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Tony Abbott for PM

Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

She looks to me to have been coached in body language, and doesn't look quite natural with her gestures and expressions. Although infinitely more appealing and emotionally stable, she quite reminds me of Gordon Brown in this regard.

Julie Bishop probably had the same coach Julia Gillard!!!
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

Why do you say that, noco?

Well, neither seem to be their natural selves and my understanding is all pollies are given methods of dealing with both the public and the media.

We have seen three versions of Julia Gillard. One before the 2010 election, one during the election and a different version after the election. Well that's according to her, so I guess some sort of coach has got to her on all occassions. How many of these so called coaches exist and how much they are paid and by whom is left to one's imagination.
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

Noco, I think there are four versions. There is the one when she was deputy where she seem to be a different personality to the minute she stepped into the PM's shoes.
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

That's interesting, nulla. Why don't you think Tony Abbott will last?

Julie Bishop performed quite well in the election campaign, but I wouldn't have thought she had the overall demeanour/strength of personality to be a leader.

Abbott only rolled Malcolm by the slimmest of margins, he is on shaky grounds from word go. Abbot will eventually be rolled. No matter how he umms and arrs he doesn't have the verbal tenacity to go toe to toe with Gillard. Bishop will be only to happy to do the job.
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

Bishop in the role would nullify one of Gillard's major advantages, an appeal to progressive types compared to Abbott's regressive image/language.

It will be interesting viewing, we've had 5 leaders between the two major parties since the last election and it would be odds-on one of them getting rolled between now and the next one.
Looks like "Iron man" Abbott is one critical step closer to destroying the Gillard government and becoming PM.

It seems as if he is going to renege on the pairing agreement he made when the Indies were discussing Parliamentary reform and trying to create some sense of stability for a minority government. Obviously intends to create a successful no-confidence motion as soon as someone falls over in the Labour ranks or Independents.

Did anyone seriously think "Iron man" Abbott's word was worth a $3 bill if it was going to slow his progress to PM ? So much for political integrity..

As I see it he has decided to destroy the government, create an impossible parliamentary situation where the independents won't trust him and then demand an immediate election to "resolve" the situation.

Hope he gets well and truly xxxxxxxx.
How quaint!

A belief that there is integrity in politics; furthermore, an implication that such integrity resides in the government/Labor Party.


Very enlightening.
How quaint!

A belief that there is integrity in politics; furthermore, an implication that such integrity resides in the government/Labor Party.


Very enlightening.

Yes interesting isn't it... In fact I would be just as outraged if the Labour Party had pulled this stunt in the same situation. But I suspect that if the Labour party had done such an action we would have the full weight of the (conservative) press outraged at this breaking of an agreement as well as many more principled citizens.

However because it's the Liberal /National party and Tony Abbott is the leader there is probably just going to be an acceptance that "what can you expect " and (sotte voce) "Just get the labour bastxxxs out of office!"

I was actually pleasantly surprised with the election result and would like to see a parliament and policies that were "fairer" and more rounded. It seems clear however that Tony Abbott has absolutely no intention of weakening the capacity of any future (Liberal ) government to do exactly what it wants and so this exercise is intended to rapidly destroy the minority government before any new processes can get established and, in theory, give him the opportunity to march in.
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

They are all coached to within an inch of their lives - so few politicians are believeable becuse of it. The fact that so few are natural helps those that are, even when they are complete head-cases (Tuckey & Katter are certainly no act).
Heck, even head kicker Abbott managed to be coached into the softer Abbott2.0 for a good 6-7 weeks including the campaign. He's back in far more familiar territory now though.
Given opposition resources its sort of OK to be out with the numbers but if you continually brag about being infinity better then you should at least be ball park and no double counting.

That article is about a month old and was well argued at the time that some of the differences were to do with differing methods of interest calculations.

And is treasury really bi-partisan or are they favouring the incumbent? See article link below. And I understand that 95% of the coalition costings were OK?

Neither side of politics are perfect and it's probably still a case of backing the one that appears to be the least worst for the future of our country.

Public service pays price for playing favourites

That article is about a month old and was well argued at the time that some of the differences were to do with differing methods of interest calculations.
Correct, but the government and Treasury were completely unwilling to concede this.

And is treasury really bi-partisan or are they favouring the incumbent? See article link below. And I understand that 95% of the coalition costings were OK?
And let's remember how often Treasury's own forecasts are wildly out.
How many times has the forecast deficit or surplus been very substantially altered, and often more than once in any year.
Amazing that Treasury, a department almost entirely run by beaurocrats appointed during the Howard era, are now so supposedly pro Labor. Tin hats anyone?
Amazing that Treasury, a department almost entirely run by beaurocrats appointed during the Howard era, are now so supposedly pro Labor. Tin hats anyone?

Actually treasury are Pro-Government. They favour the Government that is in at the time. That’s how they were set up by the Howard Government. Not saying it's good or bad, just saying.

Also this it my first post. Yay for me!
Actually treasury are Pro-Government. They favour the Government that is in at the time. That’s how they were set up by the Howard Government. Not saying it's good or bad, just saying.

Also this it my first post. Yay for me!
You're probably right about this. But Ken Henry in particular did seem to have adopted a much more political stance during last year. It seems the considerable criticism of him for this has been effective as he's hardly been heard from in recent months.

Perhaps he's away tending wombats again.
Good ole Tony didn't have the staying power to drop in on the troops in Afghanistan!
Seemed to have plenty of stamina prior to the election with double shifts and marathons.
Not enough votes there i spose.
Todster, do you ever think for yourself or do you just swallow everything the media dish up hook, line and sinker?

I understood that it is too much of a security risk for both PM and Opposition Leader to travel in the same aircraft to a war zone. Do you disagree with this?

It seems just too convenient to trash Abbott once again and make it appear that he couldn't be bothered.

It really seems that labor supporters fear Abbott and will go to any lengths to make him look terrible.

Sure, it would have been better if Abbott hadn't used jet lag as a reason. Perhaps he had a trip planned and on the spur of the moment used jet lag rather than spell out future plans for a visit to Afghanistan and thereby potentially putting himself, staff and defence personal at risk.

The man isn't perfect but he must be putting fear into labor or surely they wouldn't bother with these crazy publicity stunts. IMO it's in very bad taste to use our defence for this purpose.
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