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The worst government in Australia's history?

Some disappointing responses on this thread so far. The intent is to have a genuine discussion of where the Gillard government sits in the spectrum of worst Federal governments in Australian history. I do not think that anyone, even rusted-on Labor die hards, would say that this government is one of the best governments we have had.

It is interesting some of the comparisons with the Howard government. When the dust settles and we reflect back on Howard, for me the legacy of his government is mixed. His chief victories were the GST, the Future Fund, industrial relations reform, balance sheet repair and gun control. His losses were immigration/xenophobia, excessive middle class welfare, the degradation of the National Party and rural rights and the frittering away of Australia's mining largesse. His chief scandal was the 'children overboard' saga.

For those asking about my age, I was born in 1976 so my engagement in the political process starts with Hawke and Keating. Out of the five PMs, Keating was my favourite; in terms of Treasurers, Costello wins hands up. Worst PM by miles is Gillard, worst Treasurer is Swan. The Gillard government, in my mind, will forever be synonomous with 'out and out' corruption, the abuse of the political process in the naked pursuit of individual power, an erosion of libertarian values and outright class warfare.

That is how I see it. I am genuinely interested in the views of other, though, especially the insights of some 'old timers' for want of a better turn of phrase.
I was born in 1969 and to answer your question slightly differently.

Gillard: Worst federal government in an election I voted in.

Lawrence: Worst state government in an election I voted in.

I missed Burke by a year or two.

Like earthquakes have the Richter maybe we need to introduce a scale. I could put forth the Brevik Scale named for Anders Brevik who saw fit to pre-emptively assassinate the future political threat to his 'best of all possible worlds'.
So a for instance may be;

Electric Eric-----------------------.47
Burke -----------------------------.51
Joh Bjelkee's administration----.65 on the Brevik... serious incapacitation necessary
Robert Askin----------------------.69 on the Brevik... even more serious incapacitation necessary
NSW Labor 2000-2011-----------.77 on the Brevik.... and so on.
Billy McMahon--------------------. lean forward and rub forehead

This could be more easily quantified than you may think, you only have to ask yourself at what point would you actually start to feel sympathy for a Brevik, or revulsion, to gauge where it sits on the scale.
You may find yourself, as I have on many occasions, uttering 'They needed a good and early Breviking' or 'there's never a Brevik around when you need one'
With respect to the current government and its predecessor on their obsequiousness to the yanks re Hicks and Assange... both showing utter contempt for due process, which is our only protection against tyranny there's a few points up the Brevik for that.

He was 'Pig Iron Bob' for shipping to imperial japan pre war as Plod correctly stated. When waterside workers, what were to become the MUA, refused to load scrap bound to Japan. There was a little Raping of Nanking going on at the time. But I don't come to this forum for my history and neither should anyone else.
Plod thats wrong. He sold to the japs after the war. Back when labor was commie scum

I think you may have Menzies mixed up with Lang Hancock's lobbying for the embargo to be lifted and his success in 1961.

It is interesting some of the comparisons with the Howard government. When the dust settles and we reflect back on Howard, for me the legacy of his government is mixed. His chief victories were the GST....
The GST, the tax that was "never ever" to be introduced is considered to be a victory?

The GST still pisses me off today, an effective flat 10% income tax.

The Gillard government, in my mind, will forever be synonomous with 'out and out' corruption, the abuse of the political process in the naked pursuit of individual power, an erosion of libertarian values and outright class warfare.
"'out and out' corruption? Apart from Thomson, care to enlighten us?

"outright class warfare"? You have to be joking, right?
Gee another Labor bashing thread with puerile points who would have guessed.

Howard lost 8 or 9 ministers in his 1st term due to scandal.

I don't know of one Federal government that hasn't lost at least 2 or 3.........except Rudd / Gillard.

How about Australia's greatest lying opposition.
The GST, the tax that was "never ever" to be introduced is considered to be a victory?

The GST still pisses me off today, an effective flat 10% income tax.

Pop quiz for you McQuack... what taxes did GST replace? Hint - one begins with the letters ST.
Pop quiz for you McQuack... what taxes did GST replace? Hint - one begins with the letters ST.

Just F*cking spell it out Wayne?

If you are refering to Sales Tax, I can tell you, Sales Tax was not on f*cking everything.
Just F*cking spell it out Wayne?

If you are refering to Sales Tax, I can tell you, Sales Tax was not on f*cking everything.

No, but there were varying f*cking rates from f*cking 5% to f*cking 30% IIRC. Some f*cking items were f*cking unclear which f*cking rate they f*cking attracted and were at the f*cking whim of the f*cking ATO. Make it an administration f*cking nightmare.

Your f*cking point?


My point is, I f*cking don't like the GST.

You seem to love it, fair enough.
My point is, I f*cking don't like the GST.

You seem to love it, fair enough.

I said I love it?

When direct taxation is high, I don't like indirect (AKA consumption) taxes, because they are effectively taxes on taxes.... taxing already taxed income.

However, I do prefer it to the old BS system of sales tax.

I said I love it?

When direct taxation is high, I don't like indirect (AKA consumption) taxes, because they are effectively taxes on taxes.... taxing already taxed income.

However, I do prefer it to the old BS system of sales tax.


You are no whipper snapper, are you Wayne?

I do sympathise with Explod etc. that don't readily understand the miriad of internet shortcuts/slang, so start acting your age and stop trying to be a smart **** teenager.
You are no whipper snapper, are you Wayne?

I do sympathise with Explod etc. that don't readily understand the miriad of internet shortcuts/slang, so start acting your age and stop trying to be a smart **** teenager.

Ahhhh the familiar leftist resort to ad hom... must be a thesis in that.

By the way (or BTW if you like), in the technical fora (metallurgy & equine distal digit pathology) I hang out where the average age is > 40, such acronyms are common.

However I do admit to being young at heart.
By the way Wayne, was there ever a sales tax on horse shoes? This is a serious question.

But in the interests of fair discourse, 10% GST is far mor costly for the end consumer. The cost of the horseshoes, (if I happen to buy them, sometimes I make then from scratch) is a small proportion of of the cost. My iniquitous fee for service forms the greater proportion of the bill.

Very serious Mac; the AWU scandal, Obeid the leader of the faceless men, Thomson. Class warfare would be Wayne swan attacking industry leaders and the ' rich' or gillard handbag hit squad attack on Anglo Saxon male Australia. Btw, the gst replaced layers upon layers of protectionist sales taxes. if only the australian democrats had not been able to corrupt its elegance with their populist adjustments.
They are out to screw SMSF's now.

They have run out of money.

They are now screwing a segment of the population who actually worked while they played their Union members off, living the highlife with prostitutes and giving each other coal permits for $1, worth millions.

Definitely the worst government ever in Australia's history. Even worse than Whitlam.


Don't forget the Colour TV affair (Fraser government) or the Paddington Bear affair (Hawke government). That was the era of true scandal.
GG - so do you now believe me when I said Gillard never had the 'vibe'?
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