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Trading US account from Oz

28 November 2012
Hi Everyone,

I am an experienced US equities day-trader who will be traveling to mid to northern Queensland soon for an extended stay. I expect to trade my US account during the very early morning hours. I understand that some areas of Australia may not have internet speed and reliability suitable for scalping? Does anyone know please what is the minimum internet service quality i would need for quotes/fills from the US in under 20 to 40ms? Is that reasonable?

Are there any other caveats to trading the US markets from my US account that I might want to be aware of during my vacation in OZ?

Thank you very much in advance.

I've once read somewhere that some broker platforms check the IP address to make sure they are from within the US. I think it has something to do with disclosure compliance or something like that. So check with your broker.

Or, just enjoy the holiday.
Or, just enjoy the holiday.

I was in a hostel earlier this year in Batumi in Georgia (a bizarre place in the middle of nowhere). In the hostel there was a backpacker who was also an FX trader. He lugged a large monitor around with him and would set up for a few months wherever his feet landed and trade while living in a hostel.

Not my idea of a life but each to their own.
Hi VacationTrader,

Does anyone know please what is the minimum internet service quality i would need for quotes/fills from the US in under 20 to 40ms? Is that reasonable?

No, the minimum latency between AU/US will be much higher. Here's a good explanation:

You should realistically expect round-trip latency to be between 200ms and 250ms for a "good" connection. If low latency is a requirement for your trading then you're going to find it difficult to say the least. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!


that's amazing! so its true what the sales people say travel the world and trade!

20 to 40 ms? Not a chance! here is a ping from Melbourne to Interactive Brokers in New York,

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