Hi Craft --
I began to thread. With the simple intent of pointing out techniques that some of our competition in trading is using. The ensuing discussion went well for many postings. Every civil question addressed to me, or answerable by me, was answered. Then began both going considerably off-topic, and involving personal attacks. The purpose I had was complete.
I had no idea the first post would be interpreted as "my way, nothing else will work." My apologies. How should that material have been presented?
I am open to additional civil on-topic discussion. What more, related to the first post of the thread, should be discussed?
Best, Howard
As I write in my "Foundations" book, the days of chart reading, long term holding, and simple trading algorithms are over. The business of trading is changing with astonishing speed. It is now about applied mathematics, machine learning, Bayesian statistics. Traders without skills in math, programming, statistical analysis, and scientifically developed trading techniques are at a severe disadvantage. Stephen and his colleagues will "eat the lunch" of unprepared traders.
This is obviously the part from first post most of us had problems with. I've bolded the parts where the wording made it pretty clear to us you are trying to stat facts, not opinion. Facts with nothing backing them, I've already posted 2 indexes (1 is from Fundseeder other from Barclays) of accumulation chart of real world traders where discretionary outperformed.
Most of the fireworks then started when Tech started hammering away that it's gona take over the trading and use it or become obsolete (fossil was the exact world he used).
Hi Howard
My answer to you regards your first post would be basically as Minwa has posted.
Add to this your often cited definition of an investment as something you write into your will.
and what I do is clearly a trader by your definition (as is nearly everybody) so take some interest in this thread which otherwise I may have left alone.1. Trading is buying and selling financial instruments with the intent of selling at a higher price than buying. Investing is buying and never selling. My comments apply to trading.
It was Tech/a post that I replied too and objected too with his line on lack of comprehension and understanding. Dismissing the objections and agreeing the thread had reached its limit.
There is plenty in this thread I disagree with and it’s not because of lack of understanding and comprehension.
Lots to debate if you want to hear the other side – lets start with:
You talk about the scientific method of learning then validating. The more standard definition would be hypothesizing and then attempting to invalidate.
How do your assertions in this thread fit with the traditional definition of scientific method.