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Tony Abbott for PM

Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

The problem is nobody really knows how bad debt this country is in, it has been run that badly there is now way Liberals can really keep any promises. Who knows what Labor will do to this country to stuff it up even more before the Libs get in.

Typical Labor supporter blaming everything on Liberals instead of focusing on running the country now. Talk about nobody at the wheel at the moment driving this great country.

Do you realize the amount of debt we have been put in could TAKE 2 GENERATIONS to fix up. remember that before you start crying that your minority groups have just had their benefits cut for the better of the country.
Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

IF - what about Gillard's per-election promise to stop the boats...LOL

What about her promise of surpluses??

what about her promise of NO CARBON TAX??

LOL at the hypocrisy

And what's with the new thread - we were asked to post political stuff under existing threads!
Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

... negative and evasive with the truth as opposition leaders do...

Sounds more like Gillard...LOL again

And stopping the boats, etc will depend if the senate respect the will of the people or if we have to wait to get rid of the obstructionist senators either by July 14 or by DD.

Can't believe your miserable lot created this mess and here you are taunting Abbott because he can't fix it quick enough.

Shameful propaganda.
While Abbott is going to win with one of the biggest majorities and mandates in the history of any truly democratic society I don't think he's the right person to take them to the following election. Or, maybe the one after that because this Labor/Union/Independent-power-seeker government is committing themselves to probably three terms in exile. Not sure who is next. I would like it to be Turnbull, but he's too smart and sophisticated for the new Australian influence of the brainless dead.
Has it been forgotten how badly Turnbull polled before he was replaced by Abbott? I think there are better politicians than Turnbull if ever Abbott moves on (or is pushed).

Turnbull is obviously good in some areas, but it seems he doesn't have the necessary political nous. And he is for pricing carbon which the majority of Aussies are not, so he has probably cut himself out right there. I believe it is the reason he was dumped.

27-29 November 2009.... Rudd: 65..... Turnbull: 14

Just over 6 months after Abbott took over:
18-20 June 2010.... Rudd: 46..... Abbott: 37

June 23rd, labor got so scared they dumped Rudd and put Gillard.​
Kennas, were you perhaps out of the country during the period Mr Turnbull led the Liberal Party?
He was completely out of his depth, and made a laughing stock of himself and his party over the Godwin Grech situation.
Imo too many people are taken in by Mr Turnbull's quite attractive appearance, charming demeanour and articulate presentation. It takes more than these superficial traits to make a good leader. He completely lacked any capacity to unite his party at the time, and since being dumped as leader, has imo shown no increased evidence that he is actually a team player at heart.
Re: Tony Abbott – Broken Promises

Good heavens IF.

Is that the boats Labor started ?

Is that the surplus Labor hasn't delivered since it took office in 2007 ?

If nothing else, they've been entertainment value. The present period in our political history may well be referred to as the War of the Ties. The problem for the Red Ties though is that they are fighting Blue Ties on two fronts and at the same time still being leeched by the Green Ties.

To give Labor credit, they are clearly superior to the Coalition when it comes to internal hatred and civil conflict. It can't be long now before the waring factions start poisoning each other's party pies at Caucus meetings.
Hallelujah, at last after 100 years someone wants to do something with the 80% of the country we don't use.

IMO this will be a real winner, while Labor and the Greens flop and flounder around try to squeeze more out of the over squeezed lemon. Tony says what about the 80% that hasn't been squeezes at What a winner.

If we don't use it someone else will.IMO
Nation building NBN get over it, this idea is nation building.

Complete load of rubbish re north of Oz development, food bowl of Asia absolute BS, a few minor issues like infrastructure, elevated costs away from population centres, transport costs.
Its purely to try to take votes off Katter absolutely nothing else.

A noble motive, IMO

I don't think I've read a more ludicrous answer.

I hope Labor come up with a more viable reason for it not proceeding, than you are putting forward.

Infrastucture, there is a lot more infrastructure in place now than there was in 1960, yet the iron ore industry seemed to flourish.

Transport costs would be less, as the produce could be shipped from the northern ports.

Sounds like you are going into a bit of a tail spin, which is understandable.

I don't think it's just about Katter. But that would be handy for them. This has been talked about for decades. The Ord Scheme in WA has been looked at a few times but the cost puts people off. A pipeline from there down to the South would help the south. But if you want people to live etc up North, the Govt will need to put the money down to build a city the equivalent of Melb or Sydney - having the medical, educational & other facilities to attract & retain families. If that existed I'd look for work up. How to tie in with Business to organise this I don't know.

The short term ROI timeframe mindset will kill it - something that fortunately didn't stop things like the Goldfields pipeline or Freo harbour (WA).

Sptrawler its not about the Labor / Coalition thing its just total BS

We import food from Asia due to costs one being we cannot compete with labour costs, transports cost etc.
If it was so simple the Ord would have been a bonanza years ago, it isn't and never will be its broken so many its not funny. I come from a farming family its just not that simple I just hope the usual punters are not taken in spending their hard earned.
Again this is all about Katter nothing else.
Its purely to try to take votes off Katter absolutely nothing else.
Why would the Libs need votes from Katter ?

Labor's no longer interested in votes from the electorate. It's now all about the Rudd and Gillard camps fighting each other for votes from the Caucus for the charred remains of a once great political party.

As for the Libs white paper on developing the north, it'll likely see more light of day than Ken Henry's tax review has under Labor.
Now there's an acknowledgement.

You're worried that the upcoming electoral rout for Labor will be so bad that the Coalition may gain control of the Senate.

Who are you backing in Labor's never-ending civil war, Gillard or Rudd ?

O.K I'll defer to your knowledge, I hope you are right.
However the Chinese have just bought the latest release of Ord River irrigated land. The Chinese are buying our farms and today it is reported they are looking at buying into our dairy industry.

But we'll be fine because we'll have the NBN.
Now there's an acknowledgement.

You're worried that the upcoming electoral rout for Labor will be so bad that the Coalition may gain control of the Senate.

Who are you backing in Labor's never-ending civil war, Gillard or Rudd ?

Not worried accepted awhile ago Labor will be flogged as for Rudd / Gillard Rudd is about Rudd and Gillard actually wanted to making a difference.
Not worried accepted awhile ago Labor will be flogged as for Rudd / Gillard Rudd is about Rudd and Gillard actually wanted to making a difference.

If Gillard wanted to make a difference, she would have demanded the Greens moderate their demands, she didn't.

She also would have called a second election to obtain a mandate, she didn't.

Therefore it would appear she was driven by self interest.

Let's see what the electorate thinks.
If it was so simple the Ord would have been a bonanza years ago, it isn't and never will be its broken so many its not funny.

Yes but years ago we didn't have a massive burgeoning middle class to our north who want to eat more than just rice and noodles. Like everything else, the economics of doing things change over time.
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