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Tipping Competition for Full CY 2020

Another month has passed. We're half way through the year. No change to the top 3.
The middle of the pack (mean value) did improve, so we might get an interesting finish.

I've done the data entry, sorted the order and just have to cut & paste the June results.
But first there's tennis tonight. Will post final results later on. (tease)
Note: I haven't got a back-adjusted value for AVH yet after their recent redomiciling to the US.
Ripples in the pond.
Today's massive spike in SZL has catapulted @Ross@enna into third place.

However the demand for gold stocks has increased @finicky 's lead over @Kaya.
If gold continues it's inexorable rise until the EOY then finicky is home and hosed. The other gold portfolios are too far behind to catch up.

A significant move in SWF has pushed @aus_trader right up behind the leaders. Sneaky one Aus.
A significant move in SWF has pushed @aus_trader right up behind the leaders. Sneaky one Aus.
Thanks Peter2, it's done surprisingly well. I am also encouraged by the uplift in Silver stocks which tend to lag behind Gold stocks. So my Silver pick may still outperform still, given there is very few pure Silver plays on the whole of asx.

We are into July and I haven't lost hope for my stocks to come through and shine...
Market upheaval before year's out could well upset the apple cart. Anyone who picked BEAR or BBOZ could surge from behind in the straight. Or maybe a high tech or biotech selection. Gold won't be spared.
".. their selections" how woke and rainbow peter2, snicker
EOM July 20 update: XAO is currently -10.9% for the CY20.

Leader: @finicky +154%

2nd: @Kaya +107%

3rd: @Ross@enna +64%

Big movers for July: (> 30%)

@mastercard +45% (RCE),
@Ross@enna +42% (SZL),
@fergee +41% (SVL),
@Jase-W +40% (SZL),
@aus_trader +36% (SVL),
@BlindSquirrel +35% (VMT, 5GN),
@qldfrog +33% (SVL),
@peter068 +30% (OPY),

Competitors above Zero: 62/118 (52%) higher than last month
Competitors above XAO: 81/118 (69%) Higher than last month

Page 2 (with a legend explaining the new feature appearing in the tables )

As I mentioned earlier our fearless leader @finicky has increased his lead.

There was plenty of movement in mid pack as competitors who selected RCE, SVL, SZL and OPY made up ground.

Unfortunately I must report a very sad event, Peter2 has slipped off the first page. His PET is very ill.

Edit: Oops, I forgot to mention the new feature in the tables that honours the winners and place getters over the past three years.

ps: and last years "lantern rouge".
ARQ alas is no longer.... I believe, changed names or countries or whatever.
What happens with this scenario.
A dead loss, or can I pick a replacement for it?
Not a lot of thought went into that one. .
Not much thought went into that post either.

ARQ has changed code to WCG. This is indicated by the two codes in your selection panel.

You're forgiven because I know that chasing small cap stocks on the ASX fry's your brain.

ARQ alas is no longer.... I believe, changed names or countries or whatever.
What happens with this scenario.
A dead loss, or can I pick a replacement for it?
Not a lot of thought went into that one. .
I feel the pain mate, an unbelievable fall from grace story !

I have followed this company for decades from it's Glory days when it was called Melbourne IT Ltd (MLB) when nothing seem to be able to derail it and was making heaps of money and paying chunky dividends.

How times have changed: MLB -> ARQ -> WCG ...
Not much thought went into that post either.
I hadn't looked at the table.
My apologies @peter2.
I feel like a proper twat, raising the question without looking at the provided tables that have had lots of effort made to keep tabulated.
EOM August 20 update: XAO is currently -8.2% for the CY20.

Leader: @finicky +208%

2nd: @Kaya +167%

3rd: @Ross@enna +149%

Big movers for July: (> 50%) Sorry to all with +30 - 40% gains, not enough.

@brekdal +64% (DXB)
@Kaya +60% (CHN)
@Ross@enna +57% (SZL,MSB)
@finicky +55% (CHN)
@Sdajii +50% (APT,Z1P)

Competitors above Zero: 72/118 (61%) higher than last month
Competitors above XAO: 81/118 (69%) Similar to last month

and page two . . .

Just a thought, no doubt we're all wondering how different the stock picks might have been with the whiff of CV19 and lock downs in the air?
Anyways.... good luck to my fellow entrants and many thanks for the updates peter2, onyas!
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