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Tony Abbott for PM

The Budget Big Black Hole speeches would be pre-written, and doubtless a team of Treasury officials on high alert. They're hanging out for the Coalition to provide a free opportunity. Big Bad Tony will bring an end to the world as we know it, or so they'll tell us.

Rarely has an Opposition Leader so comprehensively demolished a sitting government.
I for one am with sydboy on this. Seems like everyone is just trying to get rid of the current Labour government, perhaps with good reason, and is willing to except any other government as long as they are marginally better (which is not difficult).

We should be demanding a good if not great government, not a marginally better one. Nothing either side has said in their policies convinces me that they will make a good government. All they seem to be doing is trying to rubbish each others policies, good or bad.

Hopefully not but I suspect the politicians will have slightly larger bank and pension accounts and we will be having this conversation again in 3 years time.

Demand whatever you like, good luck, the Libs are the only game in town, thank goodness they know what they're doing.

Gillard has lowered the tone on political debate to spiteful levels never seen before........she has to go and every day she stays we all suffer.
Demand whatever you like, good luck, the Libs are the only game in town, thank goodness they know what they're doing.

It might seem that way compared to the current government. Also don't forget how much of an impact independents have had during the current term. They are the only game in town because, we as the voting public only support the majors.

Gillard has lowered the tone on political debate to spiteful levels never seen before........she has to go and every day she stays we all suffer.

The Libs will win this election, of that I am almost certain. What they will do after that, I have not idea. I get the feeling, 3 yrs down the track, Mr Abbott might wish he hadn't won ...
The Libs will win this election, of that I am almost certain. What they will do after that, I have not idea. I get the feeling, 3 yrs down the track, Mr Abbott might wish he hadn't won ...

The Libs will rise to the challenge, of that I am certain. What they will do after that can never be worse than what the present Government has done. I get the feeling, 3 years down the track that Tony Abbott win again because the Labor party will be have been so totally routed this coming September.
I get the feeling, 3 yrs down the track, Mr Abbott might wish he hadn't won ...

Yes, the fifth labour of Hercules in cleaning 30 years of **** out of the Augean stables will seem like a breeze compared to the job Abbott has of cleaning up the mess made by Labor trashing the joint in six years.

Yes Bintang;

Labor party will be have been so totally routed this coming September.
and rooted too.
I'll leave you guys to your Tony admiration. If I am around, we can pick this up in 3 yrs.... :
I am pleased that though Tony Abbott said though he wants to raise the GST, he would let us vote on it, Like Howard did. That takes one of my main worries away from electing him.
Yes, the fifth labour of Hercules in cleaning 30 years of **** out of the Augean stables will seem like a breeze compared to the job Abbott has of cleaning up the mess made by Labor trashing the joint in six years.

Yes Bintang;

and rooted too.

That's what I meant. I'm just a lousy speller (just kidding)
I am pleased that though Tony Abbott said though he wants to raise the GST, he would let us vote on it, Like Howard did. That takes one of my main worries away from electing him.
Me too, Knobby. Mr Abbott seems to be emerging from the attack dog of Opposition into a fairly measured and considered potential Prime Minister.

The country needs change. Mr Abbott has made crystal clear that he intends to get rid of the carbon tax.
The Labor Party in recent days has made it equally clear that - despite any mandate to this effect achieved by the election - they will resolutely oppose such legislation, so we are probably destined for a double dissolution election, something most voters could well do without.

Just as Mr Abbott has accepted the usefulness of the NDIS and voted for it, surely if the Libs comprehensively win the election on a platform of removing the carbon tax, Labor are only going to further cast themselves into disfavour by being obstructionist?
Yes, if it is clear policy then he should have the mandate.
I am pleased that though Tony Abbott said though he wants to raise the GST, he would let us vote on it, Like Howard did. That takes one of my main worries away from electing him.

F*** that!

We are already paying ~15% GST, as we must earn in the region of $15 to pay $10 GST. GST is double taxation.

Higher income tax/lower consumption tax or lower income tax/higher consumption tax... pick your ideological poison, but high income tax/high consumption tax is an impost that long term will fark up the economy IMNTBCHP.

Howard's GST replaced other consumption taxes, but did not increase them. Increased CTs in the face of a relatively stable IC environment is a pox that must be avoided at all costs... especially when it is spending that can, and should be addressd.

So he's going to spend a large part of his political capital trying to repeal a tax that hasn't been that harmful to the economy and that will be even less harmful in the future (as the price of carbon looks like it will fall off a cliff when it moves to a trading scheme)?

Costeilo's right that Tony isn't very interested in economics and seems like his plan as far as economic policy goes is to throw just big enough a bone to the party's dries while not making any economic changes that will piss off centrist voters.

Along with his charcoal carbon soil sequestration magic. Even big business says it's bad policy. My only hope is if he does repeal the carbon tax, that he dumps his stoopid direct action as well as I'd much rather he do nothing - which seems to be what most of the right in Australia really want - than for him to waster $10B or more on policies designed mainly to make the Nationals happy with more agrarian socialist policies.

We'd be much better off with providing incentives for everyone to upgrade their homes to the Victorian 5 star rating, or even to 6 stars if possible. Recently read an article that used data supplied by one of the major gas / electricity suppliers in Victoria and they could show a huge difference in energy usage of new housing estates built after 5 star building codes compared to older housing stock.

Australians are still energy hogs in the housing sector, and there's still a lot of low hanging fruit to be picked if we had the political and social will to spend the money to make long term savings in energy use.
I am pleased that though Tony Abbott said though he wants to raise the GST, he would let us vote on it, Like Howard did. That takes one of my main worries away from electing him.
I believe the Coalition will definitely be thinking about the GST as a budget balancing mechanism.

However if they try to apply the GST to food they'll have a fight on their hands. Where are the Democrats when you need them.
Rarely has an Opposition Leader so comprehensively demolished a sitting government.

Abbott has demolished nobody, the Labor Government has done it all by themselves.

Go back and read your own posts Logique, Abbott is no Superman.
Unusual thing political leadership.People that you would not want to lead your darts team become reasonable political leaders.The only time that you can judge them properly is after they get to government.Most opposition leaders look bad without the clout of encumbency.
When Tony Abbott had the opportunity to get the independents on side he was unable to do so.That is three years ago and he may have learnt since then.
Well if all goes with the polls,we should have the opportunity to pass a more cogent response regarding TAs political leadership.
It would be more enlightening if he had to deal with a hung parliament,that would be interesting!
I believe the Coalition will definitely be thinking about the GST as a budget balancing mechanism.

However if they try to apply the GST to food they'll have a fight on their hands. Where are the Democrats when you need them.
Doesn't the money raised by the GST go to the States anyway?

They would be in huge trouble if they applied it to fresh fruit and vegetables imo. We have a real problem with obesity and to further increase cost of healthy food would be counterproductive in a health and social sense as well as financially.
I believe the Coalition will definitely be thinking about the GST as a budget balancing mechanism.

However if they try to apply the GST to food they'll have a fight on their hands. Where are the Democrats when you need them.

Logique, I would sooner pay an increase in the GST and know how much extra I am paying than not knowing the increases slamed on everything as a result of the carbon tax which has for a start increased transport costs and the excuse some manufacturing companies use as an increase in power costs as a result of the carbon tax. Those increases could be well in excess of their actual costs and some would have taken advantge of the issue.

So you may well be paying more for fruit and vegatables now than you would have had, had an increase in the GST been applied.

Many people, in particular young people, would have either forgotten or did not know that when Howard introduced the 10% GST, all the hidden sales taxes were abolished. Like 25% on motor vehicles and I clearly remember Keating increasing the sales tax on cars from 20% to 25 % and no one was any the wiser because it was hidden. We also paid 33% on stationery and toilet paper and 22.5 % ST on a can of coca cola.

However, the states were also supposed to abolish stamp duties and it was mostly the Labor states who held on to.

New Zealanders are paying 15% GST and lots of Europian companies are paying even more.

Very good point, so how about they just put the GST on 'unhealthy food' which apparently is what most people eat anyway as so many are obese.
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