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Turning 5,000 dollars into 50,000 dollars

Still holding the shares Insider?

Are they still worth $50K now MTN's back at $5.50?

Or, did you 'diversify' into these other uranium speccies.

Mate... what are you talking about they last traded at $5.66... and yes they are still worth over 50K

Yes I did Diversify into other uranium speccies.

too bad you didn't act according to my advice , Insider...
If you had sold and gone into RMS and MXR as i suggested you would have been a rich man by now... just look at their charts guess the Audi R8 will become reality now

Wow that is impressive... congrats...

Audi R8... That is quite a chick magnet...

Well I guess I better go buy that crystal ball down at the market... it's half price at the moment... I wonder why
Mate... what are you talking about they last traded at $5.66... and yes they are still worth over 50K

Yes I did Diversify into other uranium speccies.


Well done Insider. I especially liked the bit about diversifying into other uranium speccies. LOL! Indeed, you've benefited well from the biggest uranium boom we've ever had. Congratulations!

Just had to drop by and resurrect this thread. One hopes against hope that our intrepid punter took his profits off the table long ago, 'cause otherwise this thread is a marvellous lesson in how to turn $5,000 into $50,000 and then back again - I suspect an all too common scenario right at the moment.
I'm new to this forum and to the stock market also, but as i read through the topic. The dude picked up a stock on the strong bull market and without any management at all he made good cash and got away with it. Thats good luck called even on a good market, which is sort of untrue today. Anyhow congrats to you and i do hope you got out of the paper around 4,9 dollars or at 3,8 if you were still waiting for market turn
I suspect an all too common scenario right at the moment.

Nope... I sold a long time ago... I'm loving the Current Market conditions... Like I said in a previous post I wasn't going to talk about this any more for many reasons... I learned a lot... and no it was not punting... It was understanding...

I had a lot of confidence which was key... A lot of people, were very rude and offensive... I doubt this could be done again this year with out using margin lending or CFD's to help... Anyway I'm off to Thailand and Brazil for 2 months using the money while everything turns to doo doo... Peace

P.S. There are plenty of cool and willing people to help you out in ASF... So welcome
P.S. I did not get the 50% CGT as I hoped to... The old saying goes it is better to have one bird in the hand than 2 in the bush... so when the market goes down so does the stock (usually) and 50% CGT is an uncertainty... If I had held onto MTN... I'd be nearly where I first started...
I remember you from reading the start of the post... (Very brave though, to come back and post...)
Another armchair specialist saying he'd never do it. Ever so well spoken and ever so mistaken, definitely not Hitchcock...

Good luck insider, well done.
Long live the tall poppy!
Another armchair specialist saying he'd never do it. Ever so well spoken and ever so mistaken, definitely not Hitchcock...
Indeed. Never say never in regards to the stock market. Good on you Insider for taking and enjoying your profits - the VAST majority of people who tried what you did would crash and burn. We'll just have to agree to disagree on the proportions of luck vs skill in the outcome.
I will be starting a new thread shortly titled "How to turn $50,000 into $5,000 in a matter of weeks" it will provide you all with an insight of the seven secrets to wealth...
What a great thread!

Shame it all ended in June 2007...

Followed the progress along this chart, and couldn't wait to see what Insider did in the July turmoil.

A gripping story, only to find somebody ripped the last few pages out of the book.

Insider sold his MTN, and achieved his target, under stress, attack, but intense fortitude.

I say to you well done!


  • MTN.gif
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Just like to add to the post above.

Is this chart not a true story of how much speculation is built into the share price.

Starts at $1

Goes to $7

Back to $1

So what was the $6 in the middle all about?

Sound good to turn 5K to 50K. WHY NOT?
Where do u guys live? Why don't we set up a team or club to trade & share knowledge together?
Let's have fun
Jun Ng
Just read this whole thread.
Interesting reading old posts from years ago.
MTN is now trading at $0.047 :
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