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TSLA - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ)

Some really amazing financial figures around Tesla.

Consider for example the deal Elon obtained to take share options in lieu of a salary . These options were carefully calculated on how successful the company was in terms of share valuation. Business Insider did a story on this process in Jan 2020.

At that stage they calculated how much Elon would make if the share reached the levels set by the remuneration committee.

In January 2020 Tesla reached the 100Billion market cap.

In October 2021 Tesla's cap is 1.21 Trillion almost double the highest level of the proposed tranche deals and a 12 fold increase in less than 2 years.

I was first a Tesla sceptic, I then cautiously dipped my tow in the TSLA market about 18 months ago and have kept cautiously topping up on the lows.
My views on the company have drastically change, I believe that it is an amazing company, I even purchased a M3LR. However, I am still cautious, as everyone should be.
A meteoric rise can easily turn into a fall, but I do doubt the possibility as TESLA finish building the factories and the realisation of the death of ICE vehicles is realised.

My biggest fear is the big car companies - Toyota, VW, Ford getting together to supercharge production and sale of a quality cheap EV. Yes I know a long shot but it is possible.
Another fear is China, it's well know that they want to be a world EV manufacturer and they are not shy in hobbling competition. Will China continue their 'business as usual' with Tesla, or will they give priority to their own manufacturers?

Who is Elon Musk ? Really.

The smartest person in any room anywhere’: in defence of Elon Musk, by Douglas Coupland

He’s the Silicon Valley Übermensch, the maverick boss of Tesla and SpaceX who wants us to colonise Mars and who can wipe out billions of dollars with a single tweet. So what’s not to love?
by Douglas Coupland

Sun 29 Aug 2021 19.00 AEST
Last modified on Mon 6 Sep 2021 23.52 AEST

It’s interesting whenever Elon Musk’s name comes up and people begin discussing his accomplishments, such as the reinvention of money, automobiles and space travel, there’s always someone who says: “Yeah, but I hear he can be a real dick.”
Take that, Elon.

So then, let’s be totally honest here, because in your heart, you know, and I know, dear reader, that you can be a real dick, too. So can I, and, if we’re being truly honest, so can, say, the Queen. She probably has to be a dick 10 times a week. So since when does being a dick somehow invalidate you as a person? It doesn’t. That’s just stupid. And what’s in it for you to dis someone you don’t know, anyway? Being negative is a stupid person’s way of trying to appear smart without actually being smart. And let’s also be certain about something else: we all hate a goody two-shoes, so come on, what kind of perfect behaviour is it you expect from a person, any person, let alone Elon Musk?

Well that was a decent drop in the SP, just as predicted. Anyone take the opportunity to buy, or waiting for another drop?

I guess Elon is saying, when is enough, enough.
He really is the Henry Ford of the BEV evolution, I guess if the DOW share market was like it is now, when Henry Ford started, he would be in a similar position.
One more reason why buying a Tesla stock is a long-term game.
Loup Ventures fund managing partner Gene Munster expects Tesla's gross margin to rise to 40% in three years (now 26.6%). He explained it this way: the production capacity of the company will increase with the opening of factories in Austin and Berlin, the cost of batteries will decrease. In addition, Tesla's lucrative EV software subscription business will grow, including through subscriptions to the autopilot feature, which is currently in beta testing and is available on 150,000 vehicles. It costs $ 10,000 up front, or $ 199 per month.
It sounds like, Tesla is the only share, an astute buyer should own?
I guess Elon is saying, when is enough, enough.
He really is the Henry Ford of the BEV evolution, I guess if the DOW share market was like it is now, when Henry Ford started, he would be in a similar position.
Yes, Elon has a sense of humour asking investors on Twitter if he should sell 10%. He knew he had to sell $1.1 billion worth to cover taxes and arranged for his Canadian cousin to sell out before him. At least he can't be accused now of secretly selling - Job done. The PE is said to be nearly 300 and a rival Rivian is now following TESLA:
[Channelling my CFA study]

If tesla's stock price is anything to go by, we haven't even hit shakeout point yet.
I don't understand the hostility towards Elon, his brother and the CEO selling a portion of their shares. Who in their right mind would not want to cash a few in to fund some other projects?

I don't understand the hostility towards Elon, his brother and the CEO selling a portion of their shares. Who in their right mind would not want to cash a few in to fund some other projects?

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Not to mention that when you are paid in stock options, and all your wealth is held in stock, you literally have no way of paying taxes with out selling stock.

(Well some people borrow against their stock, to pay the taxes, but that can set up some dangerous situations if interest rates rise in the future at the same time as your portfolio drops in value, causing you to be a forced seller, it’s a lot more sensible to just sell some stock, pay the taxes and have some cash on hand to live your best life before you kick the bucket)
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