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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2020

(... tricky, my first hopefuls probably missed the screens - AR9, SES, EOL. this is barbell stuff)
Thought I’d have a crack for 2020!

SDV - Scidev is my top pick
NAN - Nanosonics
OPY - Openpay
TLX - Telix

OPY met the $100k criteria this week after listing on Monday so I am posting to make sure my 4 picks are all tickety-boo. It’s a shame my top pick has started running already though
My selections for the year


Decided to go for a mix of health, comms, and materials

Right after four beers and four darts in the board, here goes.


Decided to go for Boris and the miners, sounds like a punk group.
ID8 - Identitii (top pick)
CXL - Calix
CBR - Carbon Revolution
AMS - Atomos

And ill have HZR - as a spare if any of the others dont make it on volume, some very interesting selections so far, this thread is stock picker gold for ideas.
OK, my researching is finally done and I have narrowed it down to around 8 stocks (more if I included below 10c stocks) and possibly 1 ETF. So it was just a matter of crossing out those that I think has less of a chance of a big run in a year, easier said than done. I've gone with picks that are priced low and are smaller sized companies, while crossing out the +billion dollar stocks. Anyway here are my top 4 picks for 2020:

(1) Silver Mines Limited (SVL) - Probably the only Silver junior with a decent size deposit and trading just above 10c. Considered (according to research reports) as the largest undeveloped Silver deposit in Australia and share price is highly leveraged to Silver (Ag) spot price.

In case SVL falls below the 10c criteria by the start of competition on 1st of Jan, I'll go with a Gold junior West African Resources Ltd (WAF), although my Gold picking ability is proven to be pitiful based on 2019 Gold mining pick which dragged down my portfolio of stocks and my chance of being in the top5 even though I picked one of the largest % winners of this year namely Zip Co Ltd (Z1P)

(2) Selfwealth Ltd (SWF) - Australia's lowest cost online stock broker that still issues shares in the client's name and not some derivative of the underlying instrument such as CFD's. Rapid growth experienced recently:

Management planned the listing of ‘SelfWealth SMSF Leaders ETF’ to be listed on the ASX in 2019, and
they've kept their promise and listed it, now trading as ASX: SELF. Further innovations are likely as well as organic client growth.

(3) Xtek Ltd (XTE) - Another speculative play experiencing growth. It's heavily involved in the defence space and rapidly increasing it's revenues:

(4) DE Mem Ltd (DEM) - A junior stock in the water purification space. Based on some of the big winners of 2019 in this space (PET, SDV), this stock has a good chance of getting a boost to share price as well as it is flying under the radar at the moment. In terms of the advanced Osmosis water treatment technology used by DEM, it's potential to join the leaders in this space should not be underestimated. hopefully 2020 is the year !
Do any of these picks need to be unique (as in not already chosen by anyone else, as per the monthly tipping), or just any four?
Do any of these picks need to be unique (as in not already chosen by anyone else, as per the monthly tipping), or just any four?
No you dont have to be unique
This present year a few picked Afterpay for instance (and did quite well).
I was going to choose gold stocks but with do many gold companies out there it makes me feel like boat is full!!
My picks for 2020 Joe are in the order of talent/potential IMHO, and are as follows:-


Will elaborate in the threads in the next few weeks.
My top pick is SLR which I figured obvious by the wording but can see a bit ambiguous. Thanks Joules for bringing it to attention.
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