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TRUMarkets Report

Jan 5 2011
I joined Trumarkets on Nov 1 2010, its a great service,(if they get IT RIGHT )
So far I have taken all suggested trades and am down $350
7 wins 3 losses
They tend to grab small profits offset by large losses
Amazing they get some trades sooooooo wrong like yesterdays short USD/JPY, a trade I personally would never have taken but I dont get them all correct either.
I will post all my Trumarket trading on this blog
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 10; Win : 7 Loss : 3 Account balance $9882
Trade 10 : > Long GBP/USD Closed Result: +$250
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 11 ; Win > 8 Loss >3 Account balance: $9872
Trade 11 : Long > Long STO Closed Result: +$241
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 12; Win > 9 Loss > 3 Account balance: $9952
Trade 12 Short GBP/USD Closed Result: +$80
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 13; Win >10 Loss > 3 Account balance: $10052
Trade 13 Short QBE Closed Result: +$100
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 14; Win >11 Loss > 3 Account balance: $10115
Trade 14 Short eur/usd Closed Result: +$63
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 15; Win >12 Loss > 3 Account balance: $10215
Trade 15 : Short > aus/usd Closed Result: +$100
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 16; Win >12 Loss > 4 Account balance: $9915
Trade 16 : Short > aus/usd Closed Result: -$300

I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 17; Win >13 Loss > 4 Account balance: $10018
Trade 17 : Long> gbp/usd Closed Result: +$103
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 18; Win >14 Loss > 4 Account balance: $10136
Trade 18 : Short GBP?AUD Closed Result: +$118
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 19; Win >15 Loss > 4 Account balance: $10271
Trade 19 : Long CBA Closed Result: +$135
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 20; Win >15 Loss > 5 (all losses on FX)
Account balance: $10172
Trade 20 : Short EUR/GBP Closed Result: -$99

Hmm Trumarket Forex man-- Do you think your George Soros? You alone are not going to turn around a swap! Forget Fib,Mom indicator and pullback..... THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND! Check your chart, nothing told me this was a short.
20 Trades and up $172 Woopee!
If I had put 10k in CBA shares (not leverage) on Dec 1 it would be now worth $10,800
Why trade?
I have been away on holiday but kept up my trading with advice from Tru markets SMS service.
We are up to 33 trades, my $10,000 looks like $9,700 now. Less brokerage and interest.
Regretably they dont refund my subscription.

Of interest if I had just purchased CBA shares they would now be worth $11,428 or if I bought CBA via CFD's my 10 grand would be now $28,840

I will still keep posting my experience with Tru Markets should a miracle occur
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 41; 3 still open
Account balance: $10597
Perhaps the way to make big dollars here is to be THE BROKER
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 47;
Account balance: $10797
The TRU Advisors have a bad policy of letting bad trades run to big losses and cutting short winning trades! Still we ARE IN THE BLACK at last
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
These are the suggested trades (in hindsight) to financial members.
Total Trades to date 55; 1 still open, (short WPL, not looking good)
Account balance: $10783
By broker is planning this year’s holidays on the French Riviera
I am a client of Tru Markets, started trading Dec 1st 2010 with $10,000
Total Trades to date 56; 1 still open, (short eur/gbp, not looking good)
Account balance: $10355
Good time to review the 4 months with Trumarkets, 56 completed trades
Up $355, 37 winning trades from 56 (small wins big losses)
Make up your own opinion
I get the report also, I use it mainly for a sounding board, either to confirm my bias or trades.
I sent them this chart the other day - hope you didn't take that AUD_CHF trade?


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Better revise your opinion of the EUR-GBP short


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Gday snowman,
You mean theres someone else out there, golllly!
Total trades so far :62 I have a balance of $10520 from dec 1st 2010. starting capital $10000.
My own personal trading is much better and much larger capital, but personally i only trade what I know > Aus stocks.
I paid for 12 months (regretably) with Trumarkets so I am going to stick with them and post my experience for others to evaluate.
Someone elses quote but:>> Its not time in the market but timing the market!
I am not sure trumarkets get the timing right
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