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Time for a new Aussie flag?

I want a new flag, without the Union Jack!

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 40.6%
  • No

    Votes: 85 59.4%

  • Total voters
Here's a start and we can keep adding as time goes on:


  • WhiteFlag.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 92
I've got a redundant flag for you. One of my relatives was on a committee that designed a flag for the Confederacy in the USA. Unfortunately they lost the war, so I suppose it would fit well as a new Australian Flag.

Here is the flag. Its quite bright and flashy and should go well with the Aussie spirit:
Festivus wrote:

If you like the Union Jack in the corner of 'our' flag then you are a monarchist, and we all know what that entails eg the side show called the royal family staring Prince Charles & Camilla.

What a weird thing to say. I am all for a republic. I think the monarchy is an outdated institution of another culture. But I love our flag and don't want to see it changed. It is beautiful.

True Australians are the majority I'm afraid. We Australians just don't like a flag of another country on our flag.

What a completely illogical thing to say. I was born 3rd gen Australian. I am an Australian and I have no problem with the UJ on our flag. Don't claim Australian-ship rests on how one feels about the flag. That is the most emotive, irrational reason I've ever seen advanced as an excuse to change. I could just as easily claim real Australians love our flag and those who don't are closet commies. Get real!
If we are going to have one countries flag on our flag why don't we have three?

Great Britain for our past.
USA for our present.
China for our future (and to suck up to them).

Lets put the aboriginal flag on also and we have a unique flag showing to the world we lack identity as a country.
I think it's about time we removed the Union Jack from the Aussie flag, & replaced it with something more relevant, what do you think?

Time for a new flag?

It's been time for a long time.

Personally, I would like to see the Union Jack removed and not replaced with anything. The stars would be repositioned in the centre of the flag using the same colours, blue and white.

This would be a dramatic, simple and exciting statement of our nationhood!
Regards YN.
Sounds like you are British?

That would be a negative to that Uncle. But nice try.

But it sounds like youve swallowed enough propaganda to hate your own ancestoral origins ...

Next you and the anti Australia crew will want to rename Australia something else seen as Flinders who first suggested the name was British.

I mean if you cant handle the British origins of our flag how on earth could you handle the British origins of our fine countrys name ?

Anyway i just think your logic is seriously flawed and if it was ever enacted all it would do is divide Australians.

Yes, that's exactly what it is - weird & illogical to have the flag of another country on a modern & independant countries flag. It's 2007, not 1777. Let go of your insecurities.
"But it sounds like youve swallowed enough propaganda to hate your own ancestoral origins ..."

We don't hate England. I like England and Scotland and Wales and Ireland! We just don't want their flag on our flag.
BBC tv is the best.
Yes, that's exactly what it is - weird & illogical to have the flag of another country on a modern & independant countries flag. It's 2007, not 1777. Let go of your insecurities.

Is that really the best reply you can come up with? What is this? A schoolyard?..... "I know you are so what am I". It is apparent that as a distinct lack of rational thought is being employed here then there is no point continuing.
Is that really the best reply you can come up with? What is this? A schoolyard?..... "I know you are so what am I". It is apparent that as a distinct lack of rational thought is being employed here then there is no point continuing.

If you take your bat & go home we can't play cricket, another great English game .
Knobby22;190947 We don't hate England. I like England and Scotland and Wales and Ireland! We just don't want their flag on our flag. BBC tv is the best.[/quote said:
I agree, this is the point of the discussion.
Is that really the best reply you can come up with? What is this? A schoolyard?..... "I know you are so what am I". It is apparent that as a distinct lack of rational thought is being employed here then there is no point continuing.

Actually I thought what Uncle gave was a fair and reasonble point.

It does not make much logic having the flag of another country inside the flag of our soiverign country's flag.
The result of the poll is pretty indicative of societys sentiment, 70pc want the flag that our ancestors fought and died for left alone.

What a load of rubbish.

Ask an Aboriginal, or an Australian of Italian Heritage, or Irish, Greek, Vietnamese or anything else for that matter if they consider their ancestoral origins as British.

You cant be serious. Its warped people like you that divide our country.

The only logical thing you state is that it is a fine country.

Women and black people can vote now. Before they couldn't. Lets change something else that is irrational from the past and change the flag too.

Its warped people like you that divide our country by bringing up stupid stunts like removing the flag.

And its warped people like you that all of a sudden start bringing in race and sex into it and rights to vote and all sorts of other garbage that wernt even mentioned or thought of, probably stemming from paranoia.

People need to learn to leave well enough alone, welcome to a democracy, majority rules, like it or lump it.

If you feel so strongly petition the Government for a referendum and the people shall speak.

oh btw, you Mentioned the Irish, the Union Jack incorporates St Patricks cross so i dont think they have too much of an issue with it.

I'm a patriot. I feel no special loyalty to Britain. I am glad they gave us our political and legal system and don't even mind having the Queen as our figurehead leader but it is time to have an inclusive flag that repersents Australia.

Sorry knobby im not with you on this. Having the Queen as our figurehead makes less logical sense than having the Union Jack on our flag for historical reasons. I can't see how you could support one and not the other.

Get rid of both. Queen lives on the other side of the earth and is British, not Australian, and while we are at it, remove the other countries flag from ours.

You go on at Uncle about him and the Anti Australia crew?

Enlighten us numbercruncher.... whom is this Anti Australia crew you talk about?
Actually I thought what Uncle gave was a fair and reasonble point.

It does not make much logic having the flag of another country inside the flag of our soiverign country's flag.


By what system of "logic" can the following BS be supported?

If you like the Union Jack in the corner of 'our' flag then you are a monarchist, and we all know what that entails eg the side show called the royal family staring Prince Charles & Camilla.

Whether or not you agree with the sentiment, the claim itself is completely irrational. I like the UJ in the corner of our flag and I am a republican.

True Australians are the majority I'm afraid. We Australians just don't like a flag of another country on our flag.

What gives this guy the right to claim majority status and that ONLY those who don't like the UJ on the Aus flag are true Australians? Again, it's irrelevant if you agree with his sentiment. There is simply no supportable logic or argument involved. It's just emotion.

And this little chestnut:

Yes, that's exactly what it is - weird & illogical to have the flag of another country on a modern & independant countries flag. It's 2007, not 1777. Let go of your insecurities.

Right. I'm insecure because I like our current flag. That comment doesn't even rise above blatant stupidity.

So Nicks, if you want to say we should have a new flag, that's fine. But if you think any of the above comments from Uncle Festivus are rational then it's time to take Logic101 again.
You go on at Uncle about him and the Anti Australia crew?

Enlighten us numbercruncher.... whom is this Anti Australia crew you talk about?

Sorry Nicks i dont wish to partake in this fruitless banter anymore, flags here to stay, you guys who want it removed will need to wait a few generations or start a civil war or something.
Sorry Nicks i dont wish to partake in this fruitless banter anymore, flags here to stay, you guys who want it removed will need to wait a few generations or start a civil war or something.

Guess you dont want to justify your claims of an Anti Australia crew. Just make frivilous claims like this without any substantiation, then back out when challenged. Nice.
Yep you had better not partake in the discussion as how can one discuss irrational and frivilous unsubstantiated claims of some underground gang or 'crew'.

Whom is this Anti Australia crew I wonder. They sound quite bad.
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