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Tony Abbott for PM

Here is Morrison being interviewed on the Bolt report - he starts around the 4 min mark:

Laurie Oakes has sunk the slipper into Abbott recently as well, more than once in fact, in a similar vein. His articles make compelling reading. He describes Abbott as a sniper and it is hard to disagree....

Yeah, left leaning journalists seems to stick the boot into Abbott while generally turning a blind eye to the debacles created by the government. It seems to be a diversionary tactic and perhaps they are afraid of Abbott remaining in leadership.

While Abbott has been criticised over his speech, overseas news is far more interested in the embarrasing flirting behaviour. This from the Huffington Post in the UK:
Noco, that's a pretty big step for you to acknowledge the reality of Tony Abbott's appeal and his missteps (as the Americans say). Must be very disappointing for you, as it is for most of us who are so disgusted with the government.

I agree about both Scott Morrison and Christopher Pyne. Both are very confident and articulate, way more so than their leader! Pyne is often ridiculed but I've never quite understood why. He's very clear in his delivery, is assertive and determined. I'd only see him, however, as a very capable front bench minister, not a leader. Hard to say exactly why, but perhaps just not, um, 'statesmanlike'.

Scott Morrison, imho, has huge potential. He's very bright, can confidently answer all questions without the stumbling and prevarication displayed almost always by Mr Abbott. Perhaps too soon for him to be leader, but on the other hand, Malcolm Turnbull took the leadership after only a very short time in parliament, presumably on the basis of his extensive experience in other fields. It was, however, a predictable disaster as his lack of political nous was evident quickly. Personally, and I could be totally wrong, I can't ever see Malcolm Turnbull returning to lead the Libs. His own party wouldn't have it. It's only Labor who want him for fairly obvious reasons.

We were only commenting here last night that Abbott's problem is most likely due to a speech difficulty. He seems to lack fluency.
You might be right. But in parliament he doesn't appear to suffer from the hesitant speech, so I'd probably attribute this more to his lack of conviction on most topics.
If we're convinced about something (as distinct from deciding we need to follow a particular line for the sake of populism), we usually can speak fluently.
But if you're trying to figure out what to say that will appeal to the questioner, there are likely to be pauses and hesitancy in the attempt to get it right.

Perhaps consider in this context Julia Gillard's recent quickening of delivery, much to her advantage. It may be no coincidence that this has happened along with her general overall greater confidence following the passing of the carbon tax.

He generally has shown pretty good political nous (although not perfect), but certainly streets ahead of Gillard in that department.
A year ago, even just six months ago, I'd have totally agreed with this, but I think there's a definite turning of the tables. Mr Abbott is presently on the backfoot unless he can come up with something very definitive.

No doubt at least partly true, sails, but perhaps also we have to recognise that the electorate at large is pretty able to discern for themselves what politicians are all about. I don't really think they are that easily brainwashed.
While Abbott has been criticised over his speech, overseas news is far more interested in the embarrasing flirting behaviour. This from the Huffington Post in the UK:
Heavens, when you see that series of photographs they're pretty embarrassing!
Hardly, um, statesmanlike on the part of either Obama or Gillard. No wonder Tim Mathieson was photographed stomping off on his own back home!
Unfortunately the colonial way is to serve, come right or wrong, the unions and Julia play on this. Therefore now the carbon tax is in, it is now suck it up, tuck in your chin and soldier on, don't be a baby.
It is up to Abbott to get the fire back in the belly to say, we didn't ask for it, we didn't vote for it, we don't want it.
Lets see how he goes, it worked in the 60's

You have put this pretty well in a few words.
If he committed to your suggestions, then he would certainly deserve to lead.
I don't intend to play Labor-Greens game on this. Tony Abbott is Opposition leader, he's meant to oppose, not donate free policies for an inept govt to pretend are their own.

The carbon tax and MRRT are about a bunch of mediocrities looking to make a name for themselves. They want to protect their legacy,and have decided that Tony Abbott is the biggest danger.

They are right. If you genuinely oppose these bizarre policies, Abbott is the one who'll deliver. Turnbull lacks judgement, and is too..eastern suburbs twin set and chardy. Pyne and Morrison are good operators, let's hear more from them.
Good post Dr.

Shame the liberals were so bitter, twisted and nasty that they went after those who could least afford to have wages cut and turned work choices into some sort of campaign against low paid workers - which decent Australians won't stand for.

Had they been a little less vindictive the government could be in the position to take on the hard core unions which cause harm in the economy and get first year electricians 110k a year plus over time and make it virtually impossible for construction projects to be practical. I guess that a lot of these people vote liberal, so probably not.

Bad unions are allowed to flourish, but the liberals will be damned if a check out chick can make a living wage... makes no sense. Crush the big unions.
The socialist Labor guvmint we have steering us onto the rocks has done reprehensible damage to this once great country. I now have the intestinal fortitude to face that we are going to be taxed to the eyeballs yet again with a "Carbon Tax". I am going to do my bit for the country and turn my stretch of water (all 258 acres of it) into a carbon soak and get as many carbon credits as I can so I can keep polluting at my current level.

TS, you might not have to work any But you are one of the lucky ones who can pick up carbon credits. Most of us have no way of doing so. I doubt a windmill on top of our high rise would even power the lift let alone electricity for the 100 or so families who live here.

It is now Gillard flip flopping all over the place. Had her hand in the pockets of the greens over carbon tax, now trying to woo the right. Apart from taxes, what does she actually stand for?

The right will make up their own minds come election time and I suspect Gillard will not be forgiven for implementing a carbon tax against the will of the majority and not showing respect to the people by taking it to referrendum or election. After all, it's the people's money that pays her wages.

It may be that Abbott needs to be more decisive in his speech when on national TV. We do need a leader with vision and determiniation. I watched Doug Cameron being interviewed on the Bolt Report this morning, and although I don't agree with all his politics, it was refreshing to hear someone who was confident and strong in his beliefs. Gillard does seem to be flip flopping all over the place with her policies and she doesn't seem to be holding true to labor policies either.

No doubt at least partly true, sails, but perhaps also we have to recognise that the electorate at large is pretty able to discern for themselves what politicians are all about. I don't really think they are that easily brainwashed.

Yes, you are right. I know the Abbott bashing has no effect on me. In fact, it makes me wonder why they bother if he is so bad. Perhaps he is a bigger threat to labor than we realise.
Here is the section of the Bolt Report where Senator Doug Cameron speaks with Andrew a little way into the video:

And here's the link to find the other two parts of this morning's Bolt Report: From today’s Bolt Report
While Abbott has been criticised over his speech, [/url]

Actually the reports I have seen said Abbotts speech was better than Gillards the issue was he failed to keep domestic partisan politics out of an official occasion that just happen to be hosting the most powerful leader in the world.

In other words there were bigger issues at stake than Abbotts ambitious bid to be PM

Shows a complete lack of depth as a leader to me.

Cross the line of good manners and common sense you reap the bad head lines simple.

BTW Ian Macfarlane gave an excellent account of being across the issues on the Insiders today far and away better than the rest of the Coalition front bench.
Methinks the critisisms of Abbott's speech are nothing more than to detract from the school girl type crush on the President.

And you call this good manners, IFocus? I would think it was the height of rudeness to Mrs. Obama. I don't care which side of politics, this is surely unacceptable behaviour?

Image above came through on an email, so can't post a source. Here is the UK HUffington post link as most are found on there for the UK people to raise their eyebrows.
Quite a charm offensive wasn't it. One of her biggest weapons, and she was piling it on with a trowel.

However it seems the new Real Julia is a Conservative. Uranium to India, US forces to Darwin, a No on gay marriage, and sinking the slipper into the Greens - John Howard couldn't have done it better.

From President Obama's recent travels, there seems to be a big cast of No Better Friends - France, Britain, Europe, and Australia.

I think Gillard is pretending to appeal to conservatives in the hope they might forget about her little carbon tax fib. I get the feeling she is hoping no one will notice when several billion is lifted from our relatively small population of around 22 million and far less than that are actually working. Businesses won't be allowed to blame the carbon tax for price rises, but I don't think Australians are that stupid to know why their cost of living goes up.

It seems unlikely the leopard has actually change it's spots. Gillard has spent much of her political career opposing anything remotely conservative (as I see it), so this turn around seems a bit far fetched, imo.

Essential Media's latest poll shows labor down a percentage point and libs up. Newspoll will be out tomorrow apparently:–-voting-intention-95/
Last two post have nothing to do with Abbot. F.s get on topic

I think his days as Lib leader are numbered as the big one, Oaks, has pointed the bone.
Explod, if you're going to quote Oaks as having pointed the bone, couldn't you at least provide a link to such a claim?
If the venerable Mr Oaks has indeed made such a prophesy I'm interested to know whom he (and you) are suggesting should replace Tony Abbott.
...I think his days as Lib leader are numbered as the big one, Oaks, has pointed the bone.

Why would the coalition listen to Oakes? He is clearly a labor mouthpiece and we all know that one of labor's latest strategies has been to attack Abbott unmercifully. I would think Oakes would be part of that tactic.

And the coalition's own polling of their supporters would show that Oakes really doesn't have much except his own opinion on this issue.

As usual you are spot on Ifocus there were bigger issues at stake.
Like Latham said once a congo line of AR$e kissers, yep Julia and Bob were at the front.LOL LOL LOL
Don't you just love how the Laborphiles like to forget their own SHEEt slinging.LOL
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