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Time for a new Aussie flag?

I want a new flag, without the Union Jack!

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 40.6%
  • No

    Votes: 85 59.4%

  • Total voters
So Nicks, if you want to say we should have a new flag, that's fine. But if you think any of the above comments from Uncle Festivus are rational then it's time to take Logic101 again.

No problem, just dont change what my post was about, I supported one of Uncle's comments, as you well know and can see - scroll up! So why you suddenly post all of his comments in a post and link them to me confounds me. Its misleading and untruthful and certainly not logic.
Seems to be a lot of emotion running in here over a piece of coloured cloth.

Perhaps an examination of what flags actually signify, if anything, is in order.

Think about this; no flag, no fight.

All this flag business is a bit of a meme IMO. The concept itself a relic from centuries past so you knew who to shoot your bow and arrow at.

It's all BS.

Right Nicks. I can see you attended the same school of logic as UF. I'm not adding anymore when such disingenuous manipulations are rampant. Enjoy your soapbox. You should enter politics. Spin is an attractive asset there.

Ps. There's nothing illogical about employing a symbol with a direct and overwhelming historical connection. Define exactly what law of logic it contravenes. Otherwise, you've proven to quite misleading and untruthful. Pfft.
Why not use the aboriginal flag to represent Australia?
Or is this out of the question?
Why not have just a blank flag with the words "100% Australian" on, its on just about everything else.
I went to the boxing day test last year and actually sat with the barmy army..."get your **** stars, get your **** stars, get **** stars off our flag" was playing in my head for weeks after. Seems the poms don't want us using their flag either!
Now that the monarchists have left, we can discuss alternatives. At least it will please the poms


  • ozflag.gif
    1.6 KB · Views: 194
Now that the monarchists have left, we can discuss alternatives. At least it will please the poms

Looking good. Maybe the stars should be rotated/repositioned in the centre of the flag, particularly the large star, to improve the visual effect.
I'd like a third colour, say gold, so we have original colours for our sporting teams etc.
I went to the boxing day test last year and actually sat with the barmy army..."get your **** stars, get your **** stars, get **** stars off our flag" was playing in my head for weeks after. Seems the poms don't want us using their flag either!

Now that the monarchists have left, we can discuss alternatives. At least it will please the poms

Yes there were at least two whom got quite defensive and personal, resorting to the old ..... I cant comepete with logic anymore so you stink and im not talking anymore, ner.

It would be interesting to see how the poms would respond to a survey on whether they believe Australia should move forward and develop a new flag.
I look at the union jack as where we came from,our legal system , our system of government and our core values .
The southern cross is where we are and federation star showing us to be one country.
I think the flag perfectly represents modern Australia , the origins of the country will always be , where we are will always be and I hope the Federation will always be.
If you have anti-british feelings get over it, the origins of the country are british, while the british empire is long gone that doesn't change history.

PS: I do believe that the Queen should be the last British Monarch to be our head of State , be we do need to insure the republican model we adopt is as stable as our current system.

To say Aussie Diggers never fought under an Aussie Flag is a lie , our Korean Vets fought under the aussie flag , our Vietnam Vets Fought under the Aussie Flag and every conflict since has been under an Aussie Flag.
To say Aussie Diggers never fought under an Aussie Flag is a lie , our Korean Vets fought under the aussie flag , our Vietnam Vets Fought under the Aussie Flag and every conflict since has been under an Aussie Flag.

I was talking the original diggers who had to dig trenches. WW1

Mark I dont think anyone here is anti british. The poms are our mates. Why do you Union Jack supporters keep resorting to accusing us of this! Just because we want our independant identity which includes no Union Jack on our flag!!!

I think what we are saying is it does not represent our country currently.

I dispute that the origins of our country are british. Some of the origins are yes. Some of our origins are aboriginal. Some of our origins are ethnic, gees many things in this country are or yankee origin but I dont think you would like the stars and stipes in the corner of the flag.
All that is in the past. Now we are unique and original and soverign.
If you have anti-british feelings get over it, the origins of the country are british, while the british empire is long gone that doesn't change history.

Removing the UJ from the Australian flag shouldn't be contrued as anti-British, just pro-Australian.

Other member countries of the Commonwealth have done it. eg. Canada.

The indigenous population may take issue with the assertion that the origin of the country is British.

Our system of Governemnt is the westminster system , our legal system goes all the way back to Magna Carta , Our Military structure is also british. We are unique , our flag is unique. You can deny it all you like , Australia's origins are british while we have grown in to a multi cultural society , we started out as british colonies. ( I realise Aboriginal people live here for 10's of thousands of years before the british came but modern Australia did not stem from their culture)
If Australia is around for another 300 years, do we still have a British flag in our corner? What about 1000 years? When do we get big enough to get our own flag? If GBR does break up do we keep it as a remembrance?.

Errr.. Yes, Yes..Yes. We were big enough a little while back, when we got our own flag.. The Australian Flag mate. No, we keep it because it's our flag, has been for some time and DOES represent Australia (did you happen to notice the southern cross, seven pointed stars etc etc..)and our history..

And believe it or not, there are many RSL members who would like a new flag. They fought for Australia and simply put Australia is not properly represented in the present flag..

Garbage.. you obvioulsy don't drink at RSL's Knobby

Ha.. Our USA allies generally have no idea mate.. I've certainly never been asked why I had a 'little british flag' in the corner of my Australian Flag.. I also don't need to imagine 'parading' alongside British troops either, been there done that, and to tell you the truth nobody gives it a second thought.. It's simply our flag.. I'll leave the 'suggestions' of what everybody else 'must' be thinking up to you..

Didn't you find it strange that when the flag raisings occurred in the Commonwealth Games, every other country has got rid of the British flag in the corner except protectorates and New Zealand?


It is embarassing to me, sorry.

Best you prepare youself for perpetual embarrasment then matey, cause I can't see the Flag changing.. ever. It always amuses me when this argument is raised, although I find it odd in this forum, as previously stated it's normally reserved for political fopar coverups..


The Australian Flag really needs a lot more stars on it. There has long been a debate to create more cities and if each city is represented by a star, on the flag, the number could increase over the years.

It would probably be best to have a two year period when applications to become a city are considered, otherwise the flag would need updating far too often.
It's just a matter of time before president Bush orders American troops to invade Australia...then it won't be an issue. Australia will become the 51'st state. Hope y'all like Nascar, country music, and driving on the right side of the road.


Hi websman, "Do you think President Bush knows where Australia is"? He would probably invade Lapland by mistake and imprison Father Xmas.
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