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Time for a new Aussie flag?

I want a new flag, without the Union Jack!

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 40.6%
  • No

    Votes: 85 59.4%

  • Total voters
"I object to having the British flag in the corner of our flag,"

Ray Martin probably wants the Channel 9 Logo on the flag.

What a tosser, coming out like this, just before Australia Day for maximum publicity, when the rest of us have been barracking for the Eureka Flag for decades.


Shame, shame, shame.
I think the southern cross is outdated on any flag just as much as the union jack is outdated.

The southern cross can be seen everywhere in the southern hemisphere, and unless I'm an American with no concept of geography, we aren't the only proud nation south of the equator.

We can be more creative than using a constellation that's better used as a navigational aid to find south or used as a corporate bank logo instead of a symbol of our national pride.

Are you proud to be in the southern hemisphere or are you proud to be an Australian?
If it aint broke dont fix it, dont just change something for the point of changing it. I say leave it as it is, it has history - isnt history important?
I reckon keep the southern cross.



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Never really worried me to change the flag, but would be happy to see the union jack go.
But I would rather the current flag to the Eureka flag - which is historically geocentric to Ballarat, and subsequently union adopted. A flag of defiance when I think we should be looking more for common ground.
Absolutely No disrespect to the Eureka flag, as it represents a brilliant piece of history, but should remain that way.

Thinking about it I would be happy to see our flag with the Commonwealth/federation star representing the states and territories in the place of the union jack and the southern cross constellation angled through the rest of the flag, representing the geographic location we all live under. Dark Blue and white as is.
The transition to recognising the flag as Australian would be easy.


I agree; the Southern Cross is also already on the New Guinea flag.

The kangaroo is already used on naval vessels and air force planes, so how about this:.

This based on the Canadian flag with kangaroo instead of maple leaf. If a dead leaf is good for the Canadians, surely a live kangaroo is good for Australia.

The kangaroo is based on the one on the old pennies.

For those who prefer green & gold, the white background could be green, and the white background yellow.

For those with political sensitivities I would have no objections if the kangaroo was facing right.
Not caring much either way for the monarchy or the republic but am concerned on why the situation needs to change at all? All I see with a republic is wasted public and private funds being spent changing all government stationary, the cost of debate, replacement of thousands of flags, rewriting legislation etc.

Will the cost of change be debated in the public domain or does Ray Martin and Bob Brown think Dick Smith will pick up the tab again?

With so many people unhappy about the government stimulus last year, the insulation and solar rebate and the baby bonus, how will those same people feel about blowing a few billion on the change?

Those flags above look ridiculous.

Remember you are picking a flag for a Nation not a bloody footy team or a supermarket frequent flyers card.

We also don't need old had-it bastards like Dick Smith or Ray "Wheeliebin" Martin to decide our flag.

Its either our present Flag or the Eureka Flag imho.

And I'm for the Eureka Flag.

Those flags above look ridiculous.
I remember one some time ago that I thought was great.

It was a boomerang on the left and a kangaroo or southern cross on the right.

Progression to the right....

Options were; black, red, yellow for the boomerang ... blue, red, white for the stars / roo.

Like that one.
Those flags above look ridiculous.

Remember you are picking a flag for a Nation not a bloody footy team or a supermarket frequent flyers card.

I agree. Imagine Japan's response to us having a kangaroo on our national flag. Not only do we cull cull one of the animals on our national emblem we have the nerve to then add the same animal to our new flag and continue to cull it in mass proportions. We then still call the Japanese inhumane for catching whales...irony, anyone?

What is it with the flag. For the patriots, shouldn't the current flag have a real meaning as all our war folk have fought under it. It may have once been a throwback to the brits but to me it is the Australian flag. It's all I've ever known. When I look at it I see a flag representing Australia. I never even consider the Union Jack as britain unless someone makes note of it.

To change the flag and all it now represents will help kill 200 years of history. Isn't history what the patriots and pro republics want ultimately? If so, why do they want to kill this huge part of history now and start again?

It all seems very strange the more I think of it.

To change the flag and all it now represents will help kill 200 years of history.
Stan, do you think the country has changed in the past 200 years? If it has, then the flag should probably change to represent the new society. What we were, wasn't actually very good... eeeek! SK

I think we will eventually have a global flag. A flag that reprsents an Earth saving itself from ... whatever ...

Oooo, I hope we don't see this.
I wouldn't be for changing the flag. Too many people in my family and friends of family have either fought and/or died for that flag.
Stan, do you think the country has changed in the past 200 years?

Yes. I've not been paid in rum for years.

If it has, then the flag should probably change to represent the new society. What we were, wasn't actually very good... eeeek! SK
I'm not fussed either way, Kennas. I just assumed that people would want to hold onto their culture, good and bad, and embrace it. Wander through Poland and their ugly history is embraced. It is what makes them as a people. Italy and Spain, Ireland and the like all have a heritage that makes them unique and could well be traced back to centuries ago. Imagine if the French lost touch with their culture in the early 1700s..

I just feel that if a new flag starts, so does the culture and the history and it all starts again. I could very well be wrong about this, though.

Australia lacks culture as it is due to it's ethnic melting pot. I'd want to hold on to everything about my history I could if I was a patriot. But as I said, the only reason I entered into the debate is that I see it as a waste of taxpayer money.

I think we will eventually have a global flag. A flag that reprsents an Earth saving itself from ... whatever ...

Oooo, I hope we don't see this.

I have no idea on this at all.

Sorry - seen to much blood spilt defending this flag and what is stands for to have it changed. I'm proud of it and Australia and to be Australian. This is why I reserve the right to be apathetic on Australia Day - not get all "American" about it.

Nothing wrong with the flag. I think it's attractive, modern, and memorable. If we get rid of the Union Jack we may as well start from scratch, because it would throw the flag out of balance.
Well either New Zealand or Aus needs to change its flag, because sometimes I don't know where I am if I don't look closely. ('cept when I ask where the eggs are in the supermarket and I get blank looks... gotta say "iggs" LOL. Mind you, I could be in Qld and have the same problem. )

There doesn't seem to be that much of a new flag movement here, nobody gives a toss either way.
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