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Tony Abbott for PM

Re: Tony Abbott for PM, but not this time!

Do you want to define what Tony Abbott didn't do for Australia whilst he was under the helmsmanship of Howard?

Health: While treasury figures show the actual dollar amount went up over the 11 years of Howard, proportunately it did not keep pace with with the additional funding that was needed to be injected by the states.

Industrial Relations: Workchoices was a total stuff which is still being unravelled?

Time to let it go.
"Tony Abbott will not make dramatic changes to his front bench despite pressure to promote new faces"
Re: Tony Abbott for PM, but not this time!

So therefore it was the states problem and not Tony Abbott directly? He actuallly increased funding to the hospitals?? Where is the billions of dollars being ripped out of the system then as claimed by the Labor Party?

Work Choices !! HAhaahha ... another Labor Party fear mongering smear campaign. They took the power away from the unions to strike and rejigged the unfair dismissal laws for small business.

The passing and implementation of the new laws was strongly opposed by the left side of politics, particularly the trade union movement. Critics argued that the laws stripped away basic employee rights and were fundamentally unfair. The Australian Council of Trade Unions consistently ran television advertisements attacking the new laws.

It was Employment and Workplace Relations, Kevin Andrews who introduced the legislation into parliament BTW.

But you are right nulla nulla ..... time to let it go.
Re: Tony Abbott for PM, but not this time!

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAte work choices is dead and buried remember that?
Obviously they used non union labour to dig the hole and they botched it!
Re: Tony Abbott for PM, but not this time!

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAte work choices is dead and buried remember that?
Obviously they used non union labour to dig the hole and they botched it!
I thought it was just the term workchoices that was dead.

Abbott is a Howard disciple though, so we don't know if it was a core or non core promise.
C'mon labor supporters... the election is over

you won

Go and celebrate, enjoy your victory...

And stop kicking the guy who missed by a whisker...

Seems very poor taste, IMO
Re: Tony Abbott for PM, but not this time!

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAte work choices is dead and buried remember that?
Obviously they used non union labour to dig the hole and they botched it!

Joe McDonald gonna help you dig the hole todster?

Been hit with fines worth nearly $50,000 in the Federal Court over ...
Been banned from encouraging building workers to strike at a Perth building ...
Been barred from encouraging construction workers to strike at a Perth high-rise ...
Fired an ominous shot at the Rudd government, warning that its flagship ...
He'll continue to fight for the safety of workers despite being fined ...
Been ordered to stay off construction sites for the next two years, ...
Re: Tony Abbott for PM, but not this time!

PIP,redundancy,Long service,24/7 insurance,free ambo,9 day fortnight $600 a year to join tax deductable what a country,Joe in full flight is a joy to watch.
Re: Tony Abbott for PM, but not this time!

PIP,redundancy,Long service,24/7 insurance,free ambo,9 day fortnight $600 a year to join tax deductable what a country,Joe in full flight is a joy to watch.

You mean the guy who was sacked from the Labor Party by Kevin Rudd?

Well, Abbott does win something this year:

Tony Abbott stars at sexist awards night
such comments as "What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing ...".

I don't understand. Do housewives not do ironing these days?

Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

Lets face it, next election will be Ms Bishops turn. Opposition deputy leader under Malcolm Turnbull and again under Tony Abbott.

She is the only one one the team with any consistancy. Ask McFarlane. She fixed him with the "look" and he went to water when he thought he had the numbers to roll her.
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

And on "The Chasers" her stare caused the garden gnome to shatter!

Seriously, though, nulla, what are you saying here? That you see her continuing as Deputy to whomever is leader, or rather as leader in her own right?
Well, Abbott does win something this year:

Tony Abbott stars at sexist awards night

I don't see what all this kerfuffle is about being sexist.

Men and women have been sexist with great success for millennia.

It's only since the basket weavers took over the ALP, the Greens and the Media that it has become unfashionable.

Even JP Sartre was sexist.

Tony is an ordinary working man, unlike the ponchos running the ALP.

Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

And on "The Chasers" her stare caused the garden gnome to shatter!

Seriously, though, nulla, what are you saying here? That you see her continuing as Deputy to whomever is leader, or rather as leader in her own right?

Unless Malcolm Turnbull scores some points in his shadow portfolio and rebuilds his popularity in the coalition, I think it is only a matter of time before the liberal numbers people put her in the job.
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

Unless Malcolm Turnbull scores some points in his shadow portfolio and rebuilds his popularity in the coalition, I think it is only a matter of time before the liberal numbers people put her in the job.
That's interesting, nulla. Why don't you think Tony Abbott will last?

Julie Bishop performed quite well in the election campaign, but I wouldn't have thought she had the overall demeanour/strength of personality to be a leader.
Re: Julie Bishop for the next PM

That's interesting, nulla. Why don't you think Tony Abbott will last?

Julie Bishop performed quite well in the election campaign, but I wouldn't have thought she had the overall demeanour/strength of personality to be a leader.

She looks to me to have been coached in body language, and doesn't look quite natural with her gestures and expressions. Although infinitely more appealing and emotionally stable, she quite reminds me of Gordon Brown in this regard.
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