Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

Interesting to see he's dropped the core promise of a surplus in his first year. I seem to remember he's pretty much said they're easy to produce so wonder what's going on??

Also interesting to see he's not gonig to touch the super system, but only in his first year of office.

Still no word on what spending cuts he will make.
Interesting to see he's dropped the core promise of a surplus in his first year. I seem to remember he's pretty much said they're easy to produce so wonder what's going on??

Also interesting to see he's not gonig to touch the super system, but only in his first year of office.

Still no word on what spending cuts he will make.

Thre Libs arent miracle makers, there will be lots of pain to fix Gillards financial vandalism.
Interesting to see he's dropped the core promise of a surplus in his first year. I seem to remember he's pretty much said they're easy to produce so wonder what's going on??

Broken promise number 1

Also interesting to see he's not gonig to touch the super system, but only in his first year of office.

That promise will also be broken stay tuned

Still no word on what spending cuts he will make.

Maybe (I doubt it) Abbott understands introducing a fiscal cliff might be bad.
The New Tony Abbott

Watching Abbott start his election run pretty well made me want to vomit.

This is some one who has spent a life time being the junk yard dog and proud of it, the last 4 years lying about any thing for a photo opportunity and now excitingly he is mister positive.

Go Tony.
Re: The New Tony Abbott

Watching Abbott start his election run pretty well made me want to vomit.

This is some one who has spent a life time being the junk yard dog and proud of it, the last 4 years lying about any thing for a photo opportunity and now excitingly he is mister positive.

Go Tony.

You hate Tony now, what are you going to be like when he is PM, what will you be like when he starts to fix up this mess Labour has given him???????????. Will you be one of the THOUSANDS of workers that he will have to fire. Come on Labour BRING IT ON.:D:D:D:D
Re: The New Tony Abbott

Watching Abbott start his election run pretty well made me want to vomit.

This is some one who has spent a life time being the junk yard dog and proud of it, the last 4 years lying about any thing for a photo opportunity and now excitingly he is mister positive.

Go Tony.


maby leave your ghey rants for twitter
Thre Libs arent miracle makers, there will be lots of pain to fix Gillards financial vandalism.

UMM. We are talking about the same LNP who's members claim they would have continued to run surpluses through and after the GFC???

Christopher Pyne: "Well if there had been a Coalition government for the last five years, Kieran, I think most people accept that we would have had continuing surpluses.”

Under the Howard government, spending rose an average of $14.5 billion a year between 2001-02 and 2007-08 (wow, talk about SMALL Government). Assuming this rate of growth had been maintained and there was no attempt to respond to the impacts of the global financial crisis (even though Malcolm Turnbull supported the Rudd government’s first set of stimulus payments), the Coalition would have indeed recorded a surplus in 2008-09, but then sunk over $16 billion into the red in 2009-10 and nearly $14 billion into the red in 2010-11, due to the sluggish recovery in revenue growth ”” something they've steadfastly refused to acknowledge in their attacks on Labor’s fiscal management. In 2011-12, they would have managed a balanced budget.

So, for Christopher Pyne’s statement to be even close to being right, the Coalition would have needed to find an extra $25.7 billion in revenue, or find $25.7 billion in cuts, between 2008-09 and 2011-12 just to get back to balance, let alone generate surpluses. And that’s without a skerrick of stimulus.

I post these graphs again, because it highlights the out right lie told by Pyne, or sadly shows the economic illiteracy of a senior member of the LNP. I'll let you decide which one it is.

I look forward to seeing the economic miracles the LNP will achieve in Govt. Will be interesting to see if they bring tax revenue up above what Labor have been able to work with.

Oh, and claims to create 2 million jobs over 10 years. What codswallop. If you aren't talking about what you will do in a term in office, then really why talk about, because it's so far into the future it really doesn't do much for your credibility. I know those statements are loved by politicians because it takes so long before they can be disproved.


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Julia is beside herself, in Vic for the bushfires photo op and can hardly wait to find the most cameras in flooded Qld, oh she is busy.

Yes Tony will be PM game on Gillard.:D
Re: The New Tony Abbott

Watching Abbott start his election run pretty well made me want to vomit.

This is some one who has spent a life time being the junk yard dog and proud of it, the last 4 years lying about any thing for a photo opportunity and now excitingly he is mister positive.

Go Tony.

Thats weird started a new thread to discuss Abbotts hypercritical new positive spin and it ends up here.

Hang on who are all those heavily armed police out side my place taking aim at my front door.........
Julia is beside herself, in Vic for the bushfires photo op and can hardly wait to find the most cameras in flooded Qld, oh she is busy.

Yes Tony will be PM game on Gillard.:D

What would make my day would be a photo of Julia floating down a flooded river, now THATS a photo op.
UMM. We are talking about the same LNP who's members claim they would have continued to run surpluses through and after the GFC???

Christopher Pyne: "Well if there had been a Coalition government for the last five years, Kieran, I think most people accept that we would have had continuing surpluses.”
When it comes to election time, it will not be a judgement about who has a perfect score.

Tle current Labor/Green government will also be judged on it's own economic management, which is far from pretty.
When it comes to election time, it will not be a judgement about who has a perfect score.

Tle current Labor/Green government will also be judged on it's own economic management, which is far from pretty.

So it's a case of - from your point of view - an incompetent Govt against the LNP who are either liars, or so economically clueless they have no idea what they're saying??

I wait with bated breath on just how much spending Abbott will introduce with his budget. Considering the ways of the Howard Govt with family tax benefits for all, baby bonuses, private school funding at rates far above what a school was supposed to get, along with the FACT it was at times the HIGHEST taxing Govt in the history of Australia, and one of the HIGHEST spending Govts to boot.

What I find damned frustrating is this belief that a conservative Govt is somehow naturally better able to "manage' the economy. The whole concept is a furphy. Just as the belief that Labor is somehow divinely better on education and heath care.

It'll be another 6 months at least before Abbott and Co start to say anything of relevance. They'l live in a policy vacuum till then, running the small target campaign for all it's worth.

It's sad that so many people have made up their minds already, when they have no idea what they've signed up for.

Do you believe the dribble from the LNP that they would have run surpluses since the 2007 election? If you do, then just look towards Europe to see what a deflationary death spiral they would have sent us on. I'd say the current Govt debt was the cheapest way through the GFC for us. $40 billion in Govt revenue disappeared in 1 year, and still the LNP can claim they would have run a surplus.
So it's a case of - from your point of view - an incompetent Govt against the LNP who are either liars, or so economically clueless they have no idea what they're saying??

I wait with bated breath on just how much spending Abbott will introduce with his budget. Considering the ways of the Howard Govt with family tax benefits for all, baby bonuses, private school funding at rates far above what a school was supposed to get, along with the FACT it was at times the HIGHEST taxing Govt in the history of Australia, and one of the HIGHEST spending Govts to boot.

What I find damned frustrating is this belief that a conservative Govt is somehow naturally better able to "manage' the economy. The whole concept is a furphy. Just as the belief that Labor is somehow divinely better on education and heath care.

It'll be another 6 months at least before Abbott and Co start to say anything of relevance. They'l live in a policy vacuum till then, running the small target campaign for all it's worth.

It's sad that so many people have made up their minds already, when they have no idea what they've signed up for.

Do you believe the dribble from the LNP that they would have run surpluses since the 2007 election? If you do, then just look towards Europe to see what a deflationary death spiral they would have sent us on. I'd say the current Govt debt was the cheapest way through the GFC for us. $40 billion in Govt revenue disappeared in 1 year, and still the LNP can claim they would have run a surplus.

I cant believe anyone would want to continue with Juliar and her band of dim wits, you must have an ulterior motive it cant be from logic or ALP past performance.
So it's a case of - from your point of view - an incompetent Govt against the LNP who are either liars, or so economically clueless they have no idea what they're saying??

Stop, Stop, Stop right there....who are you talking about. Someone who is spending money like no tomorrow, or someone that actually sits down and says, 'Hmm, might have to cut back a bit, and think of the future here....

Think NDIS/Dentist scheme mate. Spending money they don't even have. WTF.....

As an example, in your world, ALP would purchase 5 IP's (maxed out budget), have 2 brand new cars, 2 kids in school, then go on holidays to Europe for 1 month, 1st class flights, 5 star hotels. Wait until the Credit Card bill comes....that's what the Libs will have to face. A family who has been on a drunken rampaging splurge for the last 4 or so years. When the rooster comes home to roost, it ain't going to be pretty.

As most sensible people know, you can't spend beyond your means. How hard is that to understand?
So it's a case of - from your point of view - an incompetent Govt against the LNP who are either liars, or so economically clueless they have no idea what they're saying??

We had Swan saying we would have a budget surplus 'come hell, or high water' and they ranted on for the better part of a year. We also have had failed policy after failed policy. I seem to remember Costello saying we were going to have a financial tsunami hit us back before the 2007 election and dumbwad Swan telling all that everything was fine untill the gfc then he back peddled like mad. So election speak hits both sides.

As far as the economy goes labor has helped drive it to the slow lane with it's fair work Australia act.
We also had the long list of labor fails
Do you believe they would have gone into as much debt as Labor ?

Like it or not, the only choices we have are the ones on the table.

Not sure if they would have - looking at the spending policies of the previous Howard Govt I could argue they might have spent more than Labor. Whatever way you look at it, the LNP under Howard were big taxing and big spending, yet praised for the economic "management".

Remember it was the LNP who gave us the wonderful baby bonus.

Totally agree I don't like our current choices. So far most of what Abbott and the LNP are saying is out right rubbish, so if you're gaining confidence that mob will be better better performers than the current ones, well you're far more trusting than me.
So far most of what Abbott and the LNP are saying is out right rubbish, so if you're gaining confidence that mob will be better better performers than the current ones, well you're far more trusting than me.
On the subject of rubbish.

This is what most of the electorate will remember come election time.

Yet productivity was the LOWEST during work choices.

So yeah, screwing the workers over really helps the economy?
Yeah perhaps read up on productivity.

The Left is engaged in a futile war with the Right over the link between productivity and industrial
relations. But it’s a war that won’t be won by rapid‐fire exchanges of bogus economic statistics. …
Nobody knows if there is a strong link between productivity and industrial relations systems. The truth
is that there are probably lots of potentially contradictory effects, which nobody can precisely quantify
because they are indirect.

The United States provides an ideal testing ground for the impact of industrial relations systems on
productivity. Industrial relations in the US vary from state to state. Some states have so‐called ‘Right
to Work’ laws which are considered to be anti‐union while others have laws that are considered to
be pro‐unions. The Americans for Prosperity think‐tank have provided a very simple comparison of
labour productivity (over the period 1997 – 2007) between Right to Work states and non‐Right to
Work states.
Right‐to‐Work states Non‐Right‐to‐Work states
Productivity Growth 18.6% 17.6%