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Tony Abbott for PM

I don't know how the Libs are going to fix it this time as they have pretty much sold everything already including Telstra at at at bargain discount.

Labor still in power in NSW,what does that say about the Libs there?

The best thing coalition supporters on ASF could do is to get rid of Abbott,crying foul play after his involvement in the Hanson saga is a it rich i think.
Labor still in power in NSW,what does that say about the Libs there?
That's only due to the fixed 4 year term amendment at the last election isn't it?
NSW & Qld will change governments at the next election, and Vic election will be hotly contested. Eastern seabord Labor goverments have expended all thier political capital - Vic could feasibly have a Lib goverment with Greens holding BOP.
I am becomming more and more convinced that all this carrying on about getting rid of Abbott is simply a desperate attempt to distract from what's really going on...

Todster, you seem very strong labor. It would seem very unlikely that you change your vote to liberal because of a different liberal leader.

Leadership isn't so much of an issue to me as party policies. At this stage, Abbott is obviously doing OK being constantly confirmed by labor supporters who stick the boot into him (as opposed to party policies) for the slightest little thing compared to the major blunders by their own party and leader.
You would prefer they stick it to Joe Hockey for lying about the "audit" of Lib budget costing during the election?

Lets be honest. Labour's "vision" for the country was almost as barren as Abbott's was during the election. Gillard sneaks in because she was slightly less worse than the alternative, not because she was seen as better.
If the Libs had a leader who gave the electorate any comfort whatsoever in their ability to run the country, they would be in government right now. Abbott has spent his political career forging a reputation as a formidable head-kicker, which is great for an opposition holding a government to account, not so much for someone who wants to run the country.

No problem with sticking it to Joe Hockey for proven lying as long as they stick it equally with every proven lie Gillard has told...

Mofra, agree that neither leader inspires much confidence. It's the policies of the leaders we should be looking at and how much they manage to influence those policies during their time as PM. Gillard/ /green policies are potentially quite frightening, IMO and seems they have party support for those policies. I doubt that any of Abbott's more extreme idealisms would get the support of his party.

At this stage, Abbott seems the best of the available bunch that I can see. Not saying he is perfect for the job, but the party has to have a leader even if that person is not perfect.

Gillard is certainly not perfect but has the happy knack of spinning or glossing her way out of blunders. That is one big difference between the two leaders.

No just anti Liberal which leaves not much of an alternative.
Closet greenie perhaps!

Carr,Iemma,Rees and Keneally
Yep, absolutely agree.

Ms Gillard's political point scoring over the Afghanistan visit will be short lived and might come back to bite her now that she has been exposed as knowing Mr Abbott had already planned his visit at the time she offered the invitation.

I suspect the electorate is becoming more and more irritated with all this petty point scoring on both sides.

Jennifer Hawkins i would hand out how to vote cards at the local primary school.
Call me shallow.
Everyone is picking on Abbott because he deserves it, note Todsters point about his pursuit of Hanson and then his shallowness to cast accusations of Machiavellian Bastardary.

"Tony Abbott under fire over gun photo 'censorship"

"Tony Abbott under fire over gun photo 'censorship"
TONY Abbott's office requested that the Defence Department "vet" video images of the Liberal leader firing a Steyr assault rifle in Afghanistan.

Must have thought he might come out looking like a real right wing gun nutter. The guy doesn't think very far ahead when it comes to these situations.
This is all in the interpretation. Those that don't like Abbott will, of course, knock anything he does.

Don't forget that Abbott was willing to spend a few days with the troops, in their shoes. Obviously that wasn't permitted due to security, however, my interpretation is that it shows he is willing to understand what their life is like and perhaps get a better insight to their needs.

I saw one of the photos of Tony with a gun and didn't feel anything was wrong with it. War is a reality and our troops live with those guns every working day. I felt he was only trying to identify with them and not just "play" with guns as a kid.

What I didn't like so much was the giggling of the PM during her photos over there. When asked by a young soldier for more help, she pretty much brushed it off.

And Gillard wasn't squeaky clean in the whole debacle. She let it be known publically that Tony had declined her invitation and made no effort to correct the fact that the reason wasn't lack of interest in his part. She should have known about his planned trip and other protocol factors. But no, she was willing to sit back and let the damage happen. Surely Tony had a right to be ropeable.

So, I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one as our interpretation of the events is poles apart!

You might have a point over the Hanson issue as I don't know all the details of Abbott's involvement. However, if we are going to dig up the past, shouldn't we also look into Gillards alleged communist / fabian/ socialist connections too? I heard somewhere that it had all been taken down from the labor website.
However, if we are going to dig up the past, shouldn't we also look into Gillards alleged communist / fabian/ socialist connections too? I heard somewhere that it had all been taken down from the labor website.

But that's not the past though is it M? Those connections are still current. (no matter how much disassociation is attempted)

I didn't really think there was anything wrong with it (hell! I would have shot up the course). Just the scrubbing of the pictures raises an eyebrow.
Overall Gillard just makes me want to vomit and defecate at the same time, so not playing favorites.
But that's not the past though is it M? Those connections are still current. (no matter how much disassociation is attempted)

You're most likely right, Wayne. However, while I have read articles of her past associations, I don't have any proof of her current ones so remained on the side of caution...

It just amazes me how many storms in a tea cup are dumped on Abbott and yet so little is questioned about Gillard's ideals and goals which could turn out to be very un-Australian and to which we may be being conditioned by stealth - Fabian style.

Abbott is not perfect, neither is the coalition. No arguments there. However they offer the only alternative at this stage.

moXJO, we definitely agree about something on Gillard...

Who knows why Abbott scrubbed the pictures. Maybe it was for whatever reason to protect the troops, maybe he didn't want to cop more flak for whatever reason (the anti-Abbott camp create flak out of thin, maybe he made a mistake. I guess he had his reasons.
She has a factory producing this stuff. Leftover from the RUDD years.


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Must have thought he might come out looking like a real right wing gun nutter. The guy doesn't think very far ahead when it comes to these situations.
I didn't have any great objection to the photograph, but think he should have been aware that his opponents would find something to knock about it.
Just can't see any positive for it. It does look like a boy with his toy, and risks the troops seeing him as lightweight, having fun with a deadly serious weapon etc. It's probably somewhat in bad taste, too, with the charges hanging over the three ADF personnel.

I just think he'd have been better not to have done it. That he didn't think about the possible repercussions just adds to the wariness so many in the electorate have about him.

He should by now be sufficiently experienced to have developed a sixth sense about how any action will play in the media and in the hands of the government. That he lacks this awareness is a real cause for concern imo.

I agree. Despite his blunders, I believe he's very genuine in his wish to support our troops wherever they are.

Yes, I think he did indeed. But I believe the electorate is awake to Ms Gillard's machiavellian behaviour and it will come back to reflect badly on her.
"Mr Abbott's firing practice sparked controversy at home, with Melbourne broadcaster Neil Mitchell labelling him a "dill" in a 3AW editorial.

"He's been in Afghanistan, supposedly supporting our troops, but in my view he's embarrassed himself," Mitchell said. "He looks like a schoolboy playing with guns. This is a bad look. This is not a game. This is war and Australians have died. Guns are dangerous and our soldiers carry them to protect themselves. Tony Abbott didn't need a gun."

Does he have a shooter license for the category of rifle he fired?
Did he receive any training in the safe handling of the rifle and be tested before being allowed to fire the rifle?
It was probably a spur of the moment act, which with more forethought would have been passed up. It reminds me of the photo's of the management team from Australian Wheat Board photographed in Iraq with guns. That didn't go down well either.
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