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Time for a new Aussie flag?

I want a new flag, without the Union Jack!

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 40.6%
  • No

    Votes: 85 59.4%

  • Total voters
Loath that dirge Advance Australia Fair.
But sung to the melody of working class man, it's not half bad, Jimmy Barnes could do a killer version, even if the words are naff.
Yes, yes, yes! Personally I believe the Australian flag should ACCURATELY represent why Australians are in the 21st Century, where no matter the colour of our skin we are the result of tyrannical British Rule and the Eureka Revolt, so our (new) Australian flag should rightly be the Eureka Flag in the centre of the Union Jack with only about 10% of the Union Jack visible on all four boarders. As a person who loves their country of birth, Australia, I feel a bit like this primarily because many people in this country given a bit of power act like this :sheep: or this :horse: eh!
I am stunned and amazed that people believe the aboriginal flag represents the average australian more than the Union Jack.

The aboriginal flag has only been around since 1971 so how much cultural significance can it really have?

Leave the flag as it is.

Having lived O/S for a while, in a place that holds on tight to it's unique culture despite being decimated by multiple invasions before, during and since WWII - (Okinawa) - I'm constantly amazed by our cavalier attitude to our own history, and willingness to chuck it out at the drop of a hat, for no good reason... or much worse - for a buck.

Take the old "Sheffield Shield" interstate cricket comp - which had a history of over 100 yrs - which is plenty in this country. [[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]The very first Sheffield Shield match was played on December 16, 1892, at Adelaide. -][/FONT]
A few years back the competition was ditched - god knows what excuse the ACB used - maybe there was no space on the shield? - Anyway, the comp was renamed the "Pura Cup" of all things... why??? - because the sponsor - Pura milk provided some $$$. Unbelievable! Wouldn't happen in any other country with a sense of history... with the possible exception of the US, where $$ mean everything.
Pleased to say the sheffield shield is back these days ... but for how long? Apparently we can thank" weetbix" for that - since they didn't insist on naming rights for the competition - so good on sanitarium (?) for that

It's a similar story with the renaming of stadiums and events to include sponsors names, regardless of the actual name of the place or it's history.

So... in honour of our meagre history... and in the apparent absence of our resident bard: '2020' (havn't seen him around here for a while?) I submit the below from -
... kind of makes you think... I think.

lot of emotive stuff on this issue; very little objectivity.
i used to argue for retaining the status quo but a few years back saw an aboriginal group on the steps of parl house adelaide protesting under the most striking flag I have seen - the southern cross on a pitch black backgound.
thought at the time wow! relevant and impressive. no aggravating union jack and no nonsense about southern cross being visible in the daytime.
for the record strong lineage of scots and english in my ancestors and seven who fought in world wars - 3 terminal, but I have no emotion to keep the UJ on our flag.

The first time the kangaroo was put on an RAN ship was on HMAS Anzac serving in Korean waters to distinguish the ship from the USN. I doubt they thought they were a footy team or a supermarket.
To keep up with times maybe flag should take into account recent non Christian immigration, same sex partnership, “traditional owners” and maybe every other little flag all over Australian flag to represent every country represented on this country / continent.

Actually sick and tired of continuous barrage for: lesbian marriages, suria law, change of flag, anthem and constitutional monarchy to republic instead.
The poll results of this thread are remarkably close to the latest 2pp Newspoll results of 41% to labor and 59% to the coalition...

Yes 41.04%

No 58.96%
It's that time of year again - have we grown up yet??

or my version?

The Eureka flag for mine. Or if people insist, you could jazz it up with some minor gold and green flourishes.

Uncle F. the three colour flag above is very good, if design-wise a little dull, but that can be said of most national flags.
A great national flag should be distinguishable on the world stage alongside hundreds of other flags.

Can the crowd who want to keep the current flag, please lobby New Zealand to change their flag.
Apparently, this debate isn't new. Dean Alston remembers:

"225 Years Ago"

It's that time of year again - have we grown up yet??
I prefer the one with blue in it Uncle. Has more impact. The all green looks a bit bland.

I do actually really like the one proposed. I'd rally around it.
Thanks Pixel, very funny

I like the flag and would vote to keep it as is. Not keen on any of the alternatives, especially not the Eureka flag since it's been hijacked by the unions. The only thing I don't like that is flag related is that our national colours are green and gold which is at odds with our flag, that always jarrs for me. I wonder when and why our national colours of green and gold were chosen
Thanks Pixel, very funny

I wonder when and why our national colours of green and gold were chosen

Blue, red, white are so commonplace all over the world, from Russia across Britain and France to the US.
Green (rainforest) and Gold (golden beaches and precious metal) describe Australia much better IMHO.

As I said before, the "Red Centre" would add another characteristic to the mix, but Aboriginal issues aside, it should really be more an ochre colour, which would be boring, no-contrast next to the gold.
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