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Tony Abbott for PM

Yes but years ago we didn't have a massive burgeoning middle class to our north who want to eat more than just rice and noodles. Like everything else, the economics of doing things change over time.

Also the fact we have gas in the Kimberley, makes pumping water more viable than using diesel. But apparently you can't use upto date info, you have to talk about issues of 20 years ago.
We import food from Asia due to costs one being we cannot compete with labour costs, transports cost etc.
True - I'm from a farm & have worked in food manufacturing for decades. Add the high dollar & it's worse. FWIW places like India have a separate 40% tax on imported potato products - we don't. It protects their potato industry. Free-trade is hurting us.

However the Chinese have just bought the latest release of Ord River irrigated land. The Chinese are buying our farms and today it is reported they are looking at buying into our dairy industry.
The plan is simple - you buy for the future when you can't feed your own country. And sell to yourself back home at a low price so it makes a loss & never pay tax. This is being done now - there will also be a "management fee" by the parent OS company to help transfer any profit & avoid tax.

Yes but years ago we didn't have a massive burgeoning middle class to our north who want to eat more than just rice and noodles. Like everything else, the economics of doing things change over time.
Also the fact we have gas in the Kimberley, makes pumping water more viable than using diesel. But apparently you can't use upto date info, you have to talk about issues of 20 years ago.

So it's viable to extract gas from up north & ship it overseas to be used on something that is then shipped back to us for sale but not to extract & use it close by? Explain that to me please - I'd like that.
Tony Abbott is going to become one of Australia's greatest Prime Minister.

Howard started off tentatively but in time was one of the most effective Australian PM's.

History will show Abbott in the same light.

He has a massive job to do to get Australia back on course but he has the backbone and fitness to do it.
It's hard to imagine how he'll be able to change the current fixed carbon price mechanism before the election. It therefore comes down to an issue of trust for the electorate on what Labor does after the election.

Talk of any reduction in the carbon price by Labor this side of the election is an attempt to wedge the Opposition.
Abbott's style of communication is difficult to take! He is so careful about what he says, it makes the words come out very, very slowly. You can almost see the cogwheels turning in his head as any spontaneous thought must pass the through the filter of: "is it ok if I say this?".

I'd love to know what he'd say if he was just freewheeling and spontaneous. Given enough scrutiny and hounding by the media, his real thoughts will come through eventually. When this happens, he will come across as a bit of a "boys club" sort of guy, with not much concern for the country.
Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

Can you explain what you mean here? Are you implying Abbott won't be democratically elected? Or are you using 'Australian democracy' simply as a euphemism for the Australian people in general (in which casw why the use of the word democracy?)
I'd love to know what he'd say if he was just freewheeling and spontaneous.

I thought you knew. This is the KRudd that we in Queensland all know. and (according to the Courier Mail) love.

You will see more of this on your screen before election day. This is the guy who is now hailed as the second coming of the Messiah who rose again to save us from the evil Abbott.

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You will see more of this on your screen before election day. This is the guy who is now hailed as the second coming of the Messiah who rose again to save us from the evil Abbott.
I still struggle with the fact he carried on like that in front of a camera.

This is where Labor weren't ready to govern in 2007. He was just a pretty boy there to bring victory over a tired Howard government. As to whether or not he was a genuine leader was clearly not a consideration.

I wouldn't like to work for him.
This is the guy who is now hailed as the second coming of the Messiah who rose again to save us from the evil Abbott.

Both Rudd and Abbott are shockers imho. I'd vote for Abbott ahead of Rudd, but only because Turbull might one day take the leadership.
Both Rudd and Abbott are shockers imho. I'd vote for Abbott ahead of Rudd, but only because Turbull might one day take the leadership.

So you'd vote against a social democrat, in the hope that you'll eventually get a social democrat?
Turnbull and Shorten will fight out the election after next.

Both pussies IMO, we need Tony to let fly with fluid speech without being too guarded.

Labor has no one...........Gillard was the only man they had.
The errrs, arhhs and stutters on this thread are deafening.

Abbott at the helm during the next three years of world financial turmoil will destroy the Libs for 10 years. But such thoughts may just see crudd cross the line in front.
The errrs, arhhs and stutters on this thread are deafening.

Abbott at the helm during the next three years of world financial turmoil will destroy the Libs for 10 years. But such thoughts may just see crudd cross the line in front.

My dear friend you might have to eat those words after the election.

We have been in financial turmoil for the last 6 years.

I doubt whether you will see the Labor Party back in power for 10 years with all their internal brawling. The Labor Party are split right down the middle and even the little t^>d will not be able to save them. He will always have those 7 or 8 Gillard ex Ministers snapping at his heals in revenge. The hatred that exists is for all to see especially between Rudd and Swan.

But maybe in 10 years time when the Coalition get the Labor mess sorted out and we start to live within our means again, we will probably sse Labor returned and create another mess as history repeats itself in both state and Federal politics.. Labor f**** thing up and the Liberals have to fix it.
Rudd is calling for Tony Abbott to participate, in the next fortnight, in a debate on economic policy.
Should Tony Abbott go for this?

I'm not sure. I certainly don't like the notion that Rudd makes a demand, and Mr Abbott dutifully accedes.
If he refuses, he will be accused of not being up to debating Rudd etc etc.

Julia, I believe he should but at Abbotts timing of choice and that should be in the last two weeks of the election campaign and by that time there should be more financial figures released on which he can use in the debate and I don't believe those figures will be a pretty site for the Labor Party.
Abbott should reply that he will as per the norm, debate him during the election campaign so could Rudd kindly let us all know when that will be.

For that debate I would hope that Abbott would have a detailed breakdown on where all the money has been spent ie how much on unneeded school halls (built at outrageous prices), pink batts and the extra money needed to manage the increased number of boat arrivals.
This suggestion is an attempt to draw costings out of the Libs sooner than they would like.

TA should wait as suggested above and in particular, wait until KR has released all of Labor's economic policies.

Abbott has proven over and over, that he isn't stupid. Rudd is yet to prove he isn't.
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