Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tipping Competition for Full CY 2020

Joe Blow

Staff member
28 May 2004
Welcome to the Full CY 2020 Stock Tipping Competition everyone! :)

Just a reminder that no changes of entries are allowed during the year, so please choose carefully and with a 12 month time frame in mind. All stocks selected must be $0.10 or more at the time of entry.

The rules for the 2020 full year stock tipping competition are as follows:
  • Each entrant must select four ASX listed stocks.
  • No stocks that are trading at less than $0.10 on the day of entry may be entered.
  • A stock must have traded at least $100,000 in value in the five trading days prior to entry to be eligible.
  • If a stock is taken over it can be replaced. The exit price shall be taken to be the takeover price. The new stock must be nominated before the date the taken over stock ceases trading and the entry price of the new stock shall be taken to be the closing price on the day the taken over stock ceases trading.
  • The competition will run from Thursday, 2 January 2020 to Thursday, 31 December 2020.
  • Entry prices will be the price at the close of trading on Tuesday, 31 December 2019.
Thanks to the continued support of our sponsor from this year, the cash prizes will be the same as in 2019:

1st Place: $1000
2nd Place: $500
3rd Place: $350

When entering, please be sure to post your top pick for 2020, the stock that you believe will gain the most in 2020 and the reasons why in the relevant stock thread.

Entries are now open. Please enter at your convenience by posting your entries in this thread.

Thanks and good luck! :)
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Thanks Joe.
NSB...- Neuroscientific. Top Pick.
NCZ...- New Century Resource
ARQ...- ARQ Group
Z1P...- Zip Pay/ Zip Money/ Zip Biz
Backups, if needed.
1. SWF
2. ATP
3. SWF
Any early bird prizes?! :D
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Welcome to the CY2020 comp.
Of course, you know what the early bird gets.
View attachment 98954
Cool, so when can I receive the live disectable Planarian and how much can I sell it for?
At first glance, I thought great, I get bait for being early... then, me brain decides to analyse it...
So, if a Planarian (worm) gets disected into 3 pieces and each piece regrows into another full one in 3 weeks, in 1 year I should have a total of 129,140,163 of the little squirmers.
Obviously some mechanism of automation of disection would need to occur to ensure rates could be met, together with storage facilities and a massive R&D lab.
As things progress, an IPO float would be the go, a possible name could be Blue-collar WormKing Ltd, however I am open for suggestions!
Not sure about the market for these wiggly contenders as I don't hang around worms...but surely you could get 1 cent each as Chicken food/treats, bait, prawn/fish farms, turf farm aerators, (stem cell research- proprietary idea-patent pending) etc.
So, $1.29 million gross income after 1 year assuming 1 cent each.
Wriggling in anticipation.
PS, people's, get your entry stocks in. Yeah but...... 3 weeks ain't gunna make much difference for a yearly stab, is it? Cheers
@Tumbarumba Your 2019 selections have been one of the most consistent all year with all four profitable. I notice an abrupt change in selections for 2020. Gold explorers. Are you anticipating a challenging (down) year in 2020 and a rising gold price?
Well BOQ and co think so.
Chairman, Patrick Allaway excerpt at AGM 2019 (2 days ago)
"As we are all aware - we are now operating in a low growth part of the cycle with rising investment
needs, increased regulatory and compliance costs, declining margins, accelerating industry disruption and competition, and heightened community expectations.
We anticipate this backdrop to be the new operating norm for the sector in the medium term."
Forgot to correct the double up ..
Backups, if needed.
1. GOR
2. ATP
3. SWF
It would be great if people could post in ALL of the relevant stock threads of there entries.
Could be made part of the entry conditions, probably too late this time?@Joe Blow (don't know how to do the green linky thing...?)
My suggestion, keep the top pick thing the way it is, (however, is that an entry condition,? as it's not with the rules dot points...)
and add the rule the other stocks entered should have a minimum of 1 post in the relevant stock threads over the course of the year, or maybe in the first 6 months. Easily done.
@Tumbarumba Your 2019 selections have been one of the most consistent all year with all four profitable. I notice an abrupt change in selections for 2020. Gold explorers. Are you anticipating a challenging (down) year in 2020 and a rising gold price?
Yes Peter, I do think a panic into gold is possible; printing money with no backing must eventually end badly.
But the reason for tipping explorers is that the penny dropped that consistency does not win Tipping Comps; you have to find the next Poseidon . Spectrum Metals, SPX, a gold explorer that rose over 1000% this year is what I hope to emulate.
Thanks for asking.
It would be great if people could post in ALL of the relevant stock threads of there entries.
Could be made part of the entry conditions, probably too late this time?@Joe Blow (don't know how to do the green linky thing...?)
My suggestion, keep the top pick thing the way it is, (however, is that an entry condition,? as it's not with the rules dot points...)
and add the rule the other stocks entered should have a minimum of 1 post in the relevant stock threads over the course of the year, or maybe in the first 6 months. Easily done.

A bloody great idea frugal rock! Helps to generate interest in comp and threads. Here are mine...(hope the links work). And thanks to Joe, Peter2 AND the sponsors for offering this again.
Twice the reverse index
We need a crash one day, and with good timing and luck, gold will crash after initial surge .
this one will finish first on the line
Well ..why not?
KZA Kazia Therapeutics - Top Pick. I've posted my recent thoughts on this oncology drug biotech in the KZA thread. There is going to be a lot of data coming out next year from the various phase I and II trials of their brain cancer drug GDC-0084 including the recently announced phase II/III definitive study toward registration of the drug. We should know if this drug is likely to sink or swim next year. They also have Cantrixil for ovarian cancer in a phase I trial too and more data should be out on that next year.

WZR Wisr, emerging personal finance fintech. These guys are doing things differently and going about things in the right way IMHO. The open banking protocol is coming in early next year and things are coming together for WZR at just the right time for them to continue growing momentum as a disrupter. I've also recently given my thoughts in the WZR thread.

ARL Ardea Resources. "Nickel is the new petroleum". ARL have a JORC resource and a pre-feasibility study (PFS) and their data room is open to potential senior partners. Will 2020 be the year of a big deal? The nickel price is volatile but demand is growing by 5% year on year, more than copper and other base metals. Many billions of dollars is being poured into high nickel chemistry giga-factories for EMV battery production but where is all the Nickel going to be coming from? 2020 may be a bit too early for the big investment decisions that must come but when these battery factories all come online they will be scrambling for nickel supply. I don't think the price of nickel is going to explode next year but it should end the year higher.

SGQ St George Mining. A junior nickel explorer. Their Mt Alexander project in WA is in the sort of high grade nickel-copper sulphides resource that might be attractive to a nickel miner looking to bring additional ore to feed into concentrate production on line in the more immediate term. This explorer is run by a banker who is looking to maximise the value of the resource with a view to selling it on to a mining outfit. Further exploration success and some interest from a buyer could see this stock perform well in 2020 but things may not progress that quickly.

Honourable mention, CZI Cassini Resources. CZI doesn't meet the >=10c share price rule (and may not meet the $100K traded rule). The West Musgrave project joint venture (OZL 70%, CZI 30%) is finalising the pre-feasibility study. Finalisation of the study has been delayed to early next year because this project is going to happen and tweaking the mining and processing plant design is a big deal for the project economics as this is going to be a low grade but large scale, multi-decade open pit operation.
NES for me
Back up if any of the above fails
LEG (it may reach 10 cents by end of CY 2019 :) )

Sorry mate, ENR doesn't pass the 5 days 100K traded volume test, didn't look at the others...