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Tony Abbott for PM

Hockey will be the next roadkill - already looks like a stunned rabbit with the spotlight in his eyes. He'll be easy pickings from outside, and within when it suits the suits. Can't believe the Libs are following Minchin into the abyss, love it .

Bring on Malcolm Turnbull and his new Republican Party and let's keep our politics in the centre.
Hey GG
Tell the libs to hire a decent political strategist, because they can't put a foot right atm.

moXJO, I expect that's the reason for gg's presence in Canberra, i.e. to offer his highly esteemed services and lead them from the abyss.
Tony Abbott - will punch hard

Tony Abbott may be disliked by the certain segments of society however there is a lot that reminds me of Keating.

He will be make life very difficult for Labor. The days of the Liberal opposition working with Labor as per the last two opposition leaders are over.
Re: Tony Abbott - will punch hard

I wouldn't bet on it Knobby. The vote has flushed out all the left-leaning liberals in the Liberal Party. They will always vote as a bloc and will always be a danger to the party. They will cross the floor on any leftist cause.

By my count there are now 162 Labor or left orientated parliamentarians in the Reps and the Senate, and opposed to them there are only 54 right of centre. Outnumbered three to one.

For all I know the population at large may be split along these lines. Only time (or the next Newspoll) will tell.
Abbott will fight the next election on the ETS. He has a ready made election line that Keating used about the GST to down Hewson;

Abbott uses a famous Paul Keating line to slam ETS: "If you don't get it, don't vote for it. If you do get it, you won't vote for it"
Can't stand Abbott as a person, but one thing is certain - question time is going to be waaaaay more intersting from now on. He makes Mark Latham look like a shrinking violet!
Couldn't vote for anyone stupid enough to believe in the 3 books God.

Put your future in the hands of someone who believes in fairytales at your own peril.
ROFL They actually did it! Hahahaha! Happy I'm not a Liberal supporter right now : Shame Costello quit ie: no Abbott & Costello

Hope Cruddy actually has the guts to force a double dissolution, bet he doesn't.

If he does & the voters don't punish Labour so heavily the unthinkable happens ( heil Abbot ) Then we'll be rid of Feilding & The Greens will have the balance of power
Abbott talks sense when he speaks. Clear short and concise comments come from his mouth. This is a breath of fresh air compared to the other leaders. I was critical of Abbott last week but he has shown GUTS and he isn't a sell-out by focusing on the policy and the ramifications for Australians. I won't be prejudicial by talking about his personal shortcomings as that is petty and playing strawman masters of the universe.
Couldn't vote for anyone stupid enough to believe in the 3 books God.

Put your future in the hands of someone who believes in fairytales at your own peril.

Better vote the Greens then.
Couldn't vote for anyone stupid enough to believe in the 3 books God.

Put your future in the hands of someone who believes in fairytales at your own peril.

That’s interesting.

Are you voting for the other who believes in fairytales? I don’t see Rudd playing golf on Sunday mornings.

Voting Bob Brown & the greens then

I agree, its easy to knock. No one is perfect.
People pushing the line that Abbott is like Latham ignore his intellect. He has survived at top level a long time and has keen political instincts.
I agree, its easy to knock. No one is perfect.
People pushing the line that Abbott is like Latham ignore his intellect. He has survived at top level a long time and has keen political instincts.
I also agree with Snake's summary.
Abbott is nothing like Latham. He does have political nous, something so lacking in Malcolm Turnbull who in recent days has been sounding like a proxy for the Labor Party.

It's hard to see Mr Abbott as a conciliator, though, and I expect there is quite some gnashing of teeth amongst those who voted for Mr Turnbull.

It remains to be seen whether this unhappiness amongst the Turnbull disciples translates to their crossing the floor in the Senate vote on the ETS.
I hope not. If there is some greater analysis of this scheme, resulting in the public becoming more aware of how they will be affected by it, we will all be better served.
Couldn't vote for anyone stupid enough to believe in the 3 books God.

Put your future in the hands of someone who believes in fairytales at your own peril.

Hear, hear.
It's surprising that yesterday some people thought Hockey had a chance. You can't defy the edict; "nice guys finish last." Nice, jovial fat guys don't even finish.

Strong leaders like Keating, Howard and Rudd are certainly not nice guys. There is nothing nice about Rudd's front bench. Abbott may be able to handle himself but I doubt he can line up a front bench that can match those opposite in deviousness.
Hear, hear.

I don't think it matters much at the moment, they need to put some dents in Rudd's armour first while they find someone who is credible to slip in later on when the dirty work is done.
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