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TSLA - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ)

Tell that to the bloke involved in this model y crash who had been using autopilot for 3 years and now finally crashed. I am pretty sure he was alert, as the reporter said he claimed the car just wobbled and went off the road. Even if he took over the car would have crashed, many car accidents are split second, like if u are rounding a corner at even 50 or 60kms, by the time system says take over the car would have already gone straight out of the bend. Why would I want to put myself in a car that the autopilot can malfunction and run through red lights , suddenly go off the road , explode in flames at rest or soon after a big accident? Yeah sure the incidence of this is less compared to drunk drivers and all the riff raff.

But I am a safe defensive driver , have been for past 20years , never had any accidents , one speeding ticket every 10 years. And my parents 40 years clean driving records , never crashed a car. Why would I wanna risk the chance I have to 'take over and correct a autopilot mistake, especially if I have wife and kids on board.

And what's the point of an imperfect autopilot u have to be alert all the time to make sure it doesn't f up.

And yeah it's not just in Australia, Tesla's everywhere are still only at level 2 autonomous whether usa or Europe or australia. Elon keeps saying Tesla will be at level 4 but yeah crashes keep happening and there u go.

I might get a new electric for the wife in a couple years time , maybe even a tesla, but autonomous driving package? No thank you..
Some people like cruise control some don’t- same thing
Firstly, your safe defensive 20 year driving history is to small of a sample to compare, because so far Teslas with auto pilot engaged have only recorded 1 crash for every 8 Million kms driven, and I doubt you have driven 8 Million kms, you might not even have driven 1 million, driving 20,000 kms a year would take 400 years to reach 8 million, so even your parents 40 year history is to small, your family would need to avoid a crash for 10 generations to equal the safety of a Tesla.

There was probably multiple other car crashes that day involving human error, they just don’t make the news.

We don’t know if the guy was alert or not, he could have been sending a text message who knows, you can take control of the car in literally less than a second, a soon as you resist the steering wheel turning the autopilot shuts off.

A lot of teslas in the USA now have full self driving, which is different from the autopilot currently available here, we just have the standard autopilot.
Some of the Teslas in USA are on full self driving BETA... you should read this article by a Tesla car fan who is currently trialling the system.

Most notably still errors in :
[Choosing the correct lane, Unprotected turns in heavy traffic,Speed bumps and dips, Phantom braking, Phantom swerving, Premature stopping, !!Running stop signs!!, Stopping at rotaries, Timid behavior at stop signs]

[From the improvements I have seen in three versions of FSD Beta, do I see significant progress toward Level 5 autonomy? Short answer: I won’t be holding my breath.]

Written by : Arthur Frederick (Fritz) Hasler, PhD, former leader of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization & Analysis Laboratory

As I said before, if your autopilot runs a stop sign or does some sudden wierd moves that will swerve you off the road in one second, you wont even have time to react even if you are alert and take control.

We shall see, Elon is probably not gonna buy twitter now, or cant afford his offer price. Tesla looks like its lost the EV battle in Europe / China for now. Even the most highly touted full self driving is in doubt as other car makers embrace LiDAR tech and get to level 3 autonomy. Mercedes Benz became first to get regulatory approval in producing vehicles capable of Level 3 autonomous. not that it matters, it would take a lot to convince me to put my family at risk with an autonomous system thats not perfect lol...
I have owned my Tesla for nearly 3 years now, and have seen constant improvements ins the autopilot.

If you see a stop sign and your car isn’t slowing down and acting like it’s going to stop, you just press the brake, this is what it means to be “alert”, especially in the trial mode of the beta program, the vehicles are actively learning.

As the stats show though, one crash in 8 million kms is far better than 1 crash in 2.5 Million which is the Human figures.
Reading the previous post highlights one thing to me - people that have no experience with the subject material have to jump to conclusions.

Want to comment, no problems everyone has the right to a say. Want to tell everyone how it is, get some experience first.

That was an exceptionally useful insight into the current status of autonomous Tesla cars.
The writer is clearly very supportive of the technology and uses it extensively.
It works well in many situations.
Nonetheless there are still some important driving situations that haven't been sorted out.

That doesn't mean it is rubbish or useless. Just means that people need to be awake when they are driving.
I also think that it would pay to be aware and made aware of the particular quirks that drivers should look out for. They are not small potatoes and in fact represent some significant driving situations that would put drivers at risk.
Looks like Australia also missed the boat.

Looks like Australia also missed the boat.
Don't be to dispondent JD, events of the last day or so give me hope.
Indo can go hard I'd like nothing beter than to see industrialisation down this line for Indonesia: But then add in all the minerals across the top of the Coral sea and a rapprochement with the French in New Calidonia.
The regional economic/ security advantages should be obvious to any longer term strategic planner; That is 'a planner above a certain level.'
Interesting article on Tesla share price. Has anyone been following it
Rivian went from a high of 176 down to $19 roughly. Now that's a drop.
I saw some info that talked about existing batteries that have lasted 100 years. The problems are fast recharging, capacity vs size or weight and many other factors.

Investors have spoken about buying nickel and lithium stocks which could be used extensively for batteries by Tesla or EV manufacturers worldwide, but I think investing in Tesla covers it all - materials now and in the future, battery manufacturing including the latest advances plus multiple uses for batteries as in cars, power stations, home energy storage, trucks etc. That way I hope to cover dramatic changes over time that might affect other investments in materials.
Some say that Elon is now back tracking on his commitment to buy Twitter by selling more of his shares. Instead he will try get the price down and source backers. Large holders & fund managers are watching closely.

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