Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

TLM - Talisman Mining

Did anyone go to this or tune in on live stream?
I hold but don't take much of an interest in it @rcw1
Not a trader in the strict sense so I just hold onto it as a long term lottery ticket.
It's actually close to having paid me back, now that I think of it, with a special dividend and capital return after selling a copper asset to SFR. That was the Monty copper-gold mine.

TLM has $5.8m in the bank but the end is in sight for the free ride on the Wonmunna iron ore royalty from Min Resources.
The update today does not make it clear to me exactly how many payments are left but around a year is my take, maybe only three quarters?
Seems deliberately obscure.
Share price taking a solid hit today down 9%.


TLM has $5.8m in the bank but the end is in sight for the free ride on the Wonmunna iron ore royalty from Min Resources.
The update today does not make it clear to me exactly how many payments are left but around a year is my take, maybe only three quarters?
Seems deliberately obscure.
Share price taking a solid hit today down 9%.


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@finicky yes it is somewhat vague. Did read the MIN Annual report on this development. Looks to rcw1 that MIN will move operations as indicated to Lamb Creek. What is not clear, as you have alluded to, is when Wonmunna will close, moreover, will MIN continue with Wonmunna until resource is completed conjointly with Lamb Creek. If the later is accurate, then could be 4 years ....
"Talisman believes the timeframe outlined in the Annual Report for transitioning from Wonmunna to Lamb Creek is broadly consistent with the anticipated production position of approximately 4 years for Wonmunna."

If not, then yes agree, 12 months max....

The other variable is what TLM will do when that royalty is no longer ... where will they get the coin to replace this income??? Good thing there are shareholders :)

Not holding
Have traded

Kind regards
@rcw1 I was confused by the reference to 4 years as well. Now I don't have an opinion. If there're 4 years left I'd say it was a very poorly explained announcement. I looked at another forum and someone, Baby Doc, had the confidence and took the trouble to ring the company Quote:

"Like most shareholders, the attraction I have towards TLM is due to it being largely self-funding. This is pretty unique, there are few junior explorers who can boast the same.

I spoke to TLM's CEO Andrew Munckton this morning. He tells me that "its business as usual at Talisman, the (Wonmunna) royalty isn't going to fall off a cliff anytime soon."

He tells me that as much as 60% of Minres' Pilbara iron ore comes from Wonmunna. Although Wonmunna has additional reserves that will be explored over the next 12 months, Minres is also looking further afield for long term projects with 30 plus years reserves. . Wonmunna is definitely good for another 4-5 years, with that timeframe likely extendable once additional reserves are confirmed. So the worst case scenario is that we have another 4-5 years of royalties coming to us. With a bit of luck, that could be extended further, hopefully another 4 years, its not possible to say for now."
@rcw1 I was confused by the reference to 4 years as well. Now I don't have an opinion. If there're 4 years left I'd say it was a very poorly explained announcement. I looked at another forum and someone, Baby Doc, had the confidence and took the trouble to ring the company Quote:

"Like most shareholders, the attraction I have towards TLM is due to it being largely self-funding. This is pretty unique, there are few junior explorers who can boast the same.

I spoke to TLM's CEO Andrew Munckton this morning. He tells me that "its business as usual at Talisman, the (Wonmunna) royalty isn't going to fall off a cliff anytime soon."

He tells me that as much as 60% of Minres' Pilbara iron ore comes from Wonmunna. Although Wonmunna has additional reserves that will be explored over the next 12 months, Minres is also looking further afield for long term projects with 30 plus years reserves. . Wonmunna is definitely good for another 4-5 years, with that timeframe likely extendable once additional reserves are confirmed. So the worst case scenario is that we have another 4-5 years of royalties coming to us. With a bit of luck, that could be extended further, hopefully another 4 years, its not possible to say for now."
Nice work m8.

The comment also,
"Like most shareholders, the attraction I have towards TLM is due to it being largely self-funding. This is pretty unique, there are few junior explorers who can boast the same. rings very true, can inspire a safety net, so to speak. Whilst not being an investor, traders too like the idea of a part self funded entity.

Kind regards
Good afternoon

NSW - Lachlan and Macquarie Arc
• Three projects covering ~6,200km2;
• World-class metal province;
• Major new phase of drilling underway ;
• Significant zones of high-grade lead-zinc-silver-copper-gold mineralisation at Durning; and
• Exciting new porphyry copper-gold project at Yarindury

SA - Gawler Craton
• Mabel Creek IOCG Project;
• ~1,040km2 in under-explored terrain;
• Close to major world-class mines (Prominent Hill, Olympic Dam); and
• New gravity targets of significant scale to drill

WA - Wonmunna Iron Ore Royalty
• Uncapped 1% gross revenue royalty Wonmunna Head office Gawler Craton NSW Lachlan NSW Lachlan;
• Operated by Mineral Resources (ASX: MIN);
• Production commenced March 2021; and
• $25.6m in receipts to date


luck running out?


In the second follow up program, the subject of this announcement, a total of six RC and diamond drill-holes have been completed. All holes intersected the target mineralised horizons predicted from the geophysics models and structural interpretation.

DRRCD0025 and DRDD0026 intersected the galena-sphalerite-silver rich horizon approximately 50 metres down dip of the strong base metal intercepts in the discovery hole DRRCD0006 and DRRCD0019. Holes DRDD0027 and DRRCD0028, drilled up and down dip of a chalcopyrite-gold rich zone discovered by DRCCD0019, intersected narrow high-grade intervals extending the mineralised copper-gold zone up and down dip. Holes DRDD0029 and DRDD0030 targeted the Durnings North copper-gold zone. DRDD0029 intersected broad zones of low-grade mineralisation with narrower high grade lenses along strike and down dip from the discovery hole DRRC0001 and DRRCD0023. Assay results for DRDD0030 are awaited from the laboratory.
@Dona Ferentes Unappealing results and not looking flash from a charting perspective either imo. Gap down on heightened volume. Has previously rallied from this level is a hope for holders.
I've stayed pretty uninterested in it but I have the notion that they have a few irons in the fire. Durning is the more prominent one though?


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