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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2022

optimist !!

i used to think that then somebody decides to consolidate , and down she wanders again

let's use BLY as an example ( but certainly not the only rocket-assisted 'fleabag ' )

but good luck everyone

I am in no way an optimist - I'm a sceptic, pessimist, bear, at heart. My explanation for those selections above is poor. The real answers are in the stock threads.
I joined this forum shortly after 'CommSec Community' announced that is was shutting down:
and on the recommendation of some of the other members: to continue our relationship.......
Unfortunately, life's other responsibilities have taken precedence with my time
and I haven't quite settled in to this forum like I did with CommSec.
But fortunately, I'm financially secure,
thanks to my (and my dad's) real estate investments and more recently my CUV investment that's returned 600++%
So anything I have in the stock market is just 'Play Money' that can expand but won't really impact my current wealth and life style if it all disappeared: having already secured my kids "financial" future with at least ?? more than one properties each ??

And this is not about bragging: that's not my nature: Just the way my life has unfolded
52 yrs ago I wasn't clever enough to get into Melb Uni Medical School
then 20 yrs later I was clever enough to be appointed on the academic and research staff of Melb Uni Medical School.
where I did some interesting research into Stress and Blood pressure:
Published a few papers in reputable medical journals and presented at a few national and international conferences.
Not giving up is one key to success.

And a couple days ago came the "tipping e-mail"
which reminded me of that age-old saying
'You gotta be in it to win it'
and in doing so, the penny suddenly dropped: regarding my enrolment in this forum.

Of the stocks I picked;
I believe SPL will rival CSL, once they get the necessary approval from USA and Australia will follow suite.
Just like CUV went from <$ to $50+ after they got their USA FDA approval:
SPL's vivagel has every pubescent woman as a potential client:
and their nasal spray I believe will become just as popular as ASPIRIN/PANADOL:
and it has broader antiviral properties than any CSL Vaccine.
CUV has recently pulled back to <$30,
don't know why, and don't really care, other than I see this an opportunity to buy before they regain old territory.
AMP I chose because they too have come back a long way from their hey-day.
I can't see them disappearing (like some stocks I've owned DSH and IOT come to mind),
and like all things that flourish after a bushfire or flood, I expect AMP to do the same.
DRO reminds me of my early days with CUV, because they also have a product that I believe every military and law enforcement agency will eventually have as stock standard equipment:
though I suspect that the Co directors are doing what all fledgeling Co's do:
lining their own pockets with new revenue raising placements and performance incentives.

But if I'm wrong, it doesn't really matter, because all this is just a game.
Winning is better than losing.
and life goes on, regardless.
JAN is a rapidly growing global education technology market
ALC develops analytical healthcare software with large overseas markets in prospect
CHL is an arms' length RV hirer with a rapid growth rate but low capital requirements
PLS is a producer of lithium and tantalum which are in skyrocketing demand
Here's hoping I can do better than my AFL tipping
A really big thanks to Pete 2 for his tireless recording of the years trading
Fantastic effort

please enter everyone it’s worth a win and gives you an insight to medium term trading

From last last year to a respectable position this year was a personal win if nothing else
Aim for me is to beat 20% My own personal benchmark.

Goodluck everyone set your own benchmark!
Ok, newbie here, but can't resist a stock picking competition, so here's my kites:

* FZO - outstanding management; highly scalable product (internet monitoring etc. for kids); making very rapid inroads in US and UK markets both organically and by acquisition.
* RAC - absolute belter of a product with global significance for cancer treatment. Still reckon it's got plenty of distance to run.
* CEL - massive drilling programme underway intercepting large ore body; resource to be published Q1 2022.
* GBM - bit of a punt; they're looking for another Pajingo in Qld; great management; systematic drilling going deeper than historical shallow drilling in known gold jurisdiction.

Thanks for running the competition. Great to see so many active players!
Hello Xris n soon A very Happy New Year to you. Well SPL had finally took a step forward n 2 steps back doing the dance. I see you are still set your heart on SPL hope it comes true for you. I exited mine, unfortunately both my grandkids portfolios, I bought in for them.
SPL to arrival CSL...likely when I ask long gone six foot under. Only my thought.
AMP reputation long gone as far as I am concern.
Thumb up for your PLS. Waiting for a bit more profit to win a new whole kitchen renovation.
Buying another parcel to profit a new bathroom renovation.
thanks for putting this all together guys. Hopefully i'll do it right this year
excuse my ignorance, but i can't find a link to this years list and i'm wondering where to find it, or do we just wait for peter to post them?
good luck to all
peter2: I will replace IVR with JMS Jupiter Mines - thanks
I'll give this a go.

ACW - Speculating on positive Alzheimer's Disease results expected in H2 CY2022 (plenty of phase 2 in the works)
IXC - Cheapest EV around for companies with plenty of phase 3 trials otw. Cashed up and repurposed drugs (safety profile has been proven before). Shares are tightly held by insiders
MZZ - Top management, 800k OZ MRE with plenty of exploration upside in 2022 as drilling continues!
SDV - CF positive, plenty of interesting opportunities with big names in the pipeline. Recently sold down and currently trading below CR price. ESG thematic (water treatment).
First time ever.

CIM - formerly Leighton Holdings, diversified construction
CWP - property development
PDL - formerly BT Group, investment management services
RRL - gold producer, inflation protection

El Dufus
I haven't done enough research but here goes.

SKT - one of those big bottom shares, started rising but hopefully a fair way to go. NZ company.
PNV - Out of favour, SP will turn around.
DTL - everyone back at work will turn this in the right direction.
MSB - I know, I know. But a bit happening and could jump by end of year. I have to pick something that may move big.
Hi ' Rabbithop': a familiar name from CommSec. and I believe we've both had the same experience with IOT.
You may recall my CommSec posts (story/experience) about CUV, and that I'm a rather patient long term investor rather than a trader.

I have the same sentiment about SPL, and like many have been rather disappointed by their uneventful take-offs,:
Happy to see where they end up at the end of the year.

and a happy new year to you.
Oops, that should be GBZ (code) for GBM (company).
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