Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

IB data is OK for ohlc Data. However if you want bid ask data then it doesn't work too well. It's aggregated, then sent and unpacked again. It's not as accurate as cgq data which is unfiltered.

A very high percentage of profitable intraday futures traders use a DOM (depth of market). Find you own way first though. IB is fine for now but I'd at least get the level II DATA. Then if you discover what to look for in the order flow you can open an AMP CLEARING ACCOUNT just for the data and execute through IB.
Thanks - I have the DOM running in NT as well as the chart. I don't really know how to read it yet though, apart from the obvious. I get sensible data for the Dax, but not for the Stoxx - maybe because volume is so high, it's really flaky. Sometimes it shows 150 briefly on one or the other side of the current price, sometimes nothing at all. I'll try again tonight...
Keep an eye out for contract roll too...that's coming soon