Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Todd Carney Photo Scandal

23 April 2008
As one of the few New South Welshmen and rugby league supporters on ASF I feel obliged to comment on the Todd Carney photo scandal that resulted in the former Dally M Medal winning player being sacked by the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League club.

The photo taken and downloaded on social media by one of his (I guess) former mates involved Todd Carney appearing to be drinking his own urine at a men’s urinal.

Todd Carney is a serial offender of bad behaviour as judged by his sacking from two former clubs (Canberra Raiders and Sydney Roosters) for disciplinary reasons, but on this issue I find him hardly done by.

Bear Grylls secured a television series based on his survival skills including drinking his own urine.

Not to mention, Mahatma Gandhi who made it cool to drink your own urine.

Is Todd Carney being persecuted?
As one of the few New South Welshmen and rugby league supporters on ASF I feel obliged to comment on the Todd Carney photo scandal that resulted in the former Dally M Medal winning player being sacked by the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League club.

The photo taken and downloaded on social media by one of his (I guess) former mates involved Todd Carney appearing to be drinking his own urine at a men’s urinal.

Todd Carney is a serial offender of bad behaviour as judged by his sacking from two former clubs (Canberra Raiders and Sydney Roosters) for disciplinary reasons, but on this issue I find him hardly done by.

Bear Grylls secured a television series based on his survival skills including drinking his own urine.

Not to mention, Mahatma Gandhi who made it cool drink you own urine.

Is Todd Carney being persecuted?

As Todd Carney's public relations consultant I want it put on the record that; Todd was in the act of disinfecting a wound, nothing more nothing less. In these matters time is of the essence. If only modern medicine was able to distill the wisdom of the ancents.
Carney is once again guilty of being a complete tool...650K per year is a hell of a price to pay.
Persecuted??? If you behave like a total fool, then expect to wear the consequences.
Massive storm in a tea cup. Carney is an idiot but really this isn't a sackable offence, imo. It seems like pretty normal boys night out stuff.

I still don't understand why there is this idea that sportsmen are "on duty" 24/7. They're there to play sport.
Massive storm in a tea cup. Carney is an idiot but really this isn't a sackable offence, imo. It seems like pretty normal boys night out stuff.

I still don't understand why there is this idea that sportsmen are "on duty" 24/7. They're there to play sport.

I agree with you McLovin, since when does a 125kg guy that can run head first into someone else, have to be a parogon of virtue or a brain surgeon.
I would have thought those traits, would have limited their ability at rugby.
Just my opinion.
Dumb act by a dumbo.

If he does that in the privacy of his own - then no problem.

If it is done in a public toilet and leaked through the media - then big problem.

These guys do get big bucks and therefore they are in the public limelight. That's part of the price of being a celebrity and role model.

These guys just don't get it (over and over again) so they will pay the price if they stray.

Cronulla did not have a choice, Carney did.

When will these blokes get it through their thick skulls to behave (probably never).

Carney gets what he deserves.
Dumb act by a dumbo.

If he does that in the privacy of his own - then no problem.

If it is done in a public toilet and leaked through the media - then big problem.

These guys do get big bucks and therefore they are in the public limelight. That's part of the price of being a celebrity and role model.

These guys just don't get it (over and over again) so they will pay the price if they stray.

Cronulla did not have a choice, Carney did.

When will these blokes get it through their thick skulls to behave (probably never).

Carney gets what he deserves.

They can only get paid the big bucks because of sponsorship, those sponsors do not wish to be associated with any bad images at all.

The sponsors and the NRL/clubs agree to certain standards and the players sign a contract agreeing to the mega dollars on the conditions included in the same contract as the money.

A contract includes many clauses, one of them is play up and you are out !
I agree with you McLovin, since when does a 125kg guy that can run head first into someone else, have to be a parogon of virtue or a brain surgeon.
I would have thought those traits, would have limited their ability at rugby.
Just my opinion.

Yes these guys are just knuckle draggers. In Queensland he would be regarded as a a hero.

In 2009 three Broncos players were charged with an incident after a woman complained to the police that she had been sexually assaulted. Actually she was giving head to one player in a toilet cubicle of a Brisbane night club while another was filming the event from an adjacent cubicle. The police laid no charges, the club fined the players for bringing the club into disrepute. Premier Blair said the men were heroes.

One of these players is now the Bronco's captain the other is a prominent AFL player.

No one gave a stuff about the trauma suffered by this woman after these louts used their celebrity status to treat her as a sex toy.
He is a 28 yo. He is not a child. He was on 650k a year. The dollars alone required a degree of responsibility at a number of levels. He refused to learn to stop being an idiot, avoid stupid situations and cease doing stupid things.
The photo taken and downloaded on social media by one of his (I guess) former mates involved Todd Carney appearing to be drinking his own urine at a men’s urinal.

Come on, he just has a bad aim!

Who (male) can honestly say they have not missed the bowl.

Oops, at least he did not have to clean up.
As Gough Whitlam said when he heard that Ghandi drank his own urine every morning

"I've heard of getting pissed before breakfast, but that is ridiculous"

It's up to the club to decide whether Carney is worth the hassle. Obviously, he isn't.
Bear Grylls secured a television series based on his survival skills including drinking his own urine.

I think there is a world of difference between urinating into a cup, then drinking it, as part of survival skills out in the wild, versus standing in a public toilet holding your penis, pointing it to your mouth and urinating into it, all as a pose for a photo for laughs.

Massive storm in a tea cup. Carney is an idiot but really this isn't a sackable offence, imo. It seems like pretty normal boys night out stuff.

I still don't understand why there is this idea that sportsmen are "on duty" 24/7. They're there to play sport.

I agree that by itself, it probably isn't a sackable offence, especially when you consider that it's not illegal and that other players who have committed criminal acts are still playing. However, this act is to be taken in the context of his history and the outrageousness of it all. If you saw the headline "NRL player in trouble again", you might think "he's probably grabbed some chick in a bar again", but you would never expect someone to be p*ssing into their own mouth for a photo.

It is the distastefulness of it all (excuse the pun) that has really shocked society (except the skate boarding society as I understand).
As one of the few New South Welshmen and rugby league supporters on ASF I feel obliged to comment on the Todd Carney photo scandal that resulted in the former Dally M Medal winning player being sacked by the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League club....Is Todd Carney being persecuted?
Yes he is. Carney can do what he likes when off-duty, including making an idiot of himself. Nobody was hurt. None of the club's business.

Bad call by the Sharks. Wrongful dismissal, I hope he takes it to court.

Would St George have gotten 11 premierships in a row if there'd been social media? We all know the answer.
As one of the few New South Welshmen and rugby league supporters on ASF I feel obliged to comment on the Todd Carney photo scandal that resulted in the former Dally M Medal winning player being sacked by the Cronulla Sharks Rugby League club.

The photo taken and downloaded on social media by one of his (I guess) former mates involved Todd Carney appearing to be drinking his own urine at a men’s urinal.

Todd Carney is a serial offender of bad behaviour as judged by his sacking from two former clubs (Canberra Raiders and Sydney Roosters) for disciplinary reasons, but on this issue I find him hardly done by.

Bear Grylls secured a television series based on his survival skills including drinking his own urine.

Not to mention, Mahatma Gandhi who made it cool to drink your own urine.

Is Todd Carney being persecuted?

Surely you are taking the p*&s (sorry, couldn't resist ;) )

Massive storm in a tea cup. Carney is an idiot but really this isn't a sackable offence, imo. It seems like pretty normal boys night out stuff.

I still don't understand why there is this idea that sportsmen are "on duty" 24/7. They're there to play sport.

I agree with this. People are always going on about sports people being role models, no they are not and we shouldn't be telling kids that they they are. We should be explaining to them that they are just normal people that are good at sports. Revere them for their sporting prowess but don't expect anything more from them, they are flawed humans beings like the rest of us and most will stuff up from time to time.

Whilst I find this repulsive and stupid I also agree it's a storm in a teacup. If it weren't for social media we wouldn't be subjected to all the dopey things people do. Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss.