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Trapped Miners

How often should we recieve information about the miners?

  • When some new information about the miners is found

    Votes: 32 94.1%
  • During every ad break, report, show etc

    Votes: 2 5.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
11 April 2006
i have to say i am glad to hear that the trapped miners are fine in tasmania. however i dont need an update with the same information every 5 minutes of every show!!!! does anyone agree???
twojacks28 said:
i have to say i am glad to hear that the trapped miners are fine in tasmania. however i dont need an update with the same information every 5 minutes of every show!!!! does anyone agree???

Yes, agreed.
And a little sensitivity towards the family of the miner who died would be appropriate, amongst all the understandable jubilation that the two are still alive.

The sad thing was as soon as I heard the mine was listed on the asx I went straight to the pc to check the price
If you've ever been home sick and watched tv all day you'll know its always like this, they do news updates every half-hour or hour or so and repeat the same stories continuously all day. I can understand why they do it, but man its frustrating.
One thing that saddens me is that people are saying that their prayers have created a miracle for the 2 miners. Well, why didnt their prayers work for the miner who was lost! I think that what people are saying is offensive to the grieving family - why cant they hear what they are saying?

On the other hand my partner consults to a mining company and has been down the deep mines himself - he expresses great concern about the work that is still to do to retrieve the two men, and the risk to the rescuers is great. There is a long way to go before they are truly safe.

I also thought it very unethical the way the young children of the trapped miner were interviewed last night. And I also heard that dumbo Mike Munro say last night "well, in an hour or so the miners are going to walk out of the mine" - hmm, they hadnt eaten, been exposed to daylight, or moved for 5 days and he thinks they were going to walk from the mines. What a tool! Can I say that?
Typicial television reporters pretending to be experts as if they are the one's running the rescue!! my biggest hate reporter is ch7 Paul Marshall over dressed as if going to a ball the reporters couldn't give a $hit it's their faces on the box they care about don't get me started :swear:

cheers laurie

Yes, that's it, isnt it. The media have become THE story instead of just reporting it.

When the sister in law of one the trapped miners was giving a very articulate account of how they had been told the miners were alive, all you could hear over her was Mike Munro chipping in to say "I want to ask her a question" - he did this on several occasions.

But my biggest gripe with Munro was the time when he hired a helicopter to pass over police lines to talk to a child who was being held hostage by some crim! Unbelievable, unethical, immoral.
Prospector,I agree with your husband,
today on nova Bill Shorten was being interviewed and he was explaining the process about ,drilling the rest of the distance and all that,but then he got to the part where the miners themselves will have to cut themselves out of the cage and my heart sank.I`m thinking that the cage so far has kept them from being crashed when the cage is weakened because of the cutting wont it mean that the pressure from the rocks will actually crash it.I`m not very technical so I hope that i`ve truly missed something there.The tragedy if they dont get out alive is going to be enormous.

Good luck to them
Hi visual - I saw a diagram today which looked like they were drilling to them from the side and not down, if that makes sense. I guess though, that that places the rescuers themselves at great risk because they are the ones going through unchartered territory. Like you say, if something happens now, well, ..... as I am not a religious person HOPE for their safety.
Hi Prospector

I believe it was a miracle that the 2 miners have survived for so long given the physically extreme conditions of high temperature, high humidity, no food or water, confined space, virtually total darkness and who knows what else let alone the psychological/mental pressure and strain they would have been under after knowing that they were essentially buried alive.

Now why the prayers weren't answered for the miner who unfortunately did not survive I have no idea but I suppose to a large extent it boils down to whether someone believes we all have a Creator and how much say He has as to when it becomes each individual's time to move on to the next world.

I suppose when your time comes to move on you will then have an opportunity to ask Him

Re Mike Munro :iagree: 100%


bullmarket said:
I suppose when your time comes to move on you will then have an opportunity to ask Him

Re Mike Munro :iagree: 100%



Ah, but you see my creator is Mother Nature and I am just betting that when my time comes SHE wont be around....

Miraculous survival yes, A miracle no! And if 'God' is so selective about who they take, in that prayers are seen to influence the outcome, well, I dont want any part of it.

By the way, have you seen any of the Final Destination Movies - the concept is that teenagers cheat Death, so Death stalks them until he wins. A teen horror movie with a twist.

good to see there are lots of people like me out there!
Everytime something bad happens they do this. Think 9/11,tsunamis, etc.
I end up feeling like a prick, not because I don't care about what's happened, but because I can't stand listening to these egotistical F&^*s on the television constantly talking about it and I turn it off. These parasites see something terrible happen, so they get in a plane and go there to promote themselves. It's like ambulance chasing for reporters.

Give it a couple a weeks and the reports these parasites do will become promotional material for each networks news coverage.

all of the reporters that you guys have mentioned here(plus a few more) are on my list in case I lose my nut down the track. Think about the crazy guy in the movie 'Billy Madison' and you'll know what I'm talking about.
I am only young, 27, but Besides the last 8 months I have worked underground my whole career. I have also worked at two mines were there have been fatalities Big Bell in WA (when I was working there) and Bronzewing in WA(shortly before I started). We all know the risks involved with our jobs and we try to protect ourselves the best we can. I am glad these men are all right but one of the problems I find with all these tv reports is it puts alot of stress on the families of people who still work underground. I know when I used to fly out to site as far as my wife was concerned I was going on holiday for two weeks and not down some dirty hole deep underground. Thats the only way she could think about it with out stressing out for the times when I was away. As far as safety is concerned I think Australian mining companies generaly try and do a better job than their overseas counterparts, but mining will never be 100% safe. I think they should stop all the news breaks about this and just run a ticker along the bottom of the tv with updates. When these guys finally do get out the last thing they are going to want to see is a bunch of shining lights and cameras thrust into their faces.

no problem Prospector

What people believe re what happens when we die and who or what might have any influence on our lives in this world and the timing of when we might move on to the next life is personal and up to individual choices.

I suppose one way of looking at it regarding those who choose to believe there is no God is that I bet they hope they turn out to be right because eternity is a hell of a long time (pardon the pun ) to be suffering in hell for getting it wrong in the relatively miniscule 80 yrs on average we spend in this life.

Anyway, just food for thought - I'm certainly not trying to convert you or anything else.

So I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one



ps.........I think I am drifting off topic now :


Question for you:

If it were you and me trapped down that mine (now, just hold the smart comments fellas) , and one of us wasn't going to make it, do you think your God would save you rather than me because you are a devout believer and I am, at best, agnostic?

Julia /Bullmarket
people who use religion as a reflector to how good they are ,really are the worst people in my opinion, (Bullmarket dont take this the wrong way,I dont know you and as far as I know you could be the loveliest person,or an axe murderer)
However Julia when I get to your type of question I always remember that the Bible says" God helps those who help themselves"

Althought I feel desperately sad for the dead miner`s family,perhaps he just missed being in the right place ,perhaps he followed the people who escaped and simply didnt have enough time to catch up to them and the trapped miners just made a different decision,I dont suppose we`ll ever know,I find that this helps me take rensponsability for my actions and really think about the decision I make,at the end of the day the only way to find out whos right and wrong is by dying a natural death of cause,imagine finding out that Gods exists and then spending all eternity in hell as punishment :swear:
Or imagine the suicides bombers disappointed look when the find that really they are entitled to 72 raisins instean of 72 virgins

Ps.Julia imagine instead that you were pulled out alive and Bullmarket was caught in a collapse ,that would mean that you were smart enough to go first,but does it explain Gods existence maybe not ,but the saying would make a lot more sense.
Hi Julia

interesting hypothetical scenario but in that case I would pray for you to be saved because if I was rescued back to the surface I'm sure mrs bullmarket would then kill me anyway for being down a mine shaft with another woman in the first place


And thats what I am talking about!
wouldnt the world be a better place if religion could be exactly what it should be a personal belief not a tool for judging.
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