200k CVIO at 7.5c.....

Same with ERNO (when they were LOUO) bought 150k at .16.5c average sold 90k at about 35c leaving me with 60k ERNO that didn't cost anything plus my money back and a small cash profit

Did the same with many others as well.

So I now have a portfolio of stocks that didn't cost me anything which means I can ride the short term swings without panicing....ok I will sell sometimes such as with CVIO but I can now buy these back for about 4c if I feel so inclined.

My plan is just to keep expanding the number of stocks in my portfolio but only collecting free carried holdings.

I use the cash trading float to buy other stocks...usually only 1 or 2 at a time and then when I have a profit get my money back and dump the residue into my free carried portfolio.

Hope that makes sense...

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